Samsung I9300I Galaxy S3 Neo
- s
- sathish
- 7wA
- 09 Jan 2015
Anonymous, 07 Jan 2015Hlo all. Any body could guide me on an issue. I have grand ... moreNo problem friends its not an issue so u don't worry
- D
- Dude
- 0m@
- 08 Jan 2015
So i would like to buy this phone but I want a blue version, I'm afraid that if i ask for blue they will give me the first version of s3 with 1gb ram and 4.3 android, so is this NEO phone with 1.5 gb of ram and 4.4.2. android available in blue ?
- j
- jr
- 3CY
- 08 Jan 2015
Nishant, 21 Dec 2014Every thing is awesome in S3 Neo but my phone is being Hang... moreYes me too we have same problem if u used front camera it will log u have to restart first b4 u can use tha back camera.
- j
- jr
- 3CY
- 08 Jan 2015
Nishant, 21 Dec 2014Every thing is awesome in S3 Neo but my phone is being Hang... moreYes me too we have same problem if u used front camera it will log u have to restart first b4 u can use tha back camera.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7tB
- 08 Jan 2015
Mohan, 07 Jan 2015I am using Samsung Galaxy S III neo (GT-I9300I), It is a ve... moreyes ....
- s
- santaf
- fkR
- 08 Jan 2015
i've been updating to kitkat 4.4.4 yesterday , no big change at all :( just white task bar and i hate the locksreen music i loved the the 4.3 lock screen when u r playing Music , no change in battery performance i guess its just a Name ( kitkat ) the ony benfit u got :D Thanks That was my experience
- D
- AnonD-29051
- 08 Jan 2015
how can i update my s3 neo to kitkat pls reply anyone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3uU
- 07 Jan 2015
Anonymous, 30 Jun 2014Is there a way to get panoramic photos with samsung s3 neo?Yes! You can make panorama photos :).
I have a problem with smart stay because when i turn it on it doesn't even show the eye😯. Can anyone help?
Thanks ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 07 Jan 2015
Hlo all. Any body could guide me on an issue. I have grand neo and s3 neo. Both have 2100 mah battery. Today while exchanging sims I mixed up the batteries. Anyhow I placed both in the respective cell on mere conjecture. Does it make any difference. My query may appear quite stupid but thought of seeking advice of the friends having knowledge on such matters.
- M
- Mohan
- Hkt
- 07 Jan 2015
I am using Samsung Galaxy S III neo (GT-I9300I), It is a very great device than compere devices with it.
- Good Performance
- Great Battery life
- Good Ram
- SIII can be your Partner.
- Great Camera Results.
- N
- Nixx
- JK@
- 06 Jan 2015
Has more features? are u sirious? I have both ( s3 neo and s3 i9300 ) and both have SAME features,only i9300 has pinch to zoom option which neo doesnt have. s3 neo works better,is beeter optimised and has more ram.
- N
- NR
- wph
- 06 Jan 2015
rajendra Arote , 04 Jan 2015S3 neo is gorrilla glass any buddy tell me No S3 neo does not have Gorilla Glass Whereas S3 i9300 has. Just Check out the drop test for S3 neo in Youtube . The Display / Glass was Smashed in just one drop. Original S3 though old but is a sturdy phone with many more feature than S3 neo .. Like USB Host OTG and HDMI via USB , BSI Sensor and more . The only advantage S3 neo has got is dual sim and Kitkat.
- r
- robert , czech rep.
- Mn3
- 06 Jan 2015
I have this one for about 1 month. Great device .
I miss only one thing (which was included in his older brother Galaxy S3) . And it is OTG USB . In other words, it does not support direct connection of USB flash . And it is hardware vacancy, can not be emulated by any firmware . Again some manager needed to spare some coin.
- J
- Jigu
- X}H
- 06 Jan 2015
partha, 04 Jan 2015evwn i am facing the same. also i am leaving mobile withou... morePartha, check if there are applications left running? also there are many features in the phone (like smart stay, palm motion, mute on flip etc) if you don't use them disable them from settings, and keep the brightness lower. It works fine for me.
- v
- 05 Jan 2015
Crrystal, 18 Dec 2014I am using s3 neo after update to kitkat 4.4.4 there is cam... moreIf u installed viber remove it and check the camera again I also experienced by this problem
- n
- nunnu
- Hkq
- 05 Jan 2015
dick, 05 Jan 2015which is better ..s3 neo or grand2S3 Neo is better
- d
- dick
- bEQ
- 05 Jan 2015
which is better ..s3 neo or grand2
- d
- dick
- bEQ
- 05 Jan 2015
which is better ..s3 neo or grand2
- ?
- Anonymous
- bEQ
- 05 Jan 2015
is s3 neo having gorilla glass as in s3
- B
- Boki
- 0Tn
- 04 Jan 2015
Which one is better: Samsung I9300I Galaxy S3 Neo or Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 SM-G7102?