Samsung Z500
- G
- M}5
- 20 Aug 2005
to debs . take the samsung back and change it for the sony ericsson v600i it is a far better handset .. also if this phone does not live up to its expectations i will change it to .. but so far it is looking good . ps the samsung looks good but it is a sad handset ex rules..........
- G
- M}5
- 20 Aug 2005
i have had this phone . nice phone but will not sound alarm when switched off . battery is terrible. reception is sad .. i got a sony ericsson v600i aka k608 . and i have not looked back .. oh yes for your samsung .. enter *7465625*28782# and *7465625*28638# enter both these codes with no sim card present in your handset . and you will reap the rewards...glad to help .. GAZ..........
- A
- A Carroll
- myJ
- 20 Aug 2005
Just got the Z500 on Vodaphone. Too early to pass comment, but how do I receive photo texts ? I just seem to be directed to a website rather than receive them directly
- l
- lopps
- n1h
- 19 Aug 2005
I am thinking about buying the Z500. But have a few questions -
1) Will the alarm work if the phone is switched off?
2) does it have a loudspeaker function?
3) Can you set an alarm for remiders?
Thank you
- a
- annie
- nEr
- 19 Aug 2005
Also... (im on vodafone) why cant I change the theme? Vodafone live doesnt seem to support themes for z500 yet, neither does the samsung website. So I'm stuck with the four rubbish ones supplied? Also - if I want to use a pic, photo etc. the theme shows behind. Can I just switch the theme off completely?
- a
- anne
- nEr
- 19 Aug 2005
Go to settings, connectivity, network settings, network mode, and change from auto to GSM 900/1800. Improved signal strength and battery life.
I am have major problems dowloading music - can get mp3s but most of my music is in M4A - and stoopid pc studio says its not a sound file...when it clearly is. Anyone overcome this?
- R
- R & D F.C.
- iLR
- 19 Aug 2005
I have just got my Z500 & the biggest problem is the signal, Does any body know if there is any way to inprove this. i cant get a signal in my house, but with my old e710 i had no problems.
- G
- Giannis
- Sjm
- 19 Aug 2005
Nice phone.very small and light for a 3G mobile!!Can anyone tell me about the camera?Is it good?Please reply
- m
- me!!!
- Mx@
- 19 Aug 2005
just to let u all know the battery life get better as time goes by - it used to need charging every night - now i charge every 3 days. be patient. i work for a mobile phone co. and i know phones. the z500 is fantastic!!!!
- D
- Deborah
- mVG
- 19 Aug 2005
I have the transflash card in mine. I bought a 256 MB and have stored some of my MP3's on it. I then added them to the Play List on the phone and it works fine. The only probs I'm having is with the stupid clock and alarm!
- D
- Deborah
- mVG
- 19 Aug 2005
Well, both me and my hubby have this z500 and after having it for just over a week now we are both unimpressed with it. There is a definite problem with the clock and alarm and the battery life is poor. we are going back to Phones 4U this morning to try to get a replacement handset. we like the size of this phone and have always found Samsung to be a very reliable company but this time they seem to have made a blooper! I hope the next handset's software is a marked improvement otherwise we will be changing to a different make altogether. A real disappointment up to now.
- s
- seaniboy
- 19 Aug 2005
well outdoor profile on my phone rings loud as hell :)
menu ...settings....profile.....outdoor
- G
- M}5
- 18 Aug 2005
tried this phone it was 4/10 battey life terrible reception.. got sony ericsson v600i far better phone.. p.s v600i i give it 9/10
- e
- erick
- mtc
- 18 Aug 2005
Hi, does somebody know if this phone is a smartphone with symbian??
- a
- andy w
- Sev
- 18 Aug 2005
can you get the alarm to work when the phone is switched off? and is the clock messing the time about on all phones or just mine? Help please!
- a
- andy w
- Sev
- 18 Aug 2005
can you get the alarm to work when the phone is switched off? and is the clock messing the time about on all phones or just mine? HELP!
- j
- james
- P@Y
- 18 Aug 2005
does anybody use transflash card on his phone? coz i inserted d micro-SD card from motorola E398 but it cant open d can only read d memory but cant open d memory card..i was wondering if there's a way to store files to the memory card & use it like d internal seems like it's only a back-up file to the huge 55MB internal memory..hope im wrong coz i want to store more MP3s in my phone..and can it accomodate 256MB?anybody plssssssss......tnx..
- R
- Rs
- naB
- 17 Aug 2005
Hi all
I work for a company that repairs samsungs gsm's in holland.
The battary time is a problem when you use your cam to call it uses something like 0,5 m amps, it will only give you an hour or so on a full battery, samsung is awer of this problem and is working on the problem.
I have one myself and have problems with internel clock, but it was repaired by a software upgrade. Still a graght fone
- G
- M}5
- 17 Aug 2005
ihad this phone for one week . nice phone but battery life is terrible . alarm on it goes off when phone is switched on. cannot make its mind up what to stay on 2g or 3g . went for a sony ericsson v600i far better by far more features . better battery life and locks onto the stronger signal..
- D
- Deborah
- SY0
- 17 Aug 2005
To Z500 RULES.
Re. battery time, I'm prob getting a couple of days out of it. Not brilliant compared with the D500 which at the moment is my favourite! But unfortunately the D500 isn't 3G so hence the reason why I opted for the Z500.