Samsung P300
- m
- malitgone
- mxk
- 23 May 2006
thanks Chris
you are a star
- G
- Grant
- mfy
- 23 May 2006
Jeez... people what's wrong with this phone! I mean it's small and does everything you need it to so whats the problem? Next you'll be complaining that phone's are rubbish because it can't scratch your back!! Get a grip people.
I remember when people complained phones are to big now it's there to small. Quite naive really.
The phone is small, smart looking, I don't notice it's in my pocket and I can make and recieve calls on it. Oh that's right because it's just a phone. Think people need to get out more if they find it necessarey to slate this phone.
- C
- Chris
- iL$
- 23 May 2006
To change the ring tones select menu settings then sound settings then incoming call then select the ring tone and then press the button uwith the i/ok icon on it which is under the top left button then you get the options to change and select 1 of 30 pretty poor ringtones!
- m
- malitgone
- mxk
- 22 May 2006
I have read on a few sits that the p300 has 30 ring tones
The one it is set up on is doing my head in
When I go off the manual to change the ring tones it will not have any ring tones there but the one that is doing my head in
Can any one Pleas tell me how to change the ring tone on the p300?
- J
- Just own comment
- TR{
- 22 May 2006
To, 2006-05-21 18:52 iLQx :
FYI, My mini PDA is made in China(it's a joint venture between a Korean company & a Chinese company, it's major market is obviously mainland China). The company which produce this mini-PDA is called 'KIFUNG' & the model is 'S108'.
- J
- Jack
- 4vj
- 21 May 2006
Hi, does anyone know how to set up the MMS for this phone on a T-Mobile US network? I tried sending pix but it says failed. I tried setting it up on the samsung website, it also didnt work. Also it would be nice if i can set up my E-mail and WAP. PLEASE HELP IF ANYONE KNOWS HOW!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- iLQ
- 21 May 2006
Just own comment-What PDA do you have from Kor?
- J
- Just own comment
- TR{
- 21 May 2006
shaun :-
Nice phone it is.......or else I would not have brought it & still keeping it! I agree the call quality is not bad at all. Major problem with this phone is the quality of the speaker phone, which when I turn up the volume; the sound is loud enough but the sound quality became bad! The other major problem is with the network search; which is extremely slow. No 'vibrate & ring' is another major design fault with all Samsung phones.
Talking about function, this phone really do not have much.......even for its size! I have a korean made pocket PDA which is smaller in all dimension except a little thicker at 13mm, have 10 times more function than my P300 BUT cost less the have the price of this phone!!! Some people (including male & female) prefer the look of my korean mini-PDA, & some prefer the P300. (The korean PDA feels nicer when holding in my hand because it is narrower & has got rounder edges).
- s
- shaun
- SmZ
- 21 May 2006
i've had mine about 2 weeks now, i can honestly say it's a great phone. The ring tones are not the loudest in the world but its loud enough to let you know someones calling. I really couldn't believe that samsung managed to fit all the features that they have into such a small and slick case. I also dont get why some people have such a problem with its looks, in the flesh it looks like a well built expensive bit of kit that stands out from the crowd and eveyone whos seen mine has loved it. Some people have stated that the call quality is poor, vthis is not something that i have found or had anyone i was calling comment upon. I would recommend this phone to anyone.
- l
- lloyd
- 20 May 2006
hey guys! for those guys that had p300! is there any chance that the p300 will experience lagging when the 80mb mem is almost full? im planning to buy 1! but the most important aspect of a fone for me is that part. as we all know, fone is very important and the hanging and lagging can cause everything! tnx!
- l
- lloyd
- 20 May 2006
im currently choosing between p300 and SE-w900, im a lil bit confuse... i like d w900's specs., specially d 470mb internel mem. but what turns me off is the lagging, and its size, im a fashion type of guy and i like the p300 bec. of its unique design and it come along with 2 batteries... and 80mb internal mem. is not quite bad, though its not expandable, but what i like about it is that its not lagging, im still weighing it out between this 2.
- T
- 20 May 2006
I really like this phone very much but why there is so complaints about this. I just don't understand and shut up your big mouth if u are saying bad things. I hope it can upgrade to 8GB memory and 1800mah battery as soon as possible. Please tell me the details as soon as possible.
- P
- Phone player
- 2Fy
- 20 May 2006
I've found another con when dialling phone number under sunlight.......the reflection of sunlight from the stainless steel metal blind the eyes.
- P
- Phone player
- 2Fy
- 20 May 2006
-This phone is well made. Look is very personal.
-Features quite lousy.......not even a dictionary nor radio.
-There is no vibrate & ring feature.
-Searching for available network (especially in manual mode) is extremely slow.
-Lots of static from the speaker phone when turn up the ring volume to 4/5.
-The camera quality is only acceptable.
-Prints are a bit too small to read comfortably; except those for dialling a phone #.
-Ring volume too quiet & the ring quality from the speaker is un-impressive.
-Not comfortable to handle (too wide).
The battery standby time lasted longer than I had expected.
My advise :- If anyone like this phone because it's made from stainless steel; buy the Nokia 8800 if you can afford the extra cost (I own both of them).
- N
- Nigel (UK)
- msi
- 18 May 2006
Hi Fred, there doesn't seem to be any option for the sms to save to the phone automatically.
Well I've had this phone for just over a week now and I'm still loving it. The only thing I don't like is the usual Samsung lack of 'vibe and ring' option. So if anyone nows where I can download a 'ring ring' type tone with built in vibrate let me know!
- F
- Fred
- P$s
- 18 May 2006
Dear Nigel,
Thanks for your advice.
However, is there anyway to set the sms automaticallt stored to the phone when it arrives. It seems like all the sms are automatically stored in all other phones except this one.
Thanks again.
- k
- kim samsung
- PZt
- 17 May 2006
what the hells wrong with samsung??!!! another calculator in the making!! is samsung penetrating the calculator market??
hello poh??!?? telepon... jackamawatan!!!
- a
- arbitrage
- P%G
- 17 May 2006
had the phone for 1 week and impressed thus far. agree that the phone must be seen in person to get a good idea of quality, design and size.
Overall the phone has good features and best of all is the unique design and size. my previous phone was the V3 and i like them both. everyone has the V3 so i bought this when i lost my V3
- D
- Dr Dan
- yLR
- 17 May 2006
Bought the Samsung P300 last week. It is a fantastic looking phone and very comfortable to hold/ definitely an eye catcher. I have, however, returned the phone and am in the process of purchasing the new Sony K800i. For me the limitations of the phone outweigh the cool design. My main criticims are:
1) Very bad audio quality (documented design flaw) - ask the person you have called to report back on how clear the call is.
2) Very quiet ring tone and no vibrating call.
3) Rather poor camera (compared to the 2/3mp phones available now).
Despite these problems it is a nice phone but I figured I would be bored of it after a couple of months and would be tied to an 18m contract.
- P
- Phone player
- TR{
- 17 May 2006
Can anyone help?
1. Try out the function of the & notice that I cannot assign any other function to the 2 soft keys the soft keys! Am I correct?
2. Also by accident notice that there is a function somewhere where you are allowed to change the keypad format(only 2 choices)......I am unable to find this function again even after spending over 2 hours!!!.......Anyone know where this function is located? pls. advise.