Samsung I9305 Galaxy S III

Samsung I9305 Galaxy S III

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • 9LY
  • 21 Nov 2012

there r types of samsung galaxy s3 among these which is the best 1

    • u
    • user
    • 4nH
    • 21 Nov 2012

    to all those people who believe the Samsung galaxy s3 is the best phone right now I can personally say it is not and if you looking for a phone with better battery life and better performance and uniformed ui please go with the HTC ONE X PLUS + the test has proven that the one x plus battery lasts much longer than s3. 64gb memory its really a good deal. That can hold you off until u ready for the next droid dna international with 64 gb memory.

      • H
      • Hopeful Buyer
      • d@C
      • 21 Nov 2012

      I'm concerned about battery life. Specs say that the I9305 (LTE) has only about five-eighths of the battery life of the I9300 even when 4G is not turned on. This implies that there is something other than the 4G circuitry that is causing the battery to drain. The additional 1 GB of RAM maybe?
      Does anyone have this phone and can comment on battery life?

        • D
        • AnonD-79232
        • 46H
        • 21 Nov 2012

        @Hacker - Not wanting to embarrass you but this is not a i9300, for starters this phone is a 4 core processor running at 1.4 ghz, second this phone has 2gb of memory making this phone vastly superior to the i9300 in multitasking. My good friend who actually dealt with IED in Iraq tells me they mostly used cheap flip phones for detonation. I agree with him, why the heck would a terrorist use a 600 or 700 dollar phone to receive a call and trigger the explosives? They used cheap phones my friend.

          • D
          • AnonD-79207
          • t}p
          • 21 Nov 2012

          can anybody let me know about its battery backup? fr how long we can talk on the phn, or surf the net, using this phn??

            • k
            • kislay
            • t}p
            • 21 Nov 2012

            can anyone please let me know about the battery life and its' backup, when fully charged..? fr how long we can talk on phn, or surf the net or watch any video, using this phone s III 9305??

              • l
              • lord k
              • N9@
              • 21 Nov 2012

              Can this phone work in Nigeria?

                • T
                • Trunckks
                • NaK
                • 20 Nov 2012

                Kosova, 19 Nov 2012Well what can I say from my professional experience with Sa... moreU have never experienced an s3 at first hand , there is no 4n like the s3 in whole wide world

                  • h
                  • hacker1
                  • kJU
                  • 20 Nov 2012

                  aces_high, 20 Nov 2012because ur phone must be I9300 Galaxy S IIIOk i went to the horse mouth on this one the samsung galaxy S3 i9300 the unlocked version gets settings from the Simcard there preloaded now on this phone you can go in to hidden areas and change the settings your self and the PHONE WILL DO 4G LTE any where in the world because that I have a very technical background in electronics from the US-Army I know things about these phones that is not published because we ran in to the phone's used as IED's all the time. all kinds of phones
                  im telling you that there is no reason to buy the I9305 there both the same its the programming that is diffrent if you like the extra ram ok go buy one spend the money but you get rid of the bloat ware in the phone and change some settings the memory will auto clear and you wont run out of memory & if you want you can program the phone to use the SDcard as ram in the phone with a app and you then will have 32gb of ram and the phone wont know the diffrence. now any one think they can find a phone with 32GB of ram in the phone. its all software man that is all.
                  the I9305 settings just changes the core voltage to overclock to 1.7 GHZ or 1.6ghz the processor was made for that if you look up the specs on it its made to do both speeds, but it will eat up the battery thats it.

                  there is you answer

                    • h
                    • hacker 1
                    • kJU
                    • 20 Nov 2012

                    hacker 1, 18 Nov 2012guys i have compared many things even best buy in the usa s... moreguys the samsung galaxy S3 I9300 will work any where
                    in the world and it will do 4G LTE in the usa the I9305 is for Europe right now. but guys the I9300 if you use some custom roms and redo the radio image file
                    or use Roms that have custome Radio Image files it will work any where in the world othere then the extra memory you realy dont need, there the same the processor is the same the I9300 can be Set to run the processor at the same speed there the same processor
                    same GPU as well, the screen may be diffrent, but that is it.
                    you guys are confuseing your selves its that easy. its unlocked flash boot the radio Image to what you want.

                      • B
                      • Babu
                      • F$a
                      • 20 Nov 2012

                      Is there any difference between SGH-I747 & GT-I9300.

                        • a
                        • aces_high
                        • 98g
                        • 20 Nov 2012

                        lukas, 19 Nov 2012I have radio i dont know why is not listedbecause ur phone must be I9300 Galaxy S III

                          • D
                          • AnonD-78812
                          • YW2
                          • 20 Nov 2012

                          Aston , 19 Nov 2012there is radio in s3 ...?no radio :(

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IVC
                            • 20 Nov 2012

                            AnonD-64129, 17 Nov 2012My S3 froze three times today! I was quite disturbed by it ... moreI've been having the same problem since i updated to jelly bean... the phone keep freezing from time to time...

                              • l
                              • lukas
                              • SvC
                              • 19 Nov 2012

                              I have radio i dont know why is not listed

                                • D
                                • AnonD-78723
                                • g5i
                                • 19 Nov 2012

                                Well what can I say from my professional experience with Samsung galaxy s3 and other phones such as HTC x+ the winner is HTC x+ .. stronger better performance ... Samsung is not worth it.. Samsung it has poor batter life believe me ...

                                  • K
                                  • Kosova
                                  • g5i
                                  • 19 Nov 2012

                                  Well what can I say from my professional experience with Samsung galaxy s3 and other phones such as HTC x+ the winner is HTC x+ .. stronger better performance ... Samsung is not worth it.. Samsung it has poor batter life believe me ...

                                    • A
                                    • Aston
                                    • Mf5
                                    • 19 Nov 2012

                                    there is radio in s3 ...?

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-78703
                                      • xxG
                                      • 19 Nov 2012

                                      shihab 916, 16 Nov 2012Diffrence between Ram only, it had 2gb ram so the battery w... moreThe amount of RAM will have absolutely no effect on the battery life of the phone. LTE if let enabled, however, may affect battery performance. That said, you can always switch off LTE and you will effectively have a GSIII i9000 with 2GB of RAM.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-78703
                                        • xxG
                                        • 19 Nov 2012

                                        hacker 1, 18 Nov 2012guys i have compared many things even best buy in the usa s... moreThe i9300 does NOT have LTE. The i747 and other North American variants do, but they lack the exynos quad core. You are entirely incorrect: the i9305 is the only revision of the GSIII available with Quad Core, 2GB or RAM, and LTE.