Samsung X200
- k
- kumar
- 2SS
- 25 Jul 2007
This is the my first fone, Iam using it from one year & above, it is very good, i am having the problem with infraed i am not able to copy with it did any one can tell the soulution for this.
- k
- kapil
- SkE
- 07 Jul 2007
exelance looks and feachers
- s
- sandeep
- 2@H
- 01 Jul 2007
I was going thru all the opinion about Samsung X200 and was surprised to find such negative comments! Hello guys we are talking about this cute little really cheap (reasonable)phone. If u want higher functions like infrared and all, put in some more money and go for higher models. Though this phone has short commings I think its really value for money. Its basically just a "talk phone" with good sound quality. I have been using it for about 2 years now and fully satisfied keeping in mind what I paid for it!
- Z
- ZeldaFreak
- ibm
- 03 Jun 2007
No Amrita..40 Polyphonic ringtones means it has 40 ployphonic chords, the higher the better quality of the ringtones, so it sounds better.
- A
- Amrita
- iwq
- 29 May 2007
I have just have one query, they say 40 polyphonic ringtones but when i checked it was jus 10 preloaded one's. Does this mean i need to download the remainining 30 and if yes then HOW. Plz do reply.
- a
- anoniem
- m7x
- 01 May 2007
i've had it for a year and it was already broken. it started charging the battery when it didn't had contact with the battery-loader. don't buy this phone if you want to keep it longer than 12 months, because after those 112 months it is probably broken!
- k
- km
- p7K
- 07 Apr 2007
my other cosin has this mob I like it.But of curse my lg chocolate is much better loool:P
- R
- Reeju
- bH8
- 06 Apr 2007
It has big size address book but low battery backup. So, if you are in city, it works fine, but, while travelling you cannot depend on it.
- m
- mirza dulal
- PS5
- 28 Mar 2007
hi this cell has nice service and price is low.when i first time saw this sat i think that if i would have a set like i bought a samgsung x-200 set and i am feeling nice.
- c
- ceejay
- mgf
- 17 Mar 2007
i had a new samsung x200 and i want to use my internet in pinoy wap but if i alway input my user name it always appear a wrong entry. i think its not good for wap unlike my nokia 3100. i use it only in yahoo messenger, but its not enouhg for me, can you help me how can i acces at pinoy using my x200. just email or ym me. thank you.
- A
- iLH
- 01 Mar 2007
iwant to ask about the software which i could connect my phone with my pc by ir connection..i hope i can fine that software ..thanks
- a
- amar
- 22 Feb 2007
how can i connect to my mms service or gprs as i dont know where can i find the filed to enter the port number ..if any 1 knows regarding this please do help me out...thnaks in advance
- d
- dev
- Pxs
- 17 Jan 2007
Can anybody tell me that the phone of mine has dropped a hundred times and it has got scratches so the overs had been shabby so i wanna replace it so can i change my covers???????????
- I
- Ionut
- ny7
- 14 Jan 2007
This Mobile it's great.If you want a phone that you can drop it 20 times and still work perfect ? buy this phone.I like it because i can store 1000 entries.The phone has a really simple and good look and you can use it really fast.If you need or want to ask things about the phone just add me on yahoo ess.Greetz
- m
- me
- 21 Dec 2006
the infrared port works but only to transfer your phonebook...sux He can play only mmf files... when is connected at pc is not recognized as removable device..that sux too...but is a "talking phone" Games: bubble smiles - awful and fun2link have only 20 lvls..
the battery can be used 3-4 days depend..
- A
- Pyq
- 20 Dec 2006
hi. why i r is not working in this set. can i send a ring tone to some one using this. i tried to send one but it was not received by the one i sent it to.....
- p
- piyush
- PVs
- 16 Dec 2006
the INFRARED feature of this phone dosent allow us to tranfer or receive any downloadable stuff like wallpapers, ringtones etc...its jst to receive and send phonebook entries...this virtually makes it useless as its vry rare that this function might be if any samsung officials are reading...kindly think about it...a person buying it in the first place would not be aware of this misleading..ehich i would call it....and also this phone dosent have group messaging??? SIMPLY RIDICULOUS!!
- a
- asad
- PTp
- 15 Dec 2006
there is a red cassette on appearin the top of screen how to get rid of it?>
- B
- Belmont
- 12 Dec 2006
Hey! I get an error when downloading some mid's by Samsung PC Studio 2. What's going on? All the music is ok.
- a
- amar
- 11 Dec 2006
does the infra-red option given in this phone really works???coz i have tryed many a atimes and its not working i just wanna confirm whether the prblem is the way i use or it dosnt work coz it gives only 30 sec time to connect to another phone.