Samsung U600

Samsung U600

User opinions and reviews

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  • f
  • febi
  • w4c
  • 10 Sep 2007

The battery life improves day by day.
The loudness of mp3 can be improved by using mp3 amplifiers.
But the camcorder doesnt have pause.Is there is anyway to pause.
If i send message i cant able to cancel message while sending.Do anyone face same problem.
Is there is way to keep screen saver?

One thing i compared with N series phone no one can beat screeen resolution. I am enjoying it daily.

Have fun.

    • d
    • doug
    • 4fV
    • 09 Sep 2007

    Anyone who claims the battery last for 8 hours should not be depended upon for a review. I have three batteries okay. Not one has ever lasted more than about 2.5 hours. I have to agree with AHF on the camera as well. The camera takes far longer than one second to take a pic no doubt about that.

      • S
      • SavoMIlano
      • mu2
      • 09 Sep 2007

      Ones again, I do really like this phone, easy, quick and fancy, BUT:

      How can I put the ' sign (often used in Italian) in non t9 mode?

      How can I silent it when I don't want to answer immediately and I don't want to reject the call?

      Thanks in advance.


        • S
        • SAM
        • SHq
        • 09 Sep 2007

        I should say this phone is best of the best.
        Camera and mp3 player both of them are good.
        The sound is loud enough and clear!

          • I
          • Iv
          • n98
          • 09 Sep 2007

          heh great post Febi :)
          I think I`ll but this phone but the only thing i`m not sure is about the there anybody who can told me can I download new ones and not use just the black in the phone :)

            • J
            • Johnny_boy
            • RKp
            • 09 Sep 2007

            just tested a dummy unit today.. and the sliding mech and keypad are pretty good for me. I just need to test out the touch-sensitive buttons next and the overall experience of the phone..

              • f
              • febi
              • 2SM
              • 09 Sep 2007

              Well there are many negative points about the phone which is not acceptable.I had this phone for 1 week and spend 24 hours with it and really love it.

              About the phone:
              The phone looks really stylish,lite weight,touch pads are good,Screen resolution is really fantastic. Overall its a good phone for small peny.

              Mp3 clarity is really good in head phones than in speakers (not loud enough).


              It takes less seconds to take pictures like digital cameras. If it is slow to take snaps then click the camera button completely it will take in 1 sec which is like Nokia and SE phones.
              The camera clarity is really very good and it is brilliant than SE 3.2 mp phones.
              But in indoor lights not as expected
              Video clarity is also good.
              The screen resolution of the phone is really superb which i never seen in any other phone.
              To compare screen clarity,if u see the screen from all the four direction you can see the same color of the screen. Whereas in Nokia if u see the screen in different direction it'll look like negative. This shows the screen clarity is really good than Nokia.

              Message and keypad:
              For messaging the keypad suits very well.If u use the ohone for 1 week u'll feel the phone is realy good for messaging.
              The gif files used for words in the messages are really new for me and it is not in anyother phone like nokia and SE.

              The graphics for all the applications is really cool i relly love t use it.
              The phone is not slow as others said it is really when compared wth Nokia N series.Trust me this phone really worth than N series phone. Simply it is cheap stylish and best.
              Only one themes is available its bad.How to download themes can anyone help me?
              The keypad locks for 5 seconds i dont know how to solve it?
              There is no facility to keep screen saver i think it is common for all samsung phones.

              For the first day i continuosly used for 8 hours the battery comes to zero. Next day it comes for 12 hrs. I think it is better for multimedia phones. But battery backup is not that much impressive.
              The battery charges through USB also it is really good for software engg like me.
              There are many options to save battery.Keep the brightness of the phone very low.It looks good even in 1 points.
              The keypad light can be off during morning. This can save some power.

              Atlast this is a diferent stylish phone than SE Nokia.It as many features for just 13k. Go for it.

                • J
                • Johnny_boy
                • 2Am
                • 09 Sep 2007

                hmm... thank ahf.. a lot more reasons for me to test this thing out before i buy it. I have a my sights on other phones now..

                  • a
                  • ahf
                  • 4fV
                  • 09 Sep 2007

                  The build quality is pretty good. This is not a sloppy phone by any means. It is lean and sexy. Actually the reflective front gives an impression that the screen is larger than it is. The screen itself is wonderful, and the graphics are top notch. Having said that, I have noticed a handful of dead pixels and my u600's outer plastic screen had a crack in it within one day of use. The sliding mechanism is okay, but not nearly as robust as other Samsung or Nokia phones. But this is why the phone is so light (86 grams) and thin. There is some slight lateral movement on the slide itself. It takes a small but adequate amount of upward or downward pressure to actuate the spring mechanism into opening or closing the phone. But keep in mind the phone is made out of plastic. So the phone bends accordingly. As for texting, I mentioned this is the worst possible phone for that. I am a texter myself. I found this phone to be rather frustrating to use as such. The delete button is the end call button (which is touch sensitive). Sometimes if you hit the erase button one time too many, you end up back in the main screen. So for example, if you were writing a word, than you decided to erase it, and you hit the erase button beyond the amount of characters in the word (I know what you are thinking, oddly enough the reverse button is a different button, so you have to erase using the end button until you erase the word, than you have to switch to the reverse button to back up beyond that word) the phone goes back to the main menu!?!?!? The space button and the button that capitalizes the word are also improperly placed at the bottom left and bottom right. It is very uncomfortable. Than there is an extra button you have to press to add a character beyond ,.!?. (whereas other phone let you to select a character by pressing the same button until you see it) It is really pretty crazy. You end up having to press so many different buttons to complete a proper sentence.

                    • K
                    • Kent
                    • mpD
                    • 09 Sep 2007

                    Just grab the phone today. It look sleek, slim and cool. My first Samsung Phone!

                      • j
                      • johnny_boy
                      • 2Am
                      • 08 Sep 2007

                      i won't need/use a 2GB card anyways, and I probably won't use this phones multimedia features all that much, so a little slowdown is alright i guess(though slow camera does suck bigtime).
                      But i'm really worried about the build of the physical build of the phone..
                      -do you guys think the sliding mech will easily break?
                      -and the touch-sensitive buttons, is it easy to get used to them?
                      -and is texting a nice experience with this, or is it excruciating, or in the middle?

                        • L
                        • LoseMyself
                        • n35
                        • 08 Sep 2007

                        I want to buy this phone, but I want to know some opinions from the other users. Can somebody tell me if I will take a good decision buying this phone?! Pls!

                          • I
                          • Iv
                          • n98
                          • 08 Sep 2007

                          Hi ;) Is there an option to change the themes in the phone or is there a site from where I could download new ones?
                          Thanks in advance :)

                            • a
                            • ahf
                            • 4fV
                            • 08 Sep 2007

                            johnny_boy, there is a software fix that addresses the issue with the full screen video causing the phone to reset to the main screen, however I use Mac's so I will have to wait on that. Unfortunately the problem is greatest on the 2gb memory card. I tested a 1gb and it worked a bit faster. If you store the vid or song on the phones shared memory the results will yield a much faster response. But how much can you store on the phone's memory? Using a 2gb memory card is essential for this phone. However it really seems to stress the phones processor to the max. And the camera takes four seconds due to the auto focus that you cant turn off. There is a way to make it take pics slightly faster by slowly depressing the shutter than pressing it firmly. But the sharpness is than effected. I am curious as to other people's experiences with these same features.

                              • j
                              • johnny_boy
                              • 2Am
                              • 08 Sep 2007

                              wow, those are some pretty bad points.. thanks for pointing those out. are you sure that it isn't just your model that's experiencing this? can anyone else confirm this?

                                • a
                                • ahf
                                • 47H
                                • 07 Sep 2007

                                It is funny how some people cant be objective because they own something. And those who want this phone look for all the good news and refuse to see the bad. It is really very amusing. Listen to me, there is a reason this phone sells for so little. It i snot worth a penny more. It is difficult, uncomfortable and often perplexing using the u600. Don't believe me? Get one... Let all your fantasies about using this phone go... It is really not a good phone. If you like taking pictures and or texting, this is not your phone. If you just want a useless, small device that that looks really cool, you can buy this phone. But it is a huge compromise at the very least. Can you imagine a phone where the menu that reads the sim literally takes ten seconds to open? Than it shows you what vids you have in groups of three. When you want to scroll down to see what is beyond those three, you have to wait five seconds for it to load. Than, when you finally figure out what vid you want to see (if by now you are not furious) you can watch it in very small form, or you can use the full screen option, which 90% of the time throws the phone into a panic and resets it to the main screen!? Than you have to start all over again. I have found one way to avoid the phone resetting. It is the same process as above, but instead of clicking onto full screen, you have to first view the vid in small screen, than stop the vid while it is playing, than click back to go back to the screen where you selected the video, and than selecting full screen usually works. This takes nearly 45 seconds!??? Insane I know. Does this sound like a phone you want to own? Read the negatives about this phone because they are very bad.

                                  • t
                                  • tan
                                  • wYK
                                  • 07 Sep 2007

                                  hey, just want to ask if this phone can take a video at list 1 hour or more than 1 hour? if i play the video is the picture and sound good? and is the feature of the u600 also good?im planning to buy this phone. any suggestion and comments.thank you.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Tk1
                                    • 07 Sep 2007

                                    I just got the samsung U600 - can anyone tell me if you can save more than one number in one entry? Thanx!

                                      • m
                                      • mehdi
                                      • mjM
                                      • 07 Sep 2007

                                      hi every body !i prefer to select u 600 insest of k 810 or k 800. please guide me if i am not right !especially about camera & music player quality. give me your opinins !as soon as possible ! thanks a lot !

                                        • a
                                        • ahf
                                        • 47H
                                        • 07 Sep 2007

                                        There are 4 (four) touch sensitive buttons, that's all. Let me mention how awful using the camera is on this phone. It takes literally four seconds to take a pic, and you cannot take a pic of ANYTHING that is even remotely moving. My very old V3i takes pics and vids instantly, and plays videos within about three seconds. The u600 takes an astounding 15 seconds just to play a vid????!!!! That does not include the 10 seconds it takes to get to the video menu screen, which crawls slower than a snail. It is really hard to understand just how slow this phone operates if you do not own it. Trust me when I say I am shocked by it. I do not recommend this phone to anyone. This phone reads from the sim card slower than anything you can conceive of. In just the past few years I have used two Moto v3i's (one iTunes version and one D&G), Moto MPX220, Moto v3x, Nokia 8801 & a Moto Krzr K1.
                                        Not too mention this U600. I did purchase a iphone 8gb, but returned it without ever activating it(I could not get myself to switch from T-Mobile to AT&T). I would take ANY of those phones over the U600. Hell, I would take a V635 over it. The speed of the u600 is just unforgivable. It is really that bad. Look elsewhere....