Sony Ericsson C905

Sony Ericsson C905

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Dani
  • nEw
  • 05 Jul 2008

Shou Ji, 05 Jul 2008The full PSP experience you'll get from the Sony Ericsson P... moreThank you for that information!!!!

    • S
    • Shou Ji
    • p$K
    • 05 Jul 2008

    The full PSP experience you'll get from the Sony Ericsson PSP mobile phone as listed in the spec :
    - 4.3" TFT 16 Million colours with 480x272 pixel(wide screen 16:9 aspect ratio)
    - 2 Megapixel camera
    - Built in web browser, podcasting, audio/video streaming
    - 3G support, Video Call
    - Java
    - Bluetooth
    - SMS/MMS, Speaker phone
    - Battery life: 5 hours game, 3 hours video call, 9 hours talk time, 400 hours standby time.

    Phone is turned into PSP Game console after rotating(presumably horizontally). Date of release hasn't confirmed yet.

      • A
      • Annoymous
      • M@T
      • 05 Jul 2008

      Anonymous, 04 Jul 2008well n95-5 is actually the dominating phone in japan at the... moreWhere is the url link

        • D
        • Dani
        • nEw
        • 04 Jul 2008

        K800i vs N73

        all i can say there is..K800i won easily

        iv heard enough stories of my mates who have returned there N73's becuase of the software being buggy and slow

        K800i - No Complaints

        N95 - some of my mates have it, they do complain the software is abit slow..

        some of them have returned it and got K850i

        K850i - No Complaints

        1 of my friend had touchscreen button problems but he got that fixed easily..

        now we have C905

        C905 - Many people my mates etc etc have praised this phone and said its Perfect..

        N96 - had a couple of praises but most of them want N82 !!!


        i just like SE all the way

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • wYL
          • 04 Jul 2008

          MIKE, 04 Jul 2008K800 and N73 are both so popular . the reason that K800 fre... moreI have the right to say so... cause i used to own both phones at the same time. and in no time I've sold the N73!

            • M
            • MIKE
            • prm
            • 04 Jul 2008

            Franklyn Chaminda, 04 Jul 2008Hi The new SE c905 is better that n95 and w960i.because mo... moreHuh ?!! who says nokia doesn't support all of the networks ! Friend , you are talking about Srilanka . we're talking about all over the world . OKKKKKK :-(

              • M
              • MIKE
              • prm
              • 04 Jul 2008

              Anonymous, 04 Jul 2008no, no, no K800 is over and above better than N73 why d... moreK800 and N73 are both so popular . the reason that K800 freezes less than N73 is because of the operating systems . in this case you can't say which one is really better. you know it depends on people's point of view . however N73's been sold more than K800. both of them are verygood phones.

                • j
                • jj
                • TKb
                • 04 Jul 2008

                may i know,this phone,when open photo gallery,will it slow?

                  • m
                  • mole10hot1
                  • xJH
                  • 04 Jul 2008

                  I have no doubt that this is going to be one hell of a phone from SE but i'm biased. Always have been a Sony Ericsson freak.
                  Just wish that when they come out with this phone they come out with one having the same design with a 5 mp camera. who needs an 8 mp camera on a phone anyway? SE could give it an 8 gig memory though. I'm happy with the proposed specs on this one when it comes out. Something for my christmas stocking!!!

                    • M
                    • ME
                    • nEu
                    • 04 Jul 2008

                    shadowed_angst, 04 Jul 2008Looking at the N95, anyone, any normal person, can conclude... more@ shadow angst

                    dude, the statement from sony ericsson has been used before already by the company and they are just recycling the idea.

                    and based on ur own comment about se's statement you didnt seem to "understand" their message again. (sigh) (bangs head on the desk)

                    You said " merely possessing this 8mp camera phone does not "bring out the photographer in us all". "


                    SE's statement clearly says " make us all better photographers " NOT "bring out the photographer in us all"

                    Well the difference's message is to improve our photography skills however your understanding is it can make us a "Natural Born" photographer. duuuuuuuuuh

                    Mind you, nokia says "It's what computers have become - the new Nokia N95"

                    Read " Its what computers ---have become."

                    Nokia's saying that computers have evolved or transformed in to N95s. bullcrap

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • wY8
                      • 04 Jul 2008

                      nick, 04 Jul 2008i dnt see why SE always produce second division phones. ... moreno, no, no

                      K800 is over and above better than N73
                      why don't you check the N73 forum, til now it's flooded with questions regarding bugs and it's way too slooooooooooooooooooowww. even if nokia releases a hundred firmware updates, it just can't fix it anymore. LOL!

                        • n
                        • nick
                        • nxw
                        • 04 Jul 2008

                        i dnt see why SE always produce second division phones.

                        n73 > k800
                        n95 MASSIVELY killed k850
                        n96 > c905

                        its hopeless.

                        their best phone is the xperia and it isnt released yet because HTC made it.

                          • E
                          • Eddy
                          • mcy
                          • 04 Jul 2008

                          Franklyn Chaminda, 04 Jul 2008Hi The new SE c905 is better that n95 and w960i.because mo... moreGo on fact findings between NOKIA & SE on connectivity. Nokia is the best on all internet connectivity - GPRS, WAP, etc. They are not comparable.
                          In terms of camera functionalities, i think SE dominates. There still some Nokia camera phones that are as good as that of SE. Examples of few are Nokia N73, 82, N95, etc.
                          Nokia is also more durable than any other phones.
                          In overall assessment, taking functionalities of phone into consideration, NOKIA remains the best. Try to compare the given specifications with one another and buy the phone and compare it your friend and you happily draw conclusion on the two.
                          Finally, don't relies on these opinions from individual because a number of people don't even buy these costly phones but critcised negatively. They buy below average phones for their use.
                          Nokia N95 still remains king of phones and no rival for the moment. Close to it is N82 and 73.
                          Thanks and have a nice weekend.

                            • j
                            • jj
                            • TKb
                            • 04 Jul 2008

                            is a nice phone,bt compare to nokia,nokia has 16 million colours compare to se which only has overall in display,se nt as gud as nokia

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • wu4
                              • 04 Jul 2008

                              well n95-5 is actually the dominating phone in japan at the moment...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • wY8
                                • 04 Jul 2008

                                nick, 04 Jul 2008its true though, the n95 was released 2 years ago and it st... moreAnd eagerly awaiting this one, don't you? LOL!

                                  • n
                                  • nick
                                  • nxw
                                  • 04 Jul 2008

                                  its true though, the n95 was released 2 years ago and it still has double the features

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • wYE
                                    • 04 Jul 2008

                                    Nokia fans should be thankful that Sony Ericsson Japan phone portfolio has been exclusive to them. Cause if it made available worldwide you wouldn't be bragging your N95 in here.

                                      • S
                                      • Shou Ji
                                      • M@T
                                      • 04 Jul 2008

                                      shadowed_angst, 04 Jul 2008Looking at the N95, anyone, any normal person, can conclude... moreShadowed angs, I never know Nokia was claimed N95 is a PC. If they're claimed N95 is a computer, I think Nokia was right. U can find processor, operating system, huge memory, office aplication, connectivity, multimedia, game, etc. U can also installed 3rd party aplication/game. Nokia mean N95 has a phone with complete portfolio like computer.
                                      If SE claimed their upcoming Xperia X1 was a computer, they're right too.

                                      Be a smart people guys, don't be fanatic.

                                        • F
                                        • Franklyn Chaminda
                                        • w9L
                                        • 04 Jul 2008

                                        The new SE c905 is better that n95 and w960i.because mostly n series phones doesn't work gprs properly is sri lanka. SE phones support all networks for connectivity . Can anymody argue with me ?