Samsung Z500
- B
- Blondie
- Mxx
- 05 May 2005
I cant wait to get this phone. Ive bin waitin 4 it for ages! bu apparently its out next month n i cant wait any longer! im so wxcited. It looks so cute:-)
- P
- Papu
- mS1
- 04 May 2005
i think that the phone is totally awesome! too bad that it's not in stores yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- m
- me
- 02 May 2005
Will it be available in Singapore? When? Its good. Has bluetooth. Tink its the first bluetooth phone with Samsung. Does the infrared work wif other phone too?
- u
- uk
- Ih0
- 30 Apr 2005
- 50 MB shared memory
Where would you get a T-flash memo in UK? argos doesnt sell them :/ + are they cheap? (knowing more memo more expensive)
- r
- raven
- iIR
- 29 Apr 2005
Bell,a Z500 on o2 in uk by june/july
- f
- faith rapheal oluwab
- mgi
- 27 Apr 2005
i will like to use this upportunity to show my intrest in ur production and i will also ask 4 a mobile phone to bear u witnes THANKS .
- u
- uk
- Ihn
- 27 Apr 2005
where did you get your phone from? at what price? is it worth the money?!
- b
- bella
- QKe
- 26 Apr 2005
When will this phone ba available in NY
- n
- never u mind :)
- mX5
- 25 Apr 2005
i was just wondering when will the Z500 be released in the uk?
- u
- unamed
- mX5
- 25 Apr 2005
Hi, I was thnking about buying the E720 then i was told about this beast of a thing, its awesome. I have only but 1 problem, i dnt knw how much it will cost, if any1 knws please could u email me with approx price, that would help alot! cheers bye
- ?
- Anonymous
- RK3
- 23 Apr 2005
i gues this fone is very fabulous i have this but actually the only thing that im getting rid off is the downloading of polytones the tones preloaded is good but when you try to get a poly of your favorite song the sounds is disgusting it must emphasize the tones like listening to the radio???/
does this have a radio?
but the lcd is perfect!!!!! absolutely
- o
- ogunwole olalekan
- j7A
- 22 Apr 2005
please i want to buy this z500 samsung how can you help me ,so that may be i will send you a credit card .i will pay for the phone and pay for the shipping. please respond as soon aspossible because i need this phone as soon as possible.pls reply immidiately
- N
- Nicole
- 21 Apr 2005
Does this phone have voice recorder? And if it does can you set them as ringtones??? please reply or email me with the answer!!!
- u
- uk
- I7x
- 19 Apr 2005
This phone had a memory slot and the spec is slightly better than the e720! Personally i would i would like some buttons at the front (like the e720) which will make listening to music easier!
Also i would like to know if its going to get released in the UK or HK? If yes price and when please. Thanks
- H
- Hell Spawn
- mt1
- 18 Apr 2005
I have a proto phone(z500) send me by TMN of portugal, it´s a very interesting phone, small and with a lot of funcions, i recommended...;)
- s
- sina
- yBB
- 15 Apr 2005
can anyone tell me when the z500 will be available in america? thanks for your help.
- M
- Micheal Tyson
- A3r
- 13 Apr 2005
This one hack of a phone that i want to buy the features DAMZ,,,,does any1 know when the release is in EUROPE ?
- R
- Ribeiro
- mt1
- 11 Apr 2005
It will be available in portugal by he end of this month or the begining of May for around 400 euros
- s
- s201292
- Ui0
- 10 Apr 2005
i was considering the samsung P850 but i looked at a couple of picks n the camera a big NO NO ! lolz but this is much beta its like the e700 range but beta x 1000
anywayz does anyone know when its gonna come to either america , japan or australia lolz thanx..
- m
- mavoro
- Mdk
- 06 Apr 2005
i really do think this phone is wonderful.cudos samsung