Siemens C45
- m
- martinka
- nbr
- 01 May 2007
hahaha LOL that was my first phone :):) i had it when i was 9 and i use it 2 years ! haha :D:D
- r
- roj
- Px0
- 21 Apr 2007
I am using C45 model for the past seven months. I am used to see manual while i required. But now i have lost it on the way to school because my friend want to buy it. He insists on buying the phone. But i think it will be useless to sell without the manual as it includes phone codes, the most important one. So could you please help me by providing the detailed manual.
- S
- Slavica
- SXn
- 16 Apr 2007
My first phone. Alive for five years without to visit any service. Still alive :)))
Really, the best choice!
- G
- Gautham
- vG4
- 22 Mar 2007
Real good phone!!It would have easily been a "CLASSIC" Siemens phone if it did have a Plastic num pad!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pJH
- 16 Mar 2007
My 2nd hpone after the C25....i liked this phone a lot..still works aswell.
- s
- sj walsall mids
- pwb
- 12 Mar 2007
one of the best siemens mobiles around .
very reliable and very easy too use .
good battery life too .
a siemens classic
- t
- tanzil
- PVe
- 28 Feb 2007
this is good ceel ph
- r
- roselle
- 2At
- 20 Feb 2007
it been many years ive been using this phone and i can say its amazing coz it can read vcard where it came from so you cant hide to this phone no even if its already jurasic you will still enjoy using it
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7D
- 16 Jan 2007
what does cb list stand for
- m
- manoj
- Uqs
- 07 Oct 2006
i am using this mobile for the past 3 years. but now i have lost the manual and now recently i reduced the contrast to zero and now the display is not visible. so,please guide me to increse the contrast. plse mail me,or message me to 9884255896
- g
- gerson foya
- N9W
- 04 May 2006
i have got a siemens c45 and i want to add ring tones what can ido in order to fullfill my ends?
- s
- samir
- Px0
- 26 Apr 2006
i have this mobile and i wann to add more ringingtone to can i do it??? plz provide me the idea........and mail me back
- R
- Rahul
- 25 Mar 2006
I had used this phone for about three years & it such a good phone with almost features but finally i lost it,but if it available in the market i just want to buy it again.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P0u
- 24 Feb 2006
i bought it 4 years ago, and it works good so far. its cristal sreen fails sometimes, but a restart resolve this. its a tought mobile phone for its material, and paid its price hundred times!!
- S
- Sandra
- mVi
- 04 Jan 2006
I had it for three years.It fell down one hundred time and nothing happened. This is so good and solid mobile phone. It never failed during the years
- M
- Mubeen
- Pxp
- 18 Dec 2005
extremely wonderful mobile !!! wow what a piece of engineering. i had this for 1 good year and its been the best phone i have ever had i wish i cud buy this again but unfortunately new ones arent available. really good reception and really good battery time ... way to go siemens
- Q
- Quu
- n2r
- 06 Sep 2005
My mom had this.. Orange screen is pretty cute and i liked those games in it^^ It was old and not so good looking.. mut still nice^^
- d
- dedi
- 10 Aug 2005
simple, beauty, exaiting!!!!
c45 best phone i ever had
- m
- michael codjoe
- mcu
- 07 Jun 2005
siemens c45 is a very nice phone, but please send me the manual of how to load music. to further my enjoyment with the handset. michael codjoe from ghana.
- b
- briant
- R5h
- 05 May 2005
The worst cellphone I ever had. Thank God its off the shelf now.