Samsung U700

Samsung U700

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • margi
  • 2CF
  • 18 Oct 2007

Hi I posted a complaint here before - I have since taken the phone back and had it replaced (same phone) and it is much better. The software was dodgy which is why the keys were super sensitive and it was doing weird things. Haven't had it long enough for the paint to peel off yet! but at least now I think I can work with it..whew !! which is good news, as there was no way they were going to give me a differnet make/model.

    • m
    • marian
    • 0Ej
    • 17 Oct 2007

    15. The sound of the keyboard is not deactivable. At least not in the Phone Settings Menu. So either you choose Silent or Meeting Mode or you are listening to hundreds of animated beep while moving the cursor and typing... strange!

    16. Networking for Java Apps: All Java apps (I have GizmoProject and GMail -the fast one) keep asking again and again for internet access, that's okey, but the phone asks the user twice when staeting one of those apps.... everytime, even the first option we choose everytime is: "Allow, and do not ask again". MAybe they meant DO ASK again. Funny.

    Guys, this is not against the phone, just a list of tiny bugs, Samsung could easily fix and by releasing a new flash image for the phone they could make the model much more user-friendly and consistent.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • x48
      • 17 Oct 2007

      8. Keyring. Yess, there is no password storing app, as on SE machines in default.
      Also, even the web browser, when clicking RememberME in Gmail does not store the pswd and you need to retype it everytime.

      9. Own Number: in settings - Own number - Select Line not all the own numbers appear, so you cannot pick up just one you stored a minute before...

      10. Java Apps: all of them are reachable through the MyFiles-GamesAndMore - etc tree, There should be a separate menu item for such an important category. Did I say 320x 240 menu should have more than 3x4 items? We are not at 128x96 points.

      11. GoogleApps Menu point: It would be very-very nice to have a messenger like the one from google in this menu point. Important for a phone like this!

      12: Shortcuts: PhoneSettings-Shortcuts should offer also to assign a java app to a hot key. Seriously.

      13. C: After typing a long message, and hitting C accidentally it just leaves the edit mode and ask if we wanna store the msg in the Drafts. What?!? Is not there a Cancel options even in the simplest Editors since like 1985? Other thig: Accidental touch of the C key (remember: it is a touch-key, not a mechanical one) also does exit a java app you were just waiting for to load in the last two mins....

      14. Voice recording: Really ugly GUI , does not fit the phone at all. Samsung is not HTC! Samsung should provide style, as the customers expect it to do...

      15. Icons; in some menu level the icon style does not match the icons in the main Menu! Also, the colourful selection of menupoints is a little slow, and... why cannot we just deactivate it, as we can deactivate the different CallingNumber styles?

      cheers, Mrn

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • x48
        • 17 Oct 2007

        ...the DUN mode every time i open a browser on the paired machine with the browser. Can not we make the phone remember once we allow DUN?

        3. Scroll Wheel: seems to be quite slow, it moves the cursor one item in roughly every 90° turn.
        Also, is quite not comfortable when using the scroll wheel as cursor in the graphical menu, and accidentally even a small turn moves the cursor further... is not there any settings for the scroll wheel?

        4. settings of the slider: either the slider deactivates everything (even closes running browsers and java apps) or does nothing acc to its settings. Why not to add an option to allow java apps running even at closed slider? Or to keep gizmo being connected while closed slider?

        5. The menu options of the Phone mode that do scroll from right to left coz they are too long
        do scroll just toooo slow!!! like 10 sec per line.

        6. Menu font is too big for me! 320x240 pixels should do more! But, the Page Size option of the browser is amazing, it does exactly what i need to do with the menu font size..

        7. T9 language change in SMS typing mode should be easily accessible, not through a menu point 11 in a pop-down list!!! MAybe to check the Lang setting of the arrived message and set the Lang of the outgoing msg to be typed automatically?????
        Good idea, huhh?`

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • x48
          • 17 Oct 2007

          Hello. A short rewiew and some questions:

          1. Phone Menu: the line mode of the menu is really boring sits it makes the selected line wider than the others and therefore the lines jump up and down as you move the cursor. Is there a way to deactivate this? For example the Media Player Menu looks much better!
          2. Sharing the Internet (HSDPA) connection through BlueTooth (BT): although the machine is already paired with the phone, it keeps asking to allow the DUN mode every

            • M
            • Ms.M
            • 4xa
            • 17 Oct 2007

            Should I get the u700 or u600 ? Is there a big difference between those 2 phones ?

              • c
              • clare
              • Scm
              • 17 Oct 2007

              this phone does my head in, the middle button (round one) when pressed twice unlocks the phone...and this happens quite a lot when its knocked in my pocket or in my bag, so it unlocks and sends blank messages to everyone!

                • M
                • Maggie
                • N9k
                • 17 Oct 2007

                So disappointed with this phone. Features are ok but the silver is already wearing off after just over a month!!!! I take care of my phone and it is not due to misuse!! Phoned Samsung and guess what??? A common problem. I should have never got this phone, it look hideous now.

                  • J
                  • Jassmo
                  • TIA
                  • 17 Oct 2007

                  It's a great phone. I have no complaints about it. For all the people who say the speakers are too quiet, get a hearing aid! As far as I am concerned mine are too loud I have to hold the phone away from my ear when I am talking to someone on the phone (and no the speaker is not on).

                    • B
                    • Brucey
                    • 0YM
                    • 17 Oct 2007

                    Yes it does allow minimization while running the music player or any APP. also when you get done on the phone it gradually goes from a low tone back to the volume you had it

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • x48
                      • 16 Oct 2007

                      you will find them under the Apps in the MyFiles menü.
                      This phone does not appear as external drive under Linux,
                      at least I do not see the Internal memory of it when plugging into USB:(

                      will give more detailed review soon.
                      Just collect your questions, boyz.
                      cheers, Mrn

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Nxs
                        • 16 Oct 2007

                        If you are thinking of buying this phone please reconsider. Its a TOTAL waste of time. The silver paint peels of easily to revail white plastic underneath. For a phone that is so expensive you would have thought Samsung would have invested in a proper metal instead of plastic painted with chrome paint. I hate it!! The general design, from the font of the time to the size options of the numbers when dailing is terrible. I want to sue them for ripping people off. Is anyone prepared to give written testimonies?

                          • o
                          • olorin14000
                          • PxB
                          • 16 Oct 2007

                          Please help. I recently boght U700 and would like to surf the web in PC using the phone as modem through USB data cable connection. Using PC Studio 3, im able to create and establish a connection at ~230kbps but the Internet Explorer cant display the page of any site. Im almost sure that its not a network or PC problem since I did not encounter this problem with my old Nokia phone 3230 using the same SIM and PC. Does anyone knows how to configure the phone? Other than this problem and the lack of an FM radio, I think this phone is great.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • wgc
                            • 16 Oct 2007

                            Do not buy this phone, i purchased it 2 months ago, after two week the silver paint started to peel off. The quality of this phone is appaulling. I've had it for almost two months now, never dropped it, scratched it, and kept it away from sharp objects, and the paint it continuing to peel off, its becoming all white and looks horrible.

                            I would recommend that people do no buy this phone.

                              • R
                              • Ross Mac
                              • 0p4
                              • 15 Oct 2007

                              had this phone for two weeks now, does anyone know if you can play music on the phone whilst doing other things e.g. playing games/texting. its a pain to recieve a text, but have to stop my music to look at it and reply. Ne suggestions/help?

                                • P
                                • PP
                                • ML%
                                • 15 Oct 2007

                                Chloe """ Thanks.. Finally i got some help here..
                                Its very strange that Samsung made the Emoticons as figures on U600, and only text in U700 :S

                                  • O
                                  • OdBB
                                  • ibj
                                  • 15 Oct 2007

                                  Can someone conclude bout this phone whether it is good or not?? I have been searching for nice phone and I decided to buy this phone but I would like to know whether this is a good decision and worth to buy it.. Can anyone give me suggestion or comment?? =)

                                    • C
                                    • Chloe
                                    • Rxj
                                    • 15 Oct 2007

                                    No it does'nt support 4GB but the maximum is up to 2GB.
                                    Yes the emoticons are only text not figures.
                                    1month now still no prob with external paint and pictures.

                                      • G
                                      • GQ
                                      • 4}W
                                      • 15 Oct 2007

                                      @4CAE, I have the phone and located in the U.S. You just need to contact your service provider and they will text you settings to install. Very fast :)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • NHU
                                        • 14 Oct 2007

                                        It has most of the features I need, such as 3g---vedeo call,