Samsung P300
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rxn
- 08 Jun 2006
Obviously, this phone isn't for everyone. This was primarily a design exercise to see how many features they can cram into a tiny package. Because of that you sacrifice a lot in terms of useability. Features:size ratio of this can't be beat.
I've had this for months and since I value size more than anything-I'd say this was STILL the best phone I've ever had. The 2nd best is my D600 which is also awesome!
- J
- Just comment
- 2Fy
- 06 Jun 2006
There are smaller phones made in China for the Chinese market which is almost as thin but narrower than the P300. The speaker volume & also the ring volume is at least 5 times as loud as the P300!!!
Playing MP3 with the P300 is way too quiet.......those Chinese made tiny small phones are as loud as say; the Sony Ericsson W800.
- G
- Graig
- jSU
- 05 Jun 2006
P300 Is for those fools, who admire slimness in the phone!
-The slimer the better! (Fu...c the sound clarity!)
-The uglier the better!
-The more expensive the better!
This is the main philosophy of SAMSUNG and Sony Ericsson! And now, Nokia starts sharing the same philosophy!
- S
- SAMSUNG P300/308
- 2Fy
- 05 Jun 2006
The worst phone (features & performance) I had ever owned / encountered :-
- Shape of the phone not comfortable to hold at all.
- Took hours to fully charge the battery (much longer charging time even compare to other Samsung phones!)
- There is almost NOT any 'normal usable' feature to speak of!
- The damn phone is so damn slow at switching to another service provider OR even slower at searching for available service provider in MANUAL mode!!!
This is really a piece of rip off sh** by Samsung........What a shame!!!!!!
- N
- Nick
- 4sb
- 05 Jun 2006
AND IF THE had a half of brain it would ask SAMSUNG A QUESTION:
-How can the phone that is 8mm thick produce any normal or loud ringer or normal earpiece sound quality?
- N
- Nick
- 4sb
- 05 Jun 2006
Get out of cellular phone market!
Concentrate better on creating advanced multimedia calculators, vibrators, and don't forget to make a digital camera out of pen!!!!
- P
- P300.......NO, NO!
- TR{
- 02 Jun 2006
Every time I search for a service provider when using this P300 phone, I have to curse Samsung because it took forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY????????????
- ?
- Anonymous
- NR2
- 02 Jun 2006
I have had this phone for a week and it not only looks great but it has a clear and easy menu and works very well.
- N
- Nick
- 4sb
- 01 Jun 2006
This phone does not work as a phone at all! (just like most of the Samsung phones)
So why the hell Samsung calls it a cellular phone?
New Name:
An advanced, multimedia calculator.
As an advanced multimedia calculator this toy would get 5.0 score for sure!
- N
- Nick
- 4sb
- 01 Jun 2006
P.S. Don't believe B.S. reviewers who never held this toy in their hands.
Sadly, it is in the most basic of phone functions that the Samsung SGH-P300 shows its only real fault of note. Call audio quality on the P300 is relatively poor. Both inbound and outbound audio quality lack clarity and suffer from differing types of distortion. My first call made on the device, with my mother, immediately resulted in her asking what device I was using. She knew right away that I was using a new phone for the call. The audio quality when using the speakerphone or a Bluetooth
- p
- ps
- mX9
- 31 May 2006
alrite campers ive had me p300 casio lol a couple of days now and i love its great coz ill never get mugged coz it looks a casio calculator. who needs 3g thats crap fm radio its got an mp3 player you can get a couple of songs on which is enough you dont by a mobile to be an mp3 or camera or radio you buy it to txt and call people. everythink else is a bonus and it does everythink well. the only problem is that o2 havent got pay as you go settings for it yet so i cant send mms pics yet.
- e
- expensive
- 29 May 2006
this phone is expensive compare to its feature. i agreed that the design is simple and beautiful, but the specf. wise is hopeless. this model is for the people who like to show off only.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 29 May 2006
no memory slot , no fm radio . no 3g
, no nothing
- ?
- Anonymous
- TR{
- 28 May 2006
Every Samsung mobile phone owner that I konw (incluning myself) are encountering the problem of taking extremely long time searching for a service provider (especially when switching from one service provider to another automatically).
Can anyone advise why this happen?
- P
- Prima
- nHT
- 27 May 2006
Does anybody know if this phone actually has a calculator feature incorporated into it?
- s
- mm$
- 27 May 2006
i love my new p300, i love the retro styling, 80's calculator style. its great for me to have another small samsung, i've had a mda compact as my main phone for a 9 months now and although its a fantastic all round piece of equipment, video, pictures, spredsheets, satnav etc i needed something smaller in my pocket and the p300 fills that role, as a great all round handset with superb features in a fantastically small package. its a refreshhing change for the styling to look completely different from everything else on the market, samsung are bringing out a 6.5mm thick 2 megapixel candy bar style hanset for xmas 2006, should be good.meanwhile everyone has a different requirement from there phones and the p300 for me is as near as perfect as possible.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4G6
- 26 May 2006
How do i get my mms and my internet to work in the usa on t-mobile. is it even possible?
- D
- Daniel
- MjX
- 26 May 2006
Is it true, that the leather case reduces the sensitivity of the mic.? Is the sound quality fine when the phone is in there case?
- A
- Andy Yeo
- F4p
- 26 May 2006
I suggest this phone should have memory card n it will be very nice. Thank you.
- N
- Not fair
- TR{
- 23 May 2006
I really don't understand why every time that Samsung (especially in Hong Kong) introduce a new phone to the market, they always have a higher than expceted list price for whatever model they can offer!!! I suppose the Hong Kong Samsung agent is ripping off consumer!!!