Samsung i8510 INNOV8
- ?
- Anonymous
- Im0
- 13 Jun 2009
I will never buy another samsung phone again after owning the INNOV8 I850i. Between the dust behind the display and the fact that half the Apps that were advertised were benign , bogus and just plain did not work, I will stick to the Iphone. Iphone is the best. I plan on upgrading when the new one comes out
- D
- Dirk
- 0r1
- 13 Jun 2009
fti, 13 Jun 2009thanks Dirk....
so, i'll just use a sim card reader?FTI
The sim card reader allows you to copy all your numbers and data to your PC . Put it in 'contacts' in PC Studio and then hook up your phone and click on 'synchronize''.
- F
- Fadi
- mED
- 13 Jun 2009
Hi.. can some1 tell me the loudspeaker of this phone ? i love loud sound and clear is this like i love ?
- f
- fti
- vxp
- 13 Jun 2009
Dirk, 13 Jun 2009FTI
I have a little USB sim card reader costs 5 euros i... morethanks Dirk....
so, i'll just use a sim card reader?
- A
- Amaro
- 00q
- 13 Jun 2009
Afiqio, 13 Jun 2009the innov8, the nokia n86 or the sony ericsson w995?innov8!!! for sure
- D
- Dirk
- 0r1
- 13 Jun 2009
fti, 13 Jun 2009i have an old nokia 3230. its OS is s60.
i want to transf... moreFTI
I have a little USB sim card reader costs 5 euros including the software.
Bought it at Amsterdam airport gadget shop.
Google around for it.
- i
- irvinehooi
- ibh
- 13 Jun 2009
Hi INNOV8 users,
Recently I've installed "Best CallRecorder" from "", I can successfully install and run the program but it won't record anything. I go to the website and check that it said didn't support on Samsung mobile phone.
Somebody can please recommend a software that can record the conversation of the phone.
Thank you very much.
- A
- Afiqio
- ijs
- 13 Jun 2009
the innov8, the nokia n86 or the sony ericsson w995?
- N
- Nobita
- vxg
- 13 Jun 2009
what is the latest official firmware version for innov8? the video cam is dissapointing as the audio is out of sync/delayed.
- f
- fti
- vxp
- 13 Jun 2009
i have an old nokia 3230. its OS is s60.
i want to transfer all the files of it to my i8510 (like phonebook, sms archinves, etc.).
can anyone help me how to do it?
thanks in advance!
- D
- Dominic
- Nan
- 12 Jun 2009
riks, 11 Jun 2009u need to format ur cellphone..better to do it at service c... moreHi. Thanks for your reply. I'll take the phone back and hear what they say..
- p
- pioneer
- Pxx
- 12 Jun 2009
Hello INNOV8 users...Is there anyone who can help me out with this?
I bought my InnoV8 around 6 months back and after a month my set started hanging (sometimes) when a call appears. Even if a call is missed, the set keeps on displaying for hours that somebody is call me & i have to open the battery to turn it off. I was on a visit to Singapore last month and the samsung customer care over there reinstalled the firmware & changed the slider cable for me but its no use...the prob is back again. What do i do now?
- S
- Striker
- 12 Jun 2009
Shawn, 12 Jun 2009 I just upgrade my phone to the new firmware I lost all m... moreShawn
If your contacts were saved to your sim they should still be there - Menu>Contacts>Options>Sim Numbers
As for the battery, someone posted some tips a few pages back to get the best out of it after updating your f/w, you may wanna chack that out
- S
- Shawn
- q{k
- 12 Jun 2009
I just upgrade my phone to the new firmware I lost all my contacts and I find it that it really didn't do anything different to my phone.
- D
- Dirk
- 0r1
- 11 Jun 2009
irvinehooi, 11 Jun 2009@ Dirk
Hi, do I need any kind of software to do the sync i... moreIrvinehooi.
Get Outlook.................if you need to find a legal copy with serial check
Get the enterprise edition of MS Office and just install the Outlook part of it.
Actually I don't think you need it.
The sync in PC Studio has all you need.
- S
- Sheraz
- uWE
- 11 Jun 2009
can anyone help me
i installed total recal but it mutes the incoming also my fone is new but the battery heats up a lot while charging n battery time is only 1 day on standby
- d
- dwane
- 0RZ
- 11 Jun 2009
Bella, 08 Jun 2009Dwaine.. Recently i commented about dust particles getti... moreyeah that happened to my first, but my 2nd seems ok, just the paint coming off just makes it look tatty
- L
- Leo
- sxn
- 11 Jun 2009
Hi innov8 users...
I just want to know how to upgrade the firmware of the phone...thanks!!!
- i
- irvinehooi
- ib1
- 11 Jun 2009
Hi to all INNOV8 user,
Do you used the software called "Best CallRecorder" on INNOV8 ?? Will this software also can slow down the phone performance as well ?? Because I need this kind of software to do the phone tracking.
Thank you.
- i
- irvinehooi
- ib1
- 11 Jun 2009
Dirk , 10 Jun 2009Irvinehooi
In PC studio with USB hooked up to your phone... more@ Dirk
Hi, do I need any kind of software to do the sync in my PC. Like example MS Outlook, outlook express......etc.
Or any recommendation ??