Samsung U600
- R
- Rafsan
- 2F2
- 08 Oct 2007
@ me
If 3g matters to you then buy n73. Otherwise u600 would be better choice...
- R
- Rafsan
- 2F2
- 08 Oct 2007
Yes the music player can be minimized
- C
- Ché
- MVf
- 08 Oct 2007
Hallo guys, i would like to buy this phone, but has you know, Samsung doesn't have great batteries. what about this U600? Can you stay on line with internet more than 30 min?
Replay Pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!
- A
- Alex K
- DQm
- 08 Oct 2007
I just bought U600. I love it. Can someone suggets where i can download more themes. and ringtones.. Many thanks
- f
- fendian
- PxG
- 08 Oct 2007
design 9/10
features 8/10
performence 8/10
it's a worthy fone for it's price. i buy this phone for a day(8-10-2007) with 300 US$, and i love it, many people said the battery are worst. but i don't think so, i believe they are buying u600 that's already broken or something. the FM radio are great, sounds amaxing, picture is not good and neither are bad, i even got 6 java games, the network signal in my room is very good too
The only bad thing is, not easy for text messaging, only one themes(but you can download as many as you want) and the contact list is not user friendly..
I give 8.96 for this phone
- m
- me
- pqK
- 08 Oct 2007
U600 users,i about to buy the u700 so i check the stuff they write in about that phone i heard its aint that good and slow very i dcieded to go for u600 now i dont know waht phone to take u600 or Z10 or N73.wahts better in u600??
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Oct 2007
GREAT PHONE. love it. had it for a few mths alrdy. a little slow though.
- t
- tan
- ibc
- 08 Oct 2007
can the music player of dis phone be minimize???
- R
- Rafsan
- 2F2
- 07 Oct 2007
Have you guys gone mad. U600 sounds way better than music express and a little better than sonyericsson according to mobile-review. So dont worry go for it. You can believe in me i am a true user of this phone....The sound is really really good man. You wont regret . Trust me !!!
- F
- Febi
- 2SM
- 07 Oct 2007
To Rafsan,
The whisper mode works really great and i checked with it. While u r in travelling the opposite party may hear so much of noise in conversation. If u swith ON whisper mode the sourrounding noise will be reduced and ur voice will be clearly heared by the opposite party. This works well. Great samsung.
This phone really rock and all SE Nokia users stunned by seeing its piture quality and screen resolution of my U600. Best mobile to buy.
- l
- loraine
- 07 Oct 2007
hi u600 users, is there any option where you don't need to hold the phone for a seconds when capturing a photo?. thanks for your answer and highly appreciated.
- b
- boss
- vwu
- 07 Oct 2007
to seebee,
speaker is same as ear piece.i dont
know about the sound quality cause i m planning t buy one.after reading reviews i got the image tht this phone does not posses good sound n batteruy life.
- S
- Seebee
- ibf
- 07 Oct 2007
can anoyone tell me where's the position of the speaker? at the back?i dont see it. so where is it? is the speaker loud n clear? plz...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 47H
- 06 Oct 2007
The key to this phone running quickly while reading the memory card is surprisingly simple. Create more files. Instead of grouping all your videos in one category, try seperating them into categories. You can even make sub-catgegories. The point is, you do not want the card always reading from the same bulk list. For example: I created a category for TV shows, music videos, movies. I seperated the tv shows into smaller groups. I really love this phone, but I just wish Samsung could make a better battery for it. The battery performance holds this phone back.
- R
- Rafsan
- 2F2
- 06 Oct 2007
Dude what is the (whisper mode). Canyou guys Tell me .
- y
- yasmin
- 0RE
- 06 Oct 2007
I'm Getting this phone on friday the 12th for ead i absulutly luv dis phone :)
- m
- mehdiiiiiiiiii
- mjM
- 06 Oct 2007
thanks very much GGGGGSSSSSMMMMM because of your usefull review about u 6001 you r very likely1
- ?
- Anonymous
- 46k
- 06 Oct 2007
Broke in less than a week, was in pocket, and I guess the screen cracked or something cuz the display went dead. Anyways, I just think it's too slim, selling it after I get it back from warranty and buying something different.
- r
- romulus
- nit
- 05 Oct 2007
Alexa, comparing nokia 6300 with samsung u600,...well, I would choose u600. Why? The camera is better, the menu is great, the display looks shinier, although 6300 has 16 million colour, samsung looks thousands of times more better than the nokia, and for me at least that matters. It's up to you far I'm pleased with my samsung u600
- ?
- Anonymous
- 05 Oct 2007
hello u600 users
i'm going to get this phone soon.
i'll buy it from sg with my bro.
so i can't try this phone, even can see this phone before buying. so i want to make sure something.
so plz help me on my problems!
if i use 1gb card,
how long it takes to view the pic from card memory!
can the phone slow donw if i play music from the card!
what's the max length video capture in full quality!
any any other comment about this phone esp compared with D900.
thz to all
thz again to all