Samsung S5600 Preston
- n
- nilesh
- bJh
- 14 Jan 2011
the camera of this phone is very very good. the flash is awesome and the streaming function of this phone is too fast for all video formats. i m using this phone since one year and its overall performance is very very very good and i recommend to buy it.
- t
- tushar
- upa
- 13 Jan 2011
what is market dependent in gps
- n
- neetu
- Afa
- 07 Jan 2011
which is better lgviewty smile or samsung star 3gs 5603?
- A
- Arijit Banerjee
- TL5
- 06 Jan 2011
ankit, 31 Dec 2010how to configure mail in this? As it ask for incoming serve... more[1] ***Setup GMail Account in Star 3G***
Account name: Gmail
SMTP Server:
SMTP port: 465
secure connection: SSL
Inkoming server type: POP3
POP3-poort: 995
APOP login: marked
secure connection: SSL
Download limit: 500
IMAP4 incoming e-mail: Inactive
retreiving options: normal
keep on server: marked
My adres:
User name:
Password: gmail password
POP before SMTP: marked
SMTP auth.: marked
Same as POP3/IMAP4: marked
User name: inactive
Password: inactive
[2]***Setup Yahoo! mail Account in Star 3G***
Account Name: Yahoo
SMTP server:
SMTP port: 25
Secure Connection: off
Incoming server type: IMAP4
IMAP4 Server:
IMAP4 Port: 143
Secure Connection: Off
Download limit: 500
IMAP4 incoming email: New or ALL (depends on if you want to download only new emails, or everything you have)
Retrieving option: Subject only/text body/normal (your choice)
Keep on server: checked
My Address: your email here (
Username: your user name, not full email
Password: your password
SMTP auth: checked
Same as POP3/IMAP4: checked
- a
- akhilesh
- 31 Dec 2010
Hi.. I Wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011, In january 2010 i purchase this preston s 5603, till now it work very well and i impressed its overall performance and its easy widgets. Thanks... SAMSUNG
- a
- ankit
- w49
- 31 Dec 2010
how to configure mail in this? As it ask for incoming server and outgoing server?????
PLs help..........
- b
- beachboy
- 0ZB
- 18 Dec 2010
very good phone; good compromise betwenn price and features; good value for the money;
- J
- Jawahaar
- 951
- 15 Dec 2010
I am using this phone since oct 09. I am completly satisfied. The performance, size, weight are ideal. I dont need qwerst as typing on it with fingers is difficult. t9 is faster. For those who insist, they can have it thru opera mini. The battery is good & U tube plays well, music is good
- s
- ser
- t7K
- 12 Dec 2010
i want 2 buy dis phone but everytime i go 2 samsung mobile center and ask this unit they said that this unit is phasing out here in the philippines? how true it is........
what u can recommend 4 me nokia 5530 or samsung wave 525? tnx
- A
- Akhilesh
- 10 Dec 2010
kayc, 15 Nov 2010Kapil: can you list the top few problems with this phone ? ... moreYes i am a user from one year and three months. i don't found any drawbacks in this set. i recommended you to try it.
- A
- Akhilesh
- 10 Dec 2010
Now one year and three months passed using this samsung S5603. the cell gives overall very Impressive performance.all functions in this set are still working. samsung much better than faulty nokia.
- k
- ku2
- utN
- 09 Dec 2010
in dis? can v minmze de de othr application??????
plzz reply.,.,,i want to take dis fon..wats de opinion...?????
- L
- Love
- vw6
- 08 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 07 Dec 2010my phone is 5603 how can i stall opera mini beta 5 in this ... morego to dis & U can download operamini 5 from here.
Revert if u have any issues
- R
- Robert
- TL5
- 07 Dec 2010
Hi guys!! can anybody try *#782872#? its a very nice. u see a gr8 change whn connect with a pc as a modem or simply samsung pc studio. try and share ur experince.
- T
- Teddy
- TL5
- 07 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 07 Dec 2010my phone is 5603 how can i stall opera mini beta 5 in this ... moreJust go to from ur phone browser and install opera mini 5.1
- ?
- Anonymous
- vj1
- 07 Dec 2010
kk, 26 Jul 2010I have installed Opera Mini Beta 5 version. It is working f... moremy phone is 5603 how can i stall opera mini beta 5 in this handset
- Z
- Zumri
- tet
- 07 Dec 2010
Robert, 17 Nov 2010FANTASTIC HANDSET, can not say anything bad about this hand... moreIf you feel so I have a complaint my Battery doesnt stay for more than 1/3 of a day any solutions could you please reply me with the details of your battery
- s
- suresh
- TL5
- 02 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 28 Oct 2010I've been using this phone since last year October. It's re... moreHow can i use the smart unlock
- S
- Suresh
- TL5
- 02 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 28 Oct 2010I've been using this phone since last year October. It's re... morePl'z help me how i can use de smart unlock
- M
- Me
- pth
- 30 Nov 2010
Does this have voice dialing?