Samsung U600
- a
- alt
- 20 Jul 2007
all the keys on the phone has stopped working. is anybody else is facing a similar problem?
- d
- dan-hates-eddie
- T30
- 20 Jul 2007
the u600 is a terrible phone, the touch screen is just an embarrsing feature. and as for the sos tracker, there is no need to have it because noone is stupid enough to try and rob this phone. in my opinion this is just another embarrsing model from work collegue steady eddie has this phone and he is embarrsed to get it out.i dont blame him!!
- I
- n35
- 20 Jul 2007
i just bought a samsung u600 and my music player plays just 10 seconds of every song that i have on my phone! And don't have any option in the setting menu! How cand i make it play the full mp3 ???
- ?
- Anonymous
- iEx
- 19 Jul 2007
My call waiting doesnt work with this phone, is it because of my sim card?? i have o2 sim... please help!!!
- L
- Levi
- m9}
- 19 Jul 2007
Hi, i just got this phone... so far so good, could any1 tell me what the default security code is for it...? thanks
- s
- santhosh
- Sbc
- 19 Jul 2007
very good phone,those who jealous hate samsung , but i like samsung for their quality of all samsung products,it will become no 1 thro theie technology ,no doubt at all
- m
- max
- nEN
- 19 Jul 2007
hey i am confused...i am on vodafone and its my upgrade i call them up to get a u600 and they say to me they have stopped selling it !!! what should i do... please help!!!
- s
- sonia
- pce
- 19 Jul 2007
Samsung is the best, i think that several persons loves samsung for his elagance, his performance and his design. the samsung u600 is not for everyone, its for bussiness man like me
- p
- previous nokia fans
- ibb
- 19 Jul 2007
my sister are signing a DIGI phone package in malaysia and can get one U600 for free
so after playing with the phone a while i found that the phone was excellent especially the menu interference it make people feel exciting and happy some funny animation
first impression the phone was very tiny only 10.9 mini meters and the performance are excellent compare with my n73 i can feel the performance of this two phone are almost same
but only the internal speaker are not so good
overall this phone are better compare with my n73 coz it is handy
unfortunately i have sold out this lovely phone to others
- d
- dynamic_gsm
- fvb
- 19 Jul 2007
With Sam U600 it is possible to record video , voice and picture direct to the memory card..with no limit .
- S
- Stacey
- jCr
- 18 Jul 2007
I finally got the Samsung WEP200 bluetooth to work with my U600 phone =)! I'm so excited.
Anyways, yeah I guess this phone is not for everyone. The soft keys can be a pain I agree but I adapted to the phone so I dont end up touching the soft keys by accident. Despite of that I really like the phone. It's the prettiest phone I've ever owned. =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- U2h
- 18 Jul 2007
The mobile is really nice... I need how get new themes into mobile... wht is the format that will support... can anyone tell me to get themes into my mobile...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rxn
- 18 Jul 2007
I think samsung is the best for several reasons,first is it wont easily depreciate compare with nokia products,2, it is unique 3, elegant
- ?
- Anonymous
- MY3
- 18 Jul 2007
I echo the complaints about the touch buttons! If you are interested in the phone, play with one first before you buy. I bought for my wife so it's her problem, but already I found the touch button problem real annoying. Nice phone with great display and lots of options though.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mrF
- 18 Jul 2007
hey guys...the u600 is excellent..but wen i try to put a pasword on y files..mesage etc. it asks for a password and since i hav had the phone i hav not set any passwords watsoeva
- S
- Stacey
- jCr
- 18 Jul 2007
So can anyone help me please? I posted this question earlier and it got buried coz I posted too many comments. So I'm reposting it =) hehehe!
Can someone please help me?! I am having trouble paring my Samsung U600 with Samsung WEP200 bluetooth. For some reason it can't find it. Please help. I've been trying to pair it for the last 2 days. Thanks =0)
- S
- Stacey
- jCr
- 18 Jul 2007
plz help! can you use all of the phone's functions with the slide shut or do you always have to open the phon to use it! also does it shoot videos in CIF res or QCIF. what framerates can it sustain.....plz help if you own one!
Go to the Menu then Settings, select Phone Settings, then select Slide Settings. You can set it up however you want the phone to respond when you slide it UP or slide it DOWN. To set up your phone so you can continue to use the menus when the phone is shut, go to the same options as I stated above then click on the down button to select DOWN click on either right or left button to select CONTINUE OPERATION then SAVE. This will allow you to navigate the menus eventhough the phone is shut. But obviously you cannot use other functions like the number pad because the phone is closed. As far as you other questions...unfortunately, I don't know the answer to that. Sorry =(.
- S
- Stacey
- jCr
- 18 Jul 2007
Does anyone know if its possible to reverse the camera on this phone. You know if you have the screen facing you is there a button you can press so you can take a pic of yourself! I had the Z320i and that had this function but cant seem to find it on this phone! Thanks
I think we are supposed to use that little tiny mirror next to the flash to take a picture of ourselves =). Funny coz that's the first question I asked myself when I tested the camera on this phone. I haven't seen a way that we can twist the camera around nor did a find a way to change the setting reverse the camera. I could be wrong though. So if anyone knows, please share =). Thanks!
- S
- Stacey
- jCr
- 18 Jul 2007
Phone is only letting me type text msgs in capital letters? how do I switch from typing from Capitals to small letters? Any help would be great. Thanks!
You can change the letters from ALL CAPS to small caps by clicking on the * button. On the top right it has a box that shows what format it changed to ie. ENG, Eng, or eng.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jCr
- 18 Jul 2007
Can someone please help me?! I am having trouble paring my Samsung U600 with Samsung WEP200 bluetooth. For some reason it can't find it. Please help. I've been trying to pair it for the last 2 days.