Samsung hikes smartphone camera prices as market rebounds

According to industry sources close to a Chinese media outlet, Samsung has notified its hardware partners about CIS (Camera Image Sensors) component price increases. Starting next year, the Korean tech giant is bumping up the prices of some components by 25% and others by up to 30%.

Samsung is one of the world's biggest CMOS sensor manufacturers and for the first time in two years, the Korean firm is seeing a spike in orders. The global smartphone market was rather sluggish, to say the least, for the past two years and it's now finally picking up steam, hence why Samsung feels confident enough to increase prices.

The report also says the price hike mainly affects high-resolution sensors, 32MP and above. It remains to be seen whether the change will significantly impact smartphone prices in general and Samsung's very own handsets.


Reader comments

  • Sunny

Samsung must bring it on! just let them increase price and Sony, Omnivision, could took the slice of market Pie. samsung gets the wrong move of giving other companies a chance to steal it's customer

I won't be surprised if the price hike would affect the 32MP, 48MP, and 64MP camera sensors since most brands are going all out on 108MP and 200MP.

  • Anonymous

samsung itself is safe since they still use 2020 cam tech