Samsung P300

Samsung P300

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • PSk
  • 08 Aug 2006

this phone looks like a calculator..

    • m
    • manervalife85
    • iRH
    • 08 Aug 2006

    wow so they now have calculators that can connect to the internet
    wish i had the in school so that i could do math and look at pron

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PFM
      • 07 Aug 2006

      Retro Chic. Par Down Basics. Simply said for this phone. Absolutely love the sleek compact design with all the nexessary functions normal person would require. No excess. No complaints. Was using the Nokia N80 previusly for 3 months, could wait to get rid of that phone. Horrible design and NOT user friendly. Delays, delays and lagging. And SOFTWARE problems. Just reinforces my dislike for NOKIA phones.

      Its either Samsung or SONY these days. period.

        • F
        • Fahad
        • SkE
        • 07 Aug 2006

        IM using P300 for one month now . the thing i didnt like in the phone that you cannot mute the incoming phone call .... Also most of the caller state that your voice is not clear .

          • l
          • lloyd
          • wYG
          • 07 Aug 2006

          im using my p300 for months now.... as of gary's comment, u have a good point there bro.! y are dis haters wasting their time posting some comments? maybe the problem was in their skulls? not on the phone.... second sumone ask if theres an indicator when u r using the leather battery pack... as of me.. im using them separately... if sum1 knows if its ok to use them simultaniously pls post a comment... but overall this phone rocks... im inluv with this thing! the looks the uniqueness, the simplicity, everything! (but the volume of tones) if samsung going to release a phone improving the tones and with a card slot, ill probably buy 1 again... f*#k the haters!

            • G
            • Gary
            • m2p
            • 31 Jul 2006

            I have owned this phone now for about 2 months so thought i would post my comments.

            There are many comments on here that i would take with a pinch of salt because they don't really hold any truth.

            The looks.

            If i am honest the only reason i bought this phone was because of the looks and more importantly its size. Yes it looks like a calculator but why is that a bad thing - and if you don't like the looks why are you even considering the phone and wasting everyones time posting that as a negative.

            The phone is the exact same size as a credit card and the advantage being is you can take this phone out on a night and not have a pocket bulge like you would with other units.

            I could have had any handset I wanted. I have access to any handset I want working for a network operator yet I choose this phone because it does everything a 'normal' person could want in a small form factor.

            The negatives to me are primarily down to how the phone rings.

            -The phones ringtones are not as loud as my SE K750i. This is probably down to the same speaker being used for the tones as is used for voice. Also because the phone isn't able to ring and vibrate at the same time you can miss calls. If you use the case you'll probably miss calls.

            -The SMS tones cannot be changed.

            - The phone is easy to scratch. I take good care of my phones yet there are plenty of surface scrathces in the metal. I assume this is because the metal is laquered. Anyone know if the phone can be polished?

            One thing i would like to add is why are people commenting that the phone is slow at manually altering the network? I mean how often do people actually use the feature. If you are in the UK you should never need to use the feature unless you are roaming and for some reason don't like the network you have been defaulted to.

              • e
              • ethics
              • wga
              • 29 Jul 2006

              when i attach the leather case battery i get no message or tone saying that it is connected and i havent noticed any increased battery lfe with it. is there a problem with my case or connection? can anyone with this phone please let me know if there is any notification once the case is attached?? Thanks in advance.

                • A
                • Andy
                • mAj
                • 28 Jul 2006

                Yes this phone could be used on US networks as it is able to pick up networks on a 1900Mhz frequency.

                  • A
                  • Anton
                  • ijn
                  • 27 Jul 2006

                  Please help me to information.
                  I will bring this Samsung P300 to USA in Texas. May i know, can we use this phone to USA Signal Phone ?
                  If can't use, what frequency can use in USA Mobiles Phone? ( What type of Samsung )

                    • F
                    • F4st T0ny
                    • ixb
                    • 26 Jul 2006

                    This Samsung is realy cool if u just need to make phone calls and text sms, i changed my nokia 6630 for it and i´m very happy, the only problem is that the sound is not very loud, but i think there is a software that fixes it, does anyone knows thw name of it' thanks

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • TR{
                      • 19 Jul 2006

                      Almost all features of the P300 sucks. I sold mine after 3 days of owning.........I was a sucker but not anymore!

                      This phone should worth only less than 100 euros at maximum.

                        • J
                        • Jay
                        • SeY
                        • 19 Jul 2006

                        This is the best designer phone I've seen in a long time. It truely rocks!! The only disatvantage I can find is that there is no card slot. Nevertheless... enjoy this masterpiece.

                          • O
                          • Ozzie
                          • PP2
                          • 17 Jul 2006

                          Great looks, but no memory expansion!not good enough!needs memory card slot to be viable in todays market.

                            • e
                            • enjoying my p300
                            • PBY
                            • 15 Jul 2006

                            the only problem i encountered is that the software is not responding well, and i cant back up my files.... but i aready have a bluetooth usb now! so everythings doing good! this fone rocks!

                              • u
                              • usa dude
                              • Ydp
                              • 13 Jul 2006

                              Already on Verizon who doesn't carry this one. Don't care. I am absotively getting this one. Taking it to T-Mobile unlocked as soon as I receive it. Looks just like a retro calculator and size is terrific. Retro chic is IN! I believe the design is a stroke of genius.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • b9r
                                • 07 Jul 2006

                                I got my P300 a week ago. My only problem with it is that I cannot save phone numbers into the phone's memory, but just in the SIM. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue. Actually, this is my 2nd unit. The first had the same problem and I returned it.

                                I have tried even writing to the phone memory using the PC software and the Outlook sync, but none work.


                                  • k
                                  • kingmonkey
                                  • nHD
                                  • 06 Jul 2006

                                  Oh and another thing the PC software that comes with Samsung phones is so near impossible to use, i'm amazed this was ever released!

                                    • k
                                    • kingmonkey
                                    • nHD
                                    • 06 Jul 2006

                                    I have the P300 which must say i was impressed with initially, the phone feels nice, easy to use. But there are some flaws to the design which I just cant live with. Firstly i like the idea of the battery in the case, but it makes the phone as wide as other phones on the market which seems to defect the objective.
                                    The worst thing is when the case is closed it covers up the speaker so you can hardly hear the phone ring. I've had it next to me in the car, in my pocket and have many missed calls. the vibration mode is feeble, and you cant have vibration and ring tone start at the same time??? This phone has let me down, so I am getting rid!

                                      • T
                                      • TED
                                      • mg1
                                      • 04 Jul 2006

                                      Absolute rubbisg,looks good but is a poor mans mp3 and looks like a calculator

                                        • D
                                        • David
                                        • PT$
                                        • 04 Jul 2006


                                        I have just purchased an E900 and waiting for it to arrive - but i have now found the P300 - not seen either of these phones yet, but may be regretting my decision to buy the E900 instead of this. Im from a Nokia background so unsure of the Samsung operating system. Can anyone offer any advice - should i sell my E900 before i open the box and go for the P300? I want a small, different and cool phone, im a high user and my phone goes everywhere with me - plus i love gadgets!

                                        THANK YOU for your help and advice.
