Samsung Z500
- G
- Giorgos
- x{B
- 12 Jan 2007
I ve been using this phone over a year and the only problem i ve found out is the short time battery. I ve read that talk time can be expanded if changed from 3G to 2G! Can smn tell me the exact steps for doing that? Thanks
- C
- Chris
- PTd
- 26 Dec 2006
doesn't matter. based on colours, guyz might feel more comfortable owning one. chicks usually prefer a phone with a bit of colour that stands out.
- ?
- Anonymous
- M@T
- 26 Dec 2006
hey is dis phone 4 girlz or boyz
- D
- Daniel(ROM )
- 20 Dec 2006
Hi. I bought the phone from the national distributor,and it is a very good one.I have nothing to say BAD about it,camera works fine, good network signal..on stand-by has good batery life(5-6 days)but without using 3G Network selection.It must be disabled. a negativepoint is that games cannot be received my any means, only by connecting to the Internet and download them.And another - is that ringing is low... But using it as a phone only-there are no problems.I have seen it at many people with financial capabilities, I think this says something
- l
- liendy
- p0y
- 17 Dec 2006
i have this phone for almost a year. It's greet when we talked with the memory. As some as other handy users from this mobile only no speakers....but its ok. I like it. It small and easy to use.
- C
- Chris
- PTd
- 16 Dec 2006
have had this one for 6 months now. i think this kinda phone is rapidly going outa fashion. it's too heavy, it's bulky, and it has, what is by now ancient, an oval shape. ultra-thin rectangular phones - such as the motorola razor for example - are the way the go these days. i'm getting one of those. keeping z500 as a spare.
- R
- Roya
- EZk
- 12 Dec 2006
I have had this phone for a year now. Great phone, but only recently I wanted to use the Key Mangement Options to make my key tone silent. But there are no options available under Key Management except there is display of key sign (as though the option is locked) I have reset my phone to factory settings, but still there are no options available under Key Management. Could anyone help?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Dec 2006
i have had this phone for a year now and has been great!! but just recently it only calls sometimes and i get messages from up to 2 days late..other then that its a good fone
- T
- Tina Chan
- nS1
- 05 Dec 2006
The battery life is poor, there are no speakers (cant hear the phone ringing when inside pocket)and no camera light. But the good thing is there is a good memory capacity, good quality pics.
- M
- Marlon
- ncG
- 03 Dec 2006
Hey! Does anyone have, or know, a program that allows me to listen to radio with my cell phone?
Thank you
- B
- Benk Dude
- 27 Nov 2006
Awesome fone! Buy One! Um.... Yea.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mx1
- 26 Nov 2006
wanna change your text alert tone then do this.
bring up menu select settings and then profiles then select options (bottom left of screen)and then select edit and booo a new list of options youve never seen before
- g
- g
- imp
- 25 Nov 2006
love this phone!! had nokias way better like it
- a
- andy
- SpL
- 23 Nov 2006
amr is supported in nokia phones for use as ringtones and sms/mms alerts. i have this phone (z500) its sh*t.
- J
- Jake
- pYP
- 22 Nov 2006
duz any1 know hot to change ure text tone?
- i
- im
- mEw
- 21 Nov 2006
amr is not suported for ringtone in any phone suported is ounly mp3 wav mid and othes files
- j
- julia
- 20 Nov 2006
i luv this fone and i really want it ..........
- s
- sam
- P%P
- 14 Nov 2006
i bought this fone just a few days ago!! its really good although im having trouble with 1 thing....can any1 tell me how to change a file thing so i can put it as a ringtone!! for example any file that i have as .amr wont work as a ringtone!! does any1 no how i can change it to something else so it will work as a ringtone!! plz help!!....asap!! thanks
- C
- Claire Loookin 4 Lov
- 13 Nov 2006
Dnt like this fone at all!!!!
Battery power is terrible!!!!
Never get this fone if yoooou want a samusng fone get a Samsung E530!!!!!! The best fone in da world!!!!!!!! Hello Boys!!!!
- l
- loopy
- mXT
- 30 Oct 2006
i'm getting a new mobile at christmas adn was wondering if their was any that you'd reccomend (i'd like flipphone with camera and video)
on this phone how good is the recording(if it has it) it colour screen.......etc.