Sony Ericsson K610
- m
- med
- w9K
- 03 Jan 2007
i hpin to buy ds 4n..i used to change the sim want to know wthr its easy to change the sim o nt in k610
plz anwr
- A
- Ahmed El Bardawily
- N7R
- 02 Jan 2007
I used this phone for 3 weeks now and I'm having a problem with my provider (Mobinil/Egypt). In some specific locations the phone gives a message of No Network Access, and I can't make or receive calls. Even if I manage to make a call it only lasts for 14 seconds. If you are in Egypt and have a Mobinil line, don't buy the phone.
- N
- nsG
- 30 Dec 2006
@dee - yes, you may.
@cicco - i think it's only a regional difference (like "c" for the region of China) - i think.
- c
- cicco
- p7J
- 30 Dec 2006
hi , does anybody knows what is difference between k610 and k610i .....ty
- R
- Reza Saeedi
- ntq
- 30 Dec 2006
hi ... how can i connect to the internet from usb cable, please help me
- 0
- 0o0o0
- 30 Dec 2006
its not a five direction joystick...
- g
- gershom
- ixx
- 30 Dec 2006
gret dizyn hundsome face and good camera for that dizyn
- d
- dee
- 29 Dec 2006
hey could anyone help me please...i just wanna know wether i could make folders in this phone? like for pictures..or mp3s?
- N
- nsG
- 28 Dec 2006
Well, the sound is adjusted well, in order not to have problems with your ears. With my headphones, i usually listen at 2-3 squares; I think SE's security measurement is very good for those who listen to music at high volume, and destroy their hearing in a couple of ears.
- ?
- Anonymous
- U2%
- 28 Dec 2006
Hi, this michael here im thinking about getting this fone but i want to know if it has a joystick or 5 way navigation key. I cant tell from the pictures. i probably wont bother looking for a response but whoever has one and wants to tell me please email me the response at
- g
- geooox
- ntP
- 27 Dec 2006
WARNING !!! why all the new wawe of sony ericsson have a bad sound level !!!! the level of sound is poore !!! comparing with old se like w800 k750 d750, etc !!! why did u descrease the sound level ???? because they are stuppid !!! and make the same mistake like nokia !!! why gentelman !!! update the software if u wanna make the big salles of last year !!! odderwise u'll lose ... l'be one of the many sony er fan's who wi'll chose in the future sonye' products !!!
- b
- buns
- ijs
- 26 Dec 2006
hi, can u ppl help me out. can this fon support turbo msn? cause sum say yeah, n sum say no. pls n thank you ^_^
- N
- nsG
- 25 Dec 2006
I've got this cellphone at Christmas, and, till now, I can say it works well. I had a k300i, and the difference is already feeling.
I'm very proud about this phone, it's satisfying all my "requirements". A good mp3/m4a/wma player, which can almost replace the lack of a RDS radio, a pretty good camera (let not forget that we're talking of a phone); I personally like and need the minimize option for the applications, including this music player. I received this phone with quite "a lot" accessories, like the USB cable, the software, a "one ear" headphone and a 64MB M2, which are extremely useful. The screen has the perfect resolution and sharpness for a phone, I have no complains.
As a conclusion, I recommend you this phone, it has more to give you than necessary, and I think there many things more important at a phone than a good-pixelated camera, lots of connectivity methods or a radio; the design is very modern, the menus simple and easy to learn; the balance of quality/price is very good from my point of view.
For any other explications, don't hesitate to mail me, and, cheers from Romania!
- J
- J****
- whA
- 25 Dec 2006
I have a K610i & it is a Vry gud Cellphone, Its features are WONDERFUL.. It has a bright col0r.. It has also a gud CAmeRA... & and a VIdEo... Its muZic is Nice... It has a gud MP3.. SO we don't neeD anymoRe a RaDIo...;-)
- C
- Chris
- whB
- 23 Dec 2006
i've been using this phone for a couple of days.... and the performance is very ok!! music playr... 2 mp cam,, video call... video dj is very ok!!! all the features are ok..! if you have a mp3 on ur phone, u will not expect anym0re 2 have a radio....
- h
- hammad
- PSd
- 22 Dec 2006
i ave k610i.i comapre it with w810 but there is a bid diffrence in disply.i mean w810 has very sharp colors then k610i.
- P
- Plaxter
- LqE
- 21 Dec 2006
I have one K610i too and I can use my mobile without problems connected with USB to the PC, you should have to install the software that is in the CD, I also try to find the driver on Internet an the CD that comes with the phone and I never found it, so I installed the software that comes in the CD and it works , thats the only way to sync the mobile and the PC that I know and it works good, I hope that this will help you
- f
- fadi
- Sk{
- 21 Dec 2006
really BAD camera (no autofocus) compared to w800/k750
- k
- kk
- ppk
- 21 Dec 2006
Summary: I'm very happy with this phone, screen is very colourful (all the icons look great) and sharp, sound is great, camera is also very nice in bright day but have to say much worse in night or faint places. Phone is easy to use and I'd say just friendly. There were small portable white speakers in the box as well (size of box of matches) so I can listen to music like small hi-fi set - it's little bit like Ipod dock station. I haven't seen them speakers on K610 review, so maybe I'm just lucky to get some limited verion of this phone or something :-) They're very nice indeed.
The organizer is just good enough, you can put there all necessary peoples data, I don't need anything more than that.
Phone is also very compact, easily fits into the pocket which is quite important for me.
Drawbacks ?
Probably I'd like to see some camera lens cover - this one is quite exposed for some scratches. Also lacks of FM radio.
Anyway, its small exceptionally well designed phone which delivers great value for your money, I hardly doubt you can get anything better for this price (I paid 150 eur).
- k
- kk
- ppk
- 21 Dec 2006
Soki, I bought this phone yesterday and connected to my pc within minutes, no problem at all. You just need to install software from CD that is included in the box. What exacly is your problem, you don't have this cd or what ?