Samsung Watch Phone
- a
- aleks
- 19 Jun 2004
hey guyz, where can i buy this phone???
- B
- Bowie
- 13 Jun 2004
i realy need it....
- e
- edyleng
- 12 Jun 2004
i like it
- l
- love362
- 11 Jun 2004
i would like to know where can i get me one can i order one and how much?
- M
- Mr.Bean
- 04 Jun 2004
Welcome to era of crapness
- r
- ricardo jimenez
- 31 May 2004
I need to now where i can to buy that telephone, because believe is very moderm
- m
- mute
- 29 May 2004
any 1 knows were i can get this product if it's out yet, since we'r in Q3 of 2004, & it's bin sed dat it wud b out in Q3 of 2003
- p
- paul zhuang
- 27 May 2004
hope there is built in digital camera
- k
- kamer
- 26 May 2004
ı want to know about samsung watch phone more information
- k
- kopito de nieve
- 24 May 2004
Dear Samsung-managers, People ask for this item. Maybe it´s necessary hear the customer´s requests.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 May 2004
does it come in ladies style like a pick watch band for the business women like myself??? anyone know? or have a comment back?
- b
- bbe
- 13 May 2004
i like it. how much it costs? where can i buy one? exactly what i need
- B
- Benson TS Seah
- 13 May 2004
Nice phone, can't wait to have one right away.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 May 2004
cross this with a swatch watch and you no longer need bateries you have wank power
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 May 2004
i think this phone(?) looks really cool very inspector gadget-esque! can't wait 'til it's released just hope it's not to pricey!!
- a
- adeleke babatunde
- 07 May 2004
i just like the samsung watch phone so portable,i feel if u can sent one.i will be extremely happy to extend it in nigeria.
- d
- dos
- 03 May 2004
hi, am shere these because i want to by GPRS wristwatch phone,but i dint finf yet , so if you can let me know please, thank
- y
- yassine
- 02 May 2004
i want to buy the samsug watch phone,where i can???
- L
- Lobsang Choephel
- 02 May 2004
I Like this watchphone verymuch. but im in usa if buy this phone is gonna work?
- d
- david yao
- 01 May 2004
Pls let me know the price and where can buy it in US?