Samsung i8510 INNOV8
- i
- irvinehooi
- uC4
- 21 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 21 Jun 2009IrvineHooi
I have a developers certificate for my phone... moreHi, the website you given has been suspended and not working anymore. Is there any other source for me to sign and install application by myself ?? As long as it's not too complicated.
Thank you very much.
- b
- brynn
- nGx
- 21 Jun 2009
irvinehooi, 21 Jun 2009Hi, I just want to ask is your 8GB memory card is microSDHC... moreI am using 16gb high capacity micro-sd memory card..
The high capacity starts at 4gb and not all devices support it.My sammy d900/g600 only support 2gb micro sd but if they were to support the hc or high capacity version i would have used them a lot longer cause of more memory..Some devices are hc compatible but may only have been tested to 8gb hc so they may corrupt if you try to use 16gb..
The original n95-1 was only ever tested to 2gb and updates allowed it to recognise the bigger cards..
I backed up my fone memory to 16gb card it took 1hr 20 mins which is the longest back up ive encountered..Now i only have 840 KB on c-disk which i cannot explain so spending today seeing whats happened???
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0r1
- 21 Jun 2009
irvinehooi, 21 Jun 2009Hi, I just want to ask is your 8GB memory card is microSDHC... moreIrvineHooi
My card is HC.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0r1
- 21 Jun 2009
irvinehooi, 21 Jun 2009Hi I've tried the website that you recommend. Those softwar... moreIrvineHooi
I have a developers certificate for my phone and can sign apps myself and install them.
You can get one here but it takes about 2 weeks.
- i
- irvinehooi
- ibh
- 21 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 20 Jun 2009I Closed The ScreenCapturer with jbtaskman, OH ! Incredible... moreHi, I installed "jbaktaskman" on my INNOV8 and found out that "ScreenCapture" is running in the background. May I know what is "ScreenCapture" for ??
Any drawback or side effect for closing the "ScreenCapture" ??
Thank you very much.
- i
- irvinehooi
- ibh
- 21 Jun 2009
Dickless Cheney, 20 Jun 2009I have I8510XXIB2..
Battery life has tripled........wor... moreHi, I just want to ask is your 8GB memory card is microSDHC or not ??
What format of memory card does INNOV8 support, HC or non HC memory card ??
Thank you.
- i
- irvinehooi
- ibh
- 21 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 19 Jun 2009can anyone tell me if theres a way to block a persons unwan... moreHi you can try "Blacklist". Official website is ""
- i
- irvinehooi
- ibh
- 21 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 19 Jun 2009Irvinehooi
There are many programs you can download to d... moreHi I've tried the website that you recommend. Those softwares are unsigned and can't be successfully install on INNOV8.
I also tried "MobieGenie" that you recommend, are you sure it's working properly on your INNOV8 ?? This is a kind of "Answering Machine" software, but it cannot record anything on INNOV8. Because Samsung INNOV8 is restricting user from doing such thing and as well as recording the phone conversation.It's something due to samsung's policy.
- b
- brynn
- nGx
- 21 Jun 2009
I GOT 6.5 HRS of non-stop full screen video before going to emergency mode..
My innov8 is uk sim free
software version,,i8510xxhh7
software version date,,20/08/2008
custom version,,i8510l08xeuhh8
custom version date,,20/08/2008
Thats it and the battery is very good at this level of battery stamina..
- ?
- Anonymous
- jbx
- 21 Jun 2009
strange thing here : had three bars for battery since yesterday mid day. it's saturday 11 pm now and my phone has been on standby with power still with no bars in the battery meter reading. i only answered one call, fooled around with the phone for an hour and played with the ringtones some more and yet the phone is on. am waiting for it to go dead on me but it hasn't yet. no bars!!
the other night alone overnight i lost three bars from a previous full charge.
i think taking out garmin xt makes a difference on this phone.
- b
- brynn
- nGx
- 21 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 20 Jun 2009@brynn, thanks. looks that i had already done this.
btw,... moreI am doing a non-stop video test at moment on brightness 50% and volume full blast thru earfones..
I record all my stuff off dvd/tv on the sandisk v-mate video recorder..Just stick in 2gb micro-sd card and set up your choosen format and away you go..I say 2gb cause it does not recognise my 16 or 8 gb cards and have a few 2gb card lying around..
I once did some video recording of about 35 minutes using n95-1 in tele recording mode,, ie full vga 30fps and used some software to convert to dvd so i could burn it to a dvd and play in dvd player,,however,,after 26 hrs of conversion the meter was at 40% done so i give up and have never used any coverting software again.....
Will put up video test results for innov8 knowing i got 4hrs 55 minutes using n95 8gb in same test ,,I will also put up my software version etc..I have had most the n-series but innov8 is the best..
- D
- Dickless Cheney
- 0r1
- 20 Jun 2009
Anonymous, 20 Jun 2009@brynn, thanks. looks that i had already done this.
btw,... moreI have I8510XXIB2..
Battery life has great. Best phone ever.
I didn't say that 2 months ago when my battery life was 24 hours but NOW it is great.
And I have an 8GB memory card.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jbx
- 20 Jun 2009
@brynn, thanks. looks that i had already done this.
btw, i read somewhere that having a memory card also drains the battery. have you guys experienced this also?
i got a 16 gig card and will test this theory out.
is software version = firmware version of your phone?
mine is DJIC1.
custom version. what is this? mine is FMGIC1.
does the above look that i have the lastest updated phone?
again, what about converting .avi to .mp4? i can't seem to get this going. what do you guys use to properly convert .avi for this phone to make movies watchable.
all in all, i am a big disappointed with this phone. i phone is much more user friendly but its camera sux of course.
also, how the heck do i turn on wi fi and get on the internet? i am not subscribed to internet on my phone.
- b
- brynn
- nGx
- 20 Jun 2009
light sensor thing
menu,,settings,,general,,personalisation,,display,,auto brightness>> switch to OFF,,,Power saving mode>> switch to ON..
- ?
- Anonymous
- jbx
- 20 Jun 2009
turning off theme effects does make the phone go faster!!
wow. thanks for that little advice.
now what about that light sensor thing?
can someone show us the steps to get there?
- ?
- Anonymous
- jbx
- 20 Jun 2009
how do you turn the light sensor off?
- ?
- Anonymous
- TuJ
- 20 Jun 2009
I Closed The ScreenCapturer with jbtaskman, OH ! Incredible, Very Improve the battery life
- T
- T
- myJ
- 20 Jun 2009
Improve Battery, 19 Jun 2009Hi For improve the battery life use the "JBakTaskMan", ... moreCould you please explain fully on how to get a longer battery life.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGx
- 20 Jun 2009
cell info also takes its toll on battery telling you which area code uding cell base stations..
- s
- samsung innov8
- q8K
- 20 Jun 2009
I got this phone it is owesome! great camera, louder and cleaner speakers than n95 on 96, great display, very elegance look, of course very smart. Themes are downloadable from ( Really good phone......