Siemens SL45
- j
- jasper
- 05 Jan 2001
I have it, i have had 25 mobile phones but this is the best until now, really great
- S
- Shahid Aziz
- 03 Jan 2001
It looks sleek and has very good features. Will definitely be my next phone.
- E
- Erik Molenaar
- 22 Dec 2000
I just got the Siemens SL45 being the first person here in Holland owning it. (As I did for the S35i before ;-) I must say the phone is very cool, but the MMC is slow and it got A LOT of features. (Too much for a average user, but superb for the enthousiast!)
- H
- HillaryC
- 22 Dec 2000
2 of de best on the market...
Nokia8250 advantage - no ugly antenna
Siemens advantage - MP3
How shall I decide?
- N
- Nickolay Meledjiev
- 22 Dec 2000
I use Siemens cell phones since 1998 and I am sure that your products are the best!
They are sold quite expensive in Bulgaria so I'd apreciate if you sugest any of your licenced distributors.
Tks and best regards / N. Meledjiev
- b
- boy
- 18 Dec 2000
- P
- Paul
- 18 Dec 2000
Overall i think the phone is great ...
but the display colour should vary, only having ember colour is not enough !!
- B
- Ben
- 18 Dec 2000
Does anyone know when this phone is coming out in the uk? (Other than just 'at Christmas'). And for how much?
- J
- Juan Lara Cabeza
- 15 Dec 2000
I have read the information about Siemens SL45 and i think that it's fantastic. I'd like to have one. Where can i find this telephone?, Could you send me one?
Thank you.
- F
- Filipe Cordeiro
- 14 Dec 2000
The phone of my dreams!
It has only two handicaps: the PRICES! (both of the phone and of the MMCs); and the battery´s listening time.
- b
- balky
- 14 Dec 2000
Up to 45 minutes listening MP3 and 5 hours for voice recording?? is it a phone or what??? GREAT!! I 'm gonna kick my MP3 player and voice recorder!
- B
- Budi Yogiana
- 13 Dec 2000
I want buy one
- D
- DanySoft
- 13 Dec 2000
Nice but ...
Why not handfree speaker ? Why not email function ? Why not compatible with Lotus Notes like the R380s from Ericsson ?
- D
- Damir
- 12 Dec 2000
What is price for this telephone(siemens SL45)
- f
- fabian
- 10 Dec 2000
it's the best phone in thte world!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Dec 2000
it's best
- T
- TheGenius
- 10 Dec 2000
Hey ppl this is by far the best phone in the world u gotta have one i just got mine 2 days back.....SIEMENS UR THE BEST KEEP IT UP
- d
- dean
- 09 Dec 2000
cool phone... no words to say
- r
- rasha mohamed
- 08 Dec 2000
i love it to much . .
- d
- dr ahmed mohamed
- 08 Dec 2000
very nice phone but why single color ! !