Siemens C45
- P
- Phradamon
- 01 Nov 2002
excelent phone!!!!!!!!!
- d
- darya
- 15 Oct 2002
How can I compose varios melodies.thanks.
- E
- Elaine Quinn
- 15 Oct 2002
is it possible that i could have a copy of the siemens C45 manual as i seem to have lost mine and i cannot use all the options available to me as i can remmember how to do them.
I hope you can help me.
Many thanks.
- r
- riki oktavian, s.kom
- 14 Oct 2002
i have semens c45, i think siemens c45 it's flexible product, in very interested about information siemens products
- j
- jorge
- 13 Oct 2002
is there ringtone composer option, need the simpsons for ex.
- y
- yamta
- 08 Oct 2002
Follow me Siemens c45 is good!
- E
- Emanuel Callaway
- 06 Oct 2002
I had this phone and i love it! I live in Portugal, and i got logos and ringtones. I only miss the calculator, the currency converter, and 50 phone book memories, on the mobile, its too litle.
- y
- yo
- 03 Oct 2002
- G
- G _A
- 03 Oct 2002
wery noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Coooooooool&fun
- I
- 30 Sep 2002
All for Siemens C45
- j
- jedz
- 26 Sep 2002
hello dudleys..itz a great phone but u know wut i has a lot of bugs..but still u can save everything in it rulez..just but the data cable n download itz software..if any1 want a logo or ringtone.sms me at (+92)03335176231....aright dudes...pakistan rocks;).any prob contatc me at 9203335176231
- j
- jedz
- 26 Sep 2002
hi am from pakistan..yeah u sure can add everything in ur phone except ems data cable and download sofdata link 5.0 from tats all...any prob contatc me at 9203335176231
- J
- Jedz
- 26 Sep 2002
hello palios..i can help ya guyz..i got c45 n itz a good phone but the problem is it has so many bugs..u have 2 upgrade the firmware version of ur phone from siemens service..but still u can add new screen savers , logos and rocks dudes..just through it itz cheap..anyprob contact me thrrough sms at +9203335176231.
- r
- rimas
- 23 Sep 2002
gaidys didelis
- J
- Jacobus Hari
- 22 Sep 2002
I can't make melody composer from my own ponsel
- a
- adrian
- 22 Sep 2002
This mobile is best i'd had until now.
I had te next mobile phones: Siemens C35i;
Ericsson 2628 and others
- A
- Andrius
- 20 Sep 2002
Very good phone! :)
- s
- stephanie
- 20 Sep 2002
why bother to say you can compose rings when the phone dont contain such capability
- s
- stephanie
- 20 Sep 2002
i think u should be able to compose ring s on the new c45, why bother to say u can compose when u cant.
- Q
- Quang Tuyen
- 16 Sep 2002
About price and some thing?