Siemens C35
- V
- Vlasta
- 15 Aug 2002
I love my siemens but the ringing tones and games are horible!
- R
- Ramees
- 13 Aug 2002
Please advise how to activate the Call Barring.
- A
- Arya
- 05 Aug 2002
saya pakai kartu hallo tapi tak tau code puknya
- V
- VanCuong
- 30 Jul 2002
Your C35 is good one, but only battery is not good enough !
- d
- dwyat
- 28 Jul 2002
minta tolong dikirimi keyword-keyword_nya yaaa?
- T
- Tran Tai
- 27 Jul 2002
Can you send to me any music call for C35!
- l
- luie
- 17 Jul 2002
battery is very bad. standby time is very low. I've been changing battery almost every month but it's just the same, I have to charge it every now and then. At that state, I'm not even calling, just texting. I guess, I got to get rid of if fast or it will rob me of my money, just for the battery!
- Y
- YanX
- 13 Jul 2002
Hey can anyone out there tell me how to change the version of my mob from version 16 to version 11??? Plz.. I'm not getting the network in certain regions. I'm from Mauritius...
- N
- 12 Jul 2002
my phone code is blocked i can't make use my other sim card
- d
- denis mcgurk
- 11 Jul 2002
can you tell me where I can get a replacement battery for a C35?
- s
- sam wachira
- 04 Jul 2002
i have had c35's that mostly either go (dead) or loose their memory.Please send me a detailed manual with tips on repairs thanx
- D
- Danang Aji
- 04 Jul 2002
how many price about siemens c-35
- d
- dhie
- 02 Jul 2002
could I get more information about siemens c-35i (logos)
- c
- chacko kallivayalil
- 02 Jul 2002
my phone code is stuck...i need help from india...what do i do....i dont have a back up!! reply asap
- J
- Julia Miguel
- 30 Jun 2002
dear sir,
c35 is brilliant. great value ass well. but i have a prob here. when i try to reset the barring to off , it displays "currently not available".how do i set if off? please help me. thank u :)
- t
- tariq
- 27 Jun 2002
i need ringing tone
- a
- asdf
- 27 Jun 2002
softwear for servs
- A
- Amitabh Bansal
- 27 Jun 2002
I am using C35 Mobile Set. Unfortunately I dont have PUK2 code. As my PIN2 is blocked. The shop from where i have purchased the set is now closed. and the person is out of country. If any one can help me please tell me.
- F
- Fabian
- 27 Jun 2002
I have some problems about my Siemens C35: a dog which a big "SOS" below and ...that's all. My mobile phone is dead. Can you help me?
- j
- jonathan
- 24 Jun 2002
itis very good .
the price is expensive.
it would be better if it was lighter and with no antenna.