Samsung U600

Samsung U600

User opinions and reviews

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  • f
  • fiesh
  • TYW
  • 13 Oct 2007

the are the same thing really but the u600 is guad-band unlike the u700 which is tri-band.but i prefer the u600

    • R
    • Rafsan
    • 2F2
    • 13 Oct 2007

    @ Angela
    U700 and u600 both are good phones.
    Both have same camera
    Same music player i mean good music player
    U700 has 3gand hspda u600 hasnt
    U600 records video in cif and u700 qcif ( Of course cif is better )
    U600 has fm radio u700 hasnt
    U600 has two skin black and white and u700 only black
    I think everything else is the same !!!
    Now its up to you .....

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • j4u
      • 13 Oct 2007

      dear all, i really interested to this phone. Do any of you know where can i get high resolution picture for this phone? Because i want to make sure the color of this phone. right now i'm interested with either white or silver. Which do you guys think better? thank you all.

        • I
        • Ice_man
        • NH2
        • 13 Oct 2007

        hi... does anyone know if the auto focus can be turned off in camera and scene mode?
        if it can be turned off i'll feel really dumb cuz i'v been using samsung fones for 4 years until this date.
        and id like to add this for any1 wondering....if u wanna buy this all means do so...its worth it. telephony, camera, messageing, multimedia....great...the camcorder is great as my opinion it reacords video files with subtitles that i play on my computer better than alot of pirated movies. its a great fone....and sum1...please answer my above question! thanx!

          • A
          • Angela
          • Sbc
          • 12 Oct 2007

          Im looking foward to buy a new phone this week im tempted on either the u700 or u600 but im freaked out on the reviews i read about these two phones.Anyone who could suggest to me a better cute chickish phone with a good camera probably from 3.15mp and good music player id appreciate alot coz i need a phone soon.thanx you all.

            • w
            • winj
            • PRQ
            • 12 Oct 2007

            It's a nice phone simple and elegant...

            some problems:
            1. when you try to look pictures from the memory card you have to go back and press again the picture you want to view.

            2. there are no folders in images.

            3. the camera is too slow in capturing images.

            4. the battery are easily drained when playing mp3.

            5. you cannot install some java games.

              • D
              • Derick
              • 4fV
              • 12 Oct 2007

              Why are you questioning my review for some stupid cell phone? You guys really have nothing better to do? God forbid I said some negative things about a phone you own. My review was true and accurate and I only compared the phone to the V9 because it is a fair comparison. As for the pics, I assure you the v9's are better, no doubt in my mind. I actually took some recent photos on my v9 at a park near the George Washington bridge of flying birds. They came out remarkably good. I have taken similar pictures numerous times with my u600, and the pics were unusable period. I guess you think I have nothing to do but to go on this forum to lie about the two phones that I OWN?!? It is funny everyone attacks me for my comment on the pics, what about addressing every other issue? As for Motorola quality, I would say they have a long way to go, but the quality of the v9 is leagues beyond the u600. Motorola phones can be very glitchy and have a high rate of warranty repair. I am not disputing this. I am simply stating fact. I am a heavy bluetooth user and this phone falls short in this respect. It is very uncomfortable and at times can be dangerous when you are driving to have to pair with the phone. I have to look at the phone and interact with it too often. It really blows my mind.

                • f
                • febi
                • w4c
                • 12 Oct 2007

                @ rafsan
                if u send 3 message at a time it takes some time. call at this time. u can identify this problem. Give your feedback as soon as possible.

                  • l
                  • liberty
                  • j@u
                  • 11 Oct 2007

                  Does the screen on the u600 have that mirror effect? like the lg shine or u700..

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • nmJ
                    • 11 Oct 2007

                    --> Andrea


                      • R
                      • Rafsan
                      • 2F2
                      • 11 Oct 2007

                      @ Febi
                      It takes only 2 seconds to send a message.
                      So it is difficult to call during this time !!!

                        • M
                        • Mandy
                        • SeQ
                        • 11 Oct 2007

                        Derick, you cant compare this phone to the v9. Yes, the camera is slow but the quality completely outshines any motorola.

                          • A
                          • Andrea
                          • nsU
                          • 11 Oct 2007

                          I just got the u600 today and i was wondering, when i put the slide down, is there any way that i can get a screensaver or sonething instead of the black screen??

                          Please help me someone!!!

                            • F
                            • FEBI
                            • w4c
                            • 11 Oct 2007

                            For me motorola is useless mobile. Please dont compare photo quality with U600 for me its better than N73. Even N73 user accepts it. So derrick can u say motorola photo clarity is better than n73?
                            Guys this phone too good.

                            Problem in U600
                            Note: I had a problem while sending message.
                            While u send message, the screen window will show sending message till it sends. While the screen window showing as sending message and that time if some one called u,before message send pop up coming in screen u can either accept or reject the call. If the pop up showed as message sent then the screen window now show only inbox items and u cant atend that call or reject. The mobile hangs. This problem comes only when we reply for some messages if u compose and send message it wont comes. This is a valid problem and samsung dealers agrees its a bug and agreed to give new cell. Is anyone faced this problem if not try the following scenario.

                            1.Reply to any message.
                            2.send the message now the window will show 'sending message'
                            3.while this time call to ur mobile from another number.
                            4.Now ur cell window will show 'accept and reject'.(do not attend the call)
                            5.Now message sent pop will appear on the screen.then the window will show inbox items.
                            6. Now u cant attend the call or reject. The mobile hangs.

                            This problem comes only when u reply for some message it wont occur if u compose and send.

                            Try this out and tell me whether all had same problem or not.So that i can ensure its problem with mother board or general software problem for all.
                            Thanks in advance

                              • A
                              • Andrea
                              • nsU
                              • 11 Oct 2007

                              I have just got the u600 today but does anyone know, when i put the screen down, can you put a screensaver or anything on it instead of just the black screen.

                              Thanks everyone

                                • R
                                • Rafsan
                                • 2F2
                                • 11 Oct 2007

                                @ Kunal
                                Yes it has.

                                  • R
                                  • Rafsan
                                  • 2F2
                                  • 11 Oct 2007

                                  @ ss
                                  Yes you can choose mp3 file as a message tone.

                                    • R
                                    • Rafsan
                                    • 2F2
                                    • 11 Oct 2007

                                    @ turnbullrfc
                                    Man you should get u600. U600 is far better than d900

                                      • R
                                      • Rafsan
                                      • 2F2
                                      • 11 Oct 2007

                                      @ Derick
                                      You cant compare it to v9. It is true the battery life sucks. And it is slow. But in other case i dont agree with you. You are saying that v9 pics are better than u600. Have you gonna mad. I thing the new thing in v9 is the 2nd 2" large display.If the pics of v9 are that much good there would be a 3.2 mp camera in v9.I request any other guys to say something about it. .....

                                        • D
                                        • Derick
                                        • 4fV
                                        • 11 Oct 2007

                                        The U600 will support a maximum of 2gb. I have tried both a sandisk and kingston memory cards and will suggest getting the sandisk. It is slightly faster in my opinion. The camera is decent but can tell you it does not take pics nearly as fast as most other phones. The picture quality doesn't out way the inconvenience of not being able to take a picture of anything that is moving. And I believe the pics from my new Razr2 v9 are superior at 2 mp to the u600's 3.2. Sad but true. It takes roughly four seconds to actually take each pic. It took me two weeks to figure out how to bluetooth pics from the u600 to my imac. I do not like the fact that I have to bond with my headset every time I want to use it. Even when it is already turned on? You can also say good bye to battery life if your bluetooth profile is on. In contrast, my v9 is always bonded and ready to go & the battery life is considerably better. There is much reference to the phones slow speed when reading the memory card. I would have to agree. It is quite slow, especially compared with the v9. You can make the phone run faster by grouping info on the memory card into smaller categories. The slider is pretty solid with a bit of noticeable movement. The touch keys are pretty easy to get used to. Just imagine they are regular keys, and you will do fine. The screen is really wonderful and vivid. You can make phone calls and use most of the features with the phone closed. You will get many stairs while you use this phone. The screen definitely gives this already sexy phone presence. I prefer the u600's screen over the v9. Text messaging on this phone definitely has a learning curve. But it is not hopeless. Not as fluid as with Motorola phones I should say. The phone can be glitchy at times. Sometimes the phone restarts for no reason. Sometimes when trying to play videos in full screen, the phone restarts as well. Not cool. If you are in the USA, Samsung wont even talk to you. Reception on the u600 also falls a bit short. Not too great. I would love Samsung to make a revision of this phone tweaking it a bit but keeping the dimensions. I found the volume and clarity to be adequate but not note worthy.