Samsung i8510 INNOV8
- l
- leo
- sxn
- 20 Apr 2009
I have been using these phone for more than 3 weeks and I am so happy of the features specially the camera which produce great quality of picture for a mobile phone..
- l
- leo
- sxn
- 20 Apr 2009
yehia, 17 Apr 2009do you mean 2200 Ryal for the 8GB or 16GB ?!, here in UAE 2... moreyou get a new one because it much better...
- Y
- Yehia
- M{3
- 19 Apr 2009
To Expert Users Please,
Finally i got this mobile ,Evry thing is FANTASTIC but i have a problem with the GPS, I can't use the GPS, its every time i log into GPS + its asking about " Define Access connection " and i'm aready have a Wlan network in my home and its aready defined on the phone, is that msg 'Define Access connection " about the network 3G?? i mean connection through the sim card its self ( 3G) ???
Thanks in advanced
- J
- jst
- 19 Apr 2009
I must say that I am loving everything I read in the reviews about this phone. I would like to ask someone who currently owns one of these mobiles to give me their honest opinion on this gadget.
I have currently a Sony Ericsson P1i and it is totally different from what the folks here have posted. They give it a terrible look and it is not like that at all. I just wished they would have made it more compatible with more softwares. I need a phone that has Divx/xvid, flash support, very good camera, sweet audio, capable video recording/playback and so on. I am eager to know what your honest opionion is on this phone. Stop bashing other phones that people like, I would have no problem with the google maps as I would have no need at all to use that software, so no problems there.
- a
- alif
- PS6
- 18 Apr 2009
when i turn into music menu and choose 'playlists' or 'all songs' why it takes more times to out from it? actually i had bought 16G model and i put in about 7G for music only...the system becomes very slow to out from 'playlists' and 'all songs'.i also have memory card 8G but i only use 2G only.someone have a idea to avoid from that?
- C
- C P
- 0F6
- 18 Apr 2009
I am not a person to be easily amassed, but this i8510 has amazed me, I keep finding something else it does, and the operating software is so stable, Symbian I understand well what ever it works. The power lasts well enough even using the GPS. I have taken some lovely pictures of Diesels, and the macro was excellent when I had to picture a faulty carburettors auto choke assembly, which has left my colleges in disbelief I ever took them on my mobile. In the past for reliability I have usually had Samsung or Nokia mobiles and yet to be disappointed, however I did make one expensive mistake it was my BBerry Stm, problems or what, I think I fell for the BlackBerry advertising, still soon got shot of that thank you. So yes I am very pleased with my Samsung i8510, and I hope this short message has helped.
- M
- Mohammed
- 0mH
- 18 Apr 2009
I found it at Axium Telecom for 2200 SAR for the 16 gig, and they'll give you another "little" phone .. i don't know if Route66 comes with it or not , but i think so .
- y
- yehia
- M{3
- 17 Apr 2009
Darwish, 16 Apr 2009it's not available in Egypt, bas it's around 2,200 SR in Sa... moredo you mean 2200 Ryal for the 8GB or 16GB ?!, here in UAE 2400 AED for 8 GB New, i got offer 1600 For 16GB Used one . what do u think , is it good deal ?
- d
- discoveryrs
- LBb
- 17 Apr 2009
I Think that this is the N95/8GB / N96 ,, Killer
- L
- Levi
- 4Fv
- 17 Apr 2009
Reply to Maya 87:
I looked in eBay to see the prices of the innov8's and to my surprise, on average, it seems higher now than when I bought mine 3 months ago. I have the 16gb. Similar phones(ie SE C905) has their prices $100-150 cheaper now. So I guess I made the right choice.
- M
- Maya87
- 0mH
- 17 Apr 2009
1-i have PDA I-mate and i love this phone ,panorama shot and some features so u suggest me to buy it? i hate nokia so i'm confused about that...
2-are samsung prices down fast? if that i will wait :P
- A
- Aziz
- nCb
- 16 Apr 2009
Hi can some body tell me what is the best application for messenger??? Im using ebuddy in this phone bcz it allows me to confid facebook as well but after every 2mins its gets discon and then i have recon again 2 d network???
- D
- Darwish
- N7R
- 16 Apr 2009
yehia, 16 Apr 2009if u have this mob in egypt so how much doz it cost ? it's not available in Egypt, bas it's around 2,200 SR in Saudi Arabia.
- l
- levi
- RbX
- 16 Apr 2009
btw i had this phone for bout 3 months now and overall i am satisfied with. I only dont like the fact that u lose some camera settings each time u wanna use the camera, taking pics at night really sucks, the google map cant be updated
- l
- levi
- RbX
- 16 Apr 2009
has anyone dl'ed the youtube app? I can run the app and search for videos with no prob but the videos dont seem to load at all. It shows the loading icon but it never loads. If i go to the actual website it loads perfect. Anyone ideas.
- K
- Killian
- p$K
- 16 Apr 2009
I have had this phone for 2 days and its an awesome phone so far but its battery is pretty pathetic. And its already frozen twice..
- y
- yehia
- M{3
- 16 Apr 2009
Ayman Salah, 15 Apr 2009Hello, could anybody advise me about the quality of the lou... moreif u have this mob in egypt so how much doz it cost ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4b%
- 16 Apr 2009
i want to ask why does this phone after using it awhile is slows down ( as in app and text message replies is slow) ? is it because i have takin up so much memory by dl and adding pictures and video etc. but i have 16gb internal memory. shouldn't it hold it all??
- d
- dirk
- 0r1
- 15 Apr 2009
Seeing as the USA is usually way behind in implementing new tech to the masses I doubt if its available there yet.
Last time I was in the USA I was astounded at how archaic that country is.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0r1
- 15 Apr 2009
I don't have widgets either............its seems only certain models have them.
I have the Dutch model.