Samsung P300

Samsung P300

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • David
  • PEa
  • 03 Jul 2006


I have just purchased an E900 and waiting for it to arrive - but i have now found the P300 - not seen either of these phones yet, but may be regretting my decision to buy the E900 instead of this. Im from a Nokia background so unsure of the Samsung operating system. Can anyone offer any advice - should i sell my E900 before i open the box and go for the P300? I want a small, different and cool phone, im a high user and my phone goes everywhere with me - plus i love gadgets!

THANK YOU for your help and advice.


    • k
    • keysersoze
    • npr
    • 03 Jul 2006

    I bought yesterday and ı am very glad about size and retro style. but ı don't know where ı download software anybody know?pls send to me a mail

      • S
      • n}f
      • 30 Jun 2006

      it is nice set but should be lillte big.very small for that design.

        • s
        • shibb
        • iIR
        • 30 Jun 2006

        is this a calc from school?? its a disaster but it does it for me

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • myR
          • 29 Jun 2006

          Bill - Can you please tell us where this software downlaod is as I would love to have it. Thanks.

            • B
            • Bill
            • MEI
            • 29 Jun 2006

            This phone is fine with me. The ringtones can be customized to have both ringing & vibration and adjust volume to as high as possible. This can be done via a software and download it to the phone. The only downside is the message tone which is soft and cannot be customized. So I've been missing sms.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Yaw
              • 29 Jun 2006

              absolutely love the phone. it's not sold here in the US and I had to import it from Hong Kong. It is by far the best small phone I've owned that also looks really smart with the leather case on

                • T
                • Tomska
                • QGp
                • 28 Jun 2006

                I guess it depends what you want this phone for. I just want a phone that works and is tiny.

                Well so far it works just fine as a phone (sound quality no problem for me), it's tiny & I got it free on an upgrade.

                Additionally it records videoclips, takes decent photos and stores enough MP3 files to use as ringtones.

                What do you want, the moon on a stick?

                  • p
                  • pasaway
                  • PZu
                  • 28 Jun 2006

                  it looks like a calculator.....better use in school for your math subject....

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Uis
                    • 25 Jun 2006

                    The worst phone I had ever owned........

                    By the way, a feedback to Jay(below) :- there is no 'vib & ring', only 'vib then ring'!!!

                    A piece of crap.......period.

                      • J
                      • Jay
                      • 4rX
                      • 25 Jun 2006

                      Bought it!!! and love it!! it does have vib ring feature, also check out the mini light for extra safty more reading the menu in the dark!

                      A+ phone

                        • c
                        • charlie
                        • Mx@
                        • 24 Jun 2006

                        my mom has this phone, i rang her, she couldnt hear it, the sounds crap, it was in her pocket.

                          • m
                          • mike butler
                          • P@Z
                          • 24 Jun 2006

                          such an expensive mobile.but not worth of using it. Samsung how did you come up with such a scrap phone. Didnt expect this from such a renowned company to produce such an ugly phone:(

                            • r
                            • rx
                            • F4p
                            • 24 Jun 2006

                            and grandma would say: children nowadays are crazy, talking using a calculator?

                            the samsung website states this phone has stainless steel and magnesium casing.. sounds good

                              • R
                              • Rich
                              • mKh
                              • 22 Jun 2006

                              By far the worst phone I have ever owned. Sure, it looks great, but if you want to receive calls on it, don't bother. I've had people standing next to me while I've got full bars & still the phone refuses to ring out. Hopeless.

                                • P
                                • Paul
                                • m1m
                                • 21 Jun 2006

                                I own a Samsung P300 and I am really happy with it. I could have any phone on the market and I chose that one. This is NOT a top of the line phone but has the exact same features as a D500 which I also have. I dont know about anyone else, but I dont use half the functions that are on it nor am I likely to. The only thing I would say is that if you use the cover it comes with, you cant hear it ring. Also its a bit heavier than than what I am used to. Otherwise its great. Well done Samsung for coming up with something original!!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Uis
                                  • 20 Jun 2006

                                  The P300 is better use as a calculator than a phone :-

                                  - This phone is not comfortable to hold when talking.
                                  - The quality of the hands free speaker phone is not so good.
                                  - There is no vib + ring at the same time.
                                  - The software is outdated because it took the phone forever to initialize(don't forget this is a simple phone without features).
                                  - Everything is SLOW with this phone.....e.g. took a long time to find new service providers in MANUAL mode, took forever to jump to another provider when you cross the border from one place to another. It took hours to fully charge the battery.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Uis
                                    • 20 Jun 2006

                                    To :- 2006-06-20 11:48 myH%,

                                    Take a look at "VK Mobile" if you want a simple, small, light weight & thin mobile phone.

                                    Out of more than 15 phones that I have/own at the present moment; Nokia 8800 is the best. Too bad it's a little on the heavy side for you, but the phone is a perfect size for use.

                                    Forget about the P300, it's really the worst phone you can have. . . . .I just don't want you people to regret! ! !

                                    PS. Even if someone send me one as a gift; I won't use it. (Don't forget I sold my P300 after using for less than a week! ! !)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • myH
                                      • 20 Jun 2006

                                      The only thing I want from a phone is for it to be small (cus I hate carrying things around with me) and for it to call and text. So still E900 or P300

                                        • L
                                        • Love sonyericsson
                                        • M81
                                        • 19 Jun 2006

                                        It is more like a calculator than like a mobile?!!!!!!!!!!