Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab
- A
- Ahmed Khalil
- fvI
- 11 Sep 2010
When I saw the ipad for the first time i dreamed about an slightly smaller, lighter, more portable, cheaper and including a phone, camera and memory card slot ipad.
And now this is called Samsung Tab. exept for the price which is still a mystery.
So thank u Samsung, but i blame them for 2 thing: the camera must be up to date with at least 5 mp resolution and HD video, and the display why they didn't include their great Amoled display, although i can understand about the display for power concerns , but i cant find any excuse for the camera.
whatever they used to do great work with something missing like the Galaxy S which lacks a camera flash!!!
I am waiting for it
- j
- joepiedepoepie
- Yek
- 11 Sep 2010
hahaha always the same reaction of those Fanboys "nothing will beat apple".
Geezzz wake up. Don't know why a device too big, too heavy, no USB, no microSD, no camera, no Flash-support, no phone, no DLNA, no real multitasking (the list goes on forever :))) should beat a device like the Galaxy Tab which has all these features.
- J
- J
- Kx1
- 11 Sep 2010
dindey, 10 Sep 2010where'd you get ur info about the 300usd? is that on-contra... moreI got it fr gsmarena blog 'samsung plans to sell 10mill of g-tabs'. n by tht price i must say, if they distribute right, 10mill of d tabs will b sold b4 d end of d year. n i think by now, no1's going to buy an ipad
- d
- dindey
- vx3
- 10 Sep 2010
J, 10 Sep 2010Hv u guys read d news? it's gonna go for only 200-300 USD! ... morewhere'd you get ur info about the 300usd? is that on-contract price? that would be good news though.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Av
- 10 Sep 2010
It's great. Thank you Samsung. Down apple.
Needs a better camera, though.
- J
- J
- Kxb
- 10 Sep 2010
Hv u guys read d news? it's gonna go for only 200-300 USD! FOR REAL!!! d dreams r finally coming true... so by this, i guess it's fair to declare that the ipad is officially, history!
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaH
- 10 Sep 2010
This is a TOP OF THE RANGE PHONE...1 of its kind,u need to try it out guys,IT ROCKS..................
- C
- Cuong Tran Anh
- 2IK
- 10 Sep 2010
I fink this tab would be one of the best devices 2010. It contains everything you need in a device up to now. All we have to wait is the price, if the price is lower than US$600, It'll be the best seller when it comes to the market.
- P
- wgb
- 10 Sep 2010
Okay, i have got both of these devices, and in the end it is very hard to make up my mind. but i do have tyo say that i like the Samsung better, Sleeker look. faster. and easier to use in general..... i think the ipad sorta rushed the job a bit, with all the errors i get.... =/... im unhappy Apple.
- S
- Sujal
- RKk
- 10 Sep 2010
Nothing will beat apple.....!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mg$
- 10 Sep 2010
i think it won't have a great market because of the weight and size...too huge!
- s
- shayne
- j01
- 10 Sep 2010
who wants to take a stone such this handy with?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 10 Sep 2010
30 pin conector copy
- S
- Sweet!
- tD8
- 10 Sep 2010
The portability itself is just sweet! i can simply take it anywhere i want. full web browsing xperience is going to b max in this tablet. it has an office feature too, removable storage, video calling on a 7" screen and a pretty nice camera that also shoot a pretty nice video (though not an hd but it's alot bettr than nothing right?) + full phone functionality all in ONE gadget. sweet. it's gonna make me proud to hv one. u can't possibly mistaken one with an ipad.
- R
- Ryan
- 3a9
- 10 Sep 2010
Had a go on one of these yesterday and it's a major peice of competition for the i-pad.I prefered it's much sleeker design and cosmetic apperance and would definately purchase it.
- M
- Moth man prophecy
- uNV
- 09 Sep 2010
If i can afford it ....i must buy it
- z
- zef
- nC6
- 09 Sep 2010
i think samsung is out on a mission to kill iphone, after glaxyS now this
- ?
- Anonymous
- tZu
- 09 Sep 2010
samsung is on top
android os
bada os
java/samsung dual/samsung touch
symbian os
windows os
- ?
- Anonymous
- s8i
- 09 Sep 2010
Smiledon, 09 Sep 2010Does the browser work well on CRM sites like dont have much idea but i guess it works because it supports full flash.please consult experts to confirm.
- S
- Smiledon
- 0Up
- 09 Sep 2010
Does the browser work well on CRM sites like