Samsung P300

Samsung P300

User opinions and reviews

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  • N
  • Nigel (UK)
  • nEQ
  • 17 May 2006

Hi Fred, texts are stored automatically to the sim, to move to the phone open the message, hit 'options' then option 4 is 'move to phone'.
And no you can't change the SMS tones, your stuck with whats on the phone.

    • F
    • Fred
    • P$s
    • 17 May 2006

    Just got the phone. Have 2 questions that I can't figure out, see if anyone out there can help me out.
    1. All the sms I received were stored in the simcard, how can I change to store in phone.
    2. Can I use my own mp3 music as the SMS ringtone?
    Thank you very much in advance.

      • T
      • Tony
      • nEL
      • 16 May 2006

      My phone arrived today and so far I am impressed, the "0" key takes some getting used to and I must say that the sound is not that loud ringing and I have found that I have missed a few calls, could this be a ploy to get me to ring people back, very impressed with the overall quality of the phone, My last phone was a black berry, and a V3i this is much better. I would highly recomend that you see it a shop first as the web images do not do it justice.

        • N
        • Nigel (UK)
        • msi
        • 16 May 2006

        I weighed it on the postage scales in my office so give or take a couple of grams it should be correct.

          • P
          • Phone player
          • TR{
          • 16 May 2006

          Nice looking phone. Look delicate but is very strongly build(good quality).
          I brought one about 10 days ago but never have the chance to use it yet as I have been away on a business trip to Beijing, China.(I brought with me my Nokia 8800 & a very nice looking China made mini PDA phone with me). I am quite excited to try out/play with the P300 when I am free at home tonight. I shall keep you guys posted on my opinion of the P300.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • m}x
            • 16 May 2006

            Thank You for the information. May I ask you though, did you weigh it? Sorry to be a pain about this, but a dealer insures me it weighs 65g, and it makes a difference I think.

              • l
              • lorsban
              • PB4
              • 16 May 2006

              neQk's right. The point of this phone is the design. The fact that samsung was able to put the features that this has is amazing enough. I mean check it out: its a phone, 1.2mp digicam, video recorder, calculator, organizer and mp3 player that fits in your calling card case!!! Its the size of a stack of credit cards! C'mon, that's amazing no matter how you look at it.

                • N
                • Nigel (UK)
                • nEQ
                • 15 May 2006

                It weighs 79g or 140g with the case.
                I got this phone last week in the UK, and it is the most amazing phone I have ever owned, my last phone was the V3i and this is far better. I'd say to anyone that hasn't actually had this phone in there hands and used it to keep there opinions to themselves until they have. Most reviews on here have missed the point of this phone, your not buying this for gadgets your buying it for the unique design. But even saying that since the specs are pretty much the same as the D500 thats a big bonus. The screen is the best I have seen on a mobile, it's very clear and bright even in direct sunlight. The battery life has been amazing and that's without the second battery built into the case. Signal strength and call quality are pretty much the same as the V3i.
                I haven't found anyone that has tried my phone saying they don't like the design, my girlfriend was one of the 'ha! Calculator' people, she has ordered one this morning after trying mine.
                Go to a shop and actually try one out!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • m}x
                  • 15 May 2006

                  PLEASE could someone, who owns one, tell me the WEIGHT.

                    • s
                    • sam shung
                    • PFM
                    • 15 May 2006

                    damm u samsung..
                    for 80mb??? what the hell am i suppose to do with it?
                    at least u guys fit it with external memory, if not, at least a fm radio.
                    i saw this phone and i agreed with goodday.

                      • M
                      • Michaelangelo Laygo
                      • PZu
                      • 14 May 2006

                      haha! it looks like a calculator!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • F4p
                        • 12 May 2006

                        Would anyone even consider this calculator?

                          • A
                          • AMG
                          • niV
                          • 12 May 2006

                          i was scared about the call quality,i have the phone for two days and the call quality is goooooood.....

                            • a
                            • amg
                            • niV
                            • 12 May 2006

                   dont have the phone so how can can you say the cam is no good.....the cam is preety good and the video is amazing ,the best i have seen, the phone looks 100 times better in real life,it very thin,the tft is amazing,and the call quality is ok too.......most peopel dont even print out pics from cell phones,the p300 looks great on a computer screen............

                              • R
                              • Rio
                              • iLQ
                              • 12 May 2006

                              Thought I would add a new update about this phone from my last one. Most people think it is funky so I like that they like it. The call quality is amazing which I am please about. I found the sound to be very low but to all you that are still having the same problem, download ringtones or music with a high bitrate rate. The higher the better.I get mine from Limewire and to be honest it is loud enough with some ring tones. I have not really experienced breakup when I am on the phone and believe me I use it alot. The 0 key is still taking some getting used to but I still have to say this phone looks far better than the plastic looking phones right now.

                                • g
                                • goodday
                                • PFM
                                • 12 May 2006

                                simple basic phone. nice to see and nice to hold.
                                No infra red,
                                no external memory,
                                internal memory only 80mb or equiv. to 19 songs
                                poor camera quality
                                keypad's print not durable
                                doesnt seem to have fm radio.
                                is there any hidden gold that make the price $500? correct me if im wrong. thanks.

                                  • j
                                  • jinjaninja
                                  • F9q
                                  • 09 May 2006

                                  Does anyone have the same problem as me? The samsung software does not let you install java applications and samsung say you have to download them via wap. When I download via wap it goes upto 97% and then says download failed and its not the file thats corrupt as it works in other phones.
                                  Anyone help????:)???

                                    • A
                                    • Anders
                                    • m}x
                                    • 08 May 2006

                                    Does it weigh 85g or 65g, as stated om many other sites (without the leathercase)??

                                      • J
                                      • JoE
                                      • TC%
                                      • 08 May 2006

                                      You buy it if you like it. This phone is well Built using Metal case similar to V3i Motorola. It looks cool, something different. There are smaller phones on the market from VK Mobile Korea, but what can compete with Samsung in Korea. Beofre buying this phone, look around, you might find a better device.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • niV
                                        • 07 May 2006

                                        dose the samsung p300 have 352*288 video resolution like the d600