Sony Ericsson K610

Sony Ericsson K610

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • Melissa
  • pcI
  • 08 Jan 2007

Hey. I just bought this phone and it have evetyrhing I need, but the battery life is low. The soundvolume is awesome. I don't really use the camera but its really good. Only reason for this phone is because I can't stand those joysticks. I had a K700i before and it was a really good phone besides that one tiny joystickproblem. If you want a basic Sony Ericsson, you better go for this one.

    • N
    • NDY
    • nsG
    • 08 Jan 2007

    @Jonatz Cruz: It's a very detailed description, it'll be very useful to those who intend buying this phone.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • ibi
      • 08 Jan 2007

      is a stupid fone

        • r
        • rony
        • TC$
        • 08 Jan 2007

        no's good phone...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • PRQ
          • 08 Jan 2007

          Yes, it has video streaming, although it doesn't use Realplayer.

            • m
            • mark_cute
            • Rxn
            • 08 Jan 2007

            in all fairness, SE K610i is doin good (not to think of its downfalls).

            IT ROCKS!!!!

              • m
              • mark_cute
              • Rxn
              • 08 Jan 2007

              hi, is this fone capable for VIDEO STREAMING? if not, then that'll be another downfall...tsk...tsk..tsk

                • J
                • Jonatz Cruz
                • PRQ
                • 07 Jan 2007

                This is one great phone for a bargain price. it only costs P12000.00 to P14000.00 (US$240.00 to US$280.00)

                The menu is very to navigate through, considering it is a non-OS phone (Meaning it dosn't use any special Operating System [OS] to function, unlike most Nokia, O2, Qtek and some Motorola handsets). Internet access is a touch of a button away, which is a breeze. Functions are easy to understand and access. It's actually easier to use than most Symbian OS or Windows OS-based phones.

                The Camera, also accessible in a touch of a button, is great even in LOW LIGHT conditions (of course the camera is useless if there is really NO LIGHT, it doesn't have a flash, whick kinds sucks a bit). It comes with several options (eg: pix size, shoot mode, quality, night mode, self timer, white balance, effects) to take a perfect shot. Only thing is, it doesn't have flash. You can buys a separate snap on flash if you want to, but you wouldn't normally need it unless you take most of your pictures in the dark.

                It's also a very fashionable phone for any event. It looks elegant enough for formal parties while it doesn't look out of place in bars and clubs. It actually comes in 4 colors (although some argue it only comes in 3 in the Philippines): Urban Silver, Misty White, and Carbon Black. I got the more common Urban Silver.

                It can play ALMOST all audio formats and it always sounds great through the speaker or headsets (the Music Player even has an equalizer function w/ preset settings). Sadly it doesn't come with FM Radio. You'd need a special accessory (FM Music Transmitter) if you want FM Radio.

                Video Calling is good enough for a mid-range 3G phone. The VGA camera has zoom and night mode functions, video quality options, and mirror image feature. You can further enhance the experience by switching image layout or camera used.

                Only thing that really bothers me though, is the shortcut access and internet access keys which are located in such a way that you'd press them accidentally when you intend to use either softkeys or the back or clear key. Another thing which is a bit irksome is the vertical spacing of the keys. It's easy to press the wrong button when creating text messages.

                About the front VGA Camera, you can't take a picture w/ it unless you're on video call. It can work as a high-tech mirror though. It's handy when you inspecting a zit.

                In the Philippines, you'd get a USB cable, PC-Suite CD, Manual, Charger, and a 64MB Memory Stick Micro (M2). The last item, though it gives you more memory, is not a really good thing because M2 cards are quite expensive comared to other mass storage cards in the market (1GB M2 = P3400.00 or US$68.00; 1GB RS MMC = P1200.00 or $24.00).

                Overall, I'd say this is a good 3G starter phone. It comes with most features you can actually use without the frills.

                  • M
                  • Mircea
                  • pqC
                  • 07 Jan 2007

                  for Nikola: I had many phones with joystick, but I never have problems with SE's joystick.It is one of the best!So, maybe you should consult an SE service.

                    • .
                    • .....
                    • Nxs
                    • 07 Jan 2007

                    Its surely a nice light fon ...... Sony Ericsson keep up the gooda work
                    end transmission........................

                      • j
                      • joko
                      • nnZ
                      • 07 Jan 2007

                      Phone is great my battery life about 4 days.
                      Talk 30 min per day

                        • n
                        • nikola
                        • mV7
                        • 06 Jan 2007

                        I have a question,had anybody problems with navigation keys?have mobile joystic?,i have k700i and joystick is suck,dead so any body can help plz tell me aabout mobile navigation key,is it joystick or 4 buttons and in middle button for ok??had anybody problem,is it good,navigation??plz answer!!!

                          • l
                          • liz
                          • ms7
                          • 06 Jan 2007

                          I think this phone is great, features are brilliant but the battery life doesn't even last a day which is a real downfall.

                            • C
                            • Chris
                            • whB
                            • 05 Jan 2007

                            plz... nid a answer.... how can u take pictures in front of the camera..?? without using the 3g calling..,. i know that u can capture a picture in front of the camera if u are using and calling using 3g... but how to take pictures w/out using the 3g calling..?? nid an answer.... as soon as possible... plz...

                              • 0
                              • 03
                              • PSk
                              • 05 Jan 2007

                              really?how do you take pictures with the front(3g) camera?

                                • G
                                • Gemma
                                • S35
                                • 05 Jan 2007

                                For anyone who needs to know you can use the camera on the front(3g) for take photos. U can take pictures of urself which is great!! Hope this helps everyone!

                                  • G
                                  • Gemma
                                  • S35
                                  • 05 Jan 2007

                                  Basically the difference is that the k61o I is an Imode handset!

                                    • B
                                    • Bowo Imoet
                                    • wc1
                                    • 04 Jan 2007

                                    I just bought this phone 2 weeks ago. I like the features. It's all amazing. The speed of typing message is so fast, unlike the other phones I had. The one I regret is only the battery life. It's not what other people say. It doesn't last long. However, it's a good phone to buy. Thanx for all.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • P@d
                                      • 03 Jan 2007

                                      hi everyone!!! pls take some time to visit my blogspot: this is from my k610, i'm loving this phone. only fly in the ointment is that it doesnt have flash (just like k800/790), camera cover, fm radio and infrared...but its ok, i can still live w/out those stuffs (that is, for now) (",)

                                        • j
                                        • jo
                                        • mAw
                                        • 03 Jan 2007

                                        I have one of these, in red. Its a fantastic phone- however I have two questions

                                        - Can I use the camera on the top of the screen to take photos with?
                                        - How do I activate seperate ring tones for my contacts, as the phone has a 'set caller ringtone' option in caller ID.

                                        Thankyou for your time
