Sony Ericsson K750
- s
- stoian
- Tm8
- 06 Apr 2006
does anyone know where i can find the w800 prymary theme?
it would be great on k750!!
also any sites for themes free of charge will be appreciated!;)
- @
- @DoUL
- iDe
- 06 Apr 2006
- I was talking about the size, brighter or darker has something to do with the LED used under the LCD, but both screens have the same size.
- Yes, it has bluetooth v.2
Farhan Khan
About your "disqualifications":
1- Symbian OS differs in 2 things than any other custome JAVA OS -such as the one used in K750-, supported applications & data formats and performance, for the applications & formats, symbian OS rules, but in performance, I doubt, K750 has a pretty fast processor that makes K750 no slower than most of symbian based mobiles -if not faster in some cases-.
2- K750 was announced back in Q1 2005 -sometime between Feb. and Mar. as I can recall-, and was launched Q3 2005 -early July-, during that time, EDGE was still gaining market and wasn't spreaded as it is now -Q2 2006-, and HSCSD was no where to hear about -actually I started to hear about it just early this year-, and 3G was still in development and by the time K750 was launched, only 3-4 3G-networs were working all over the world, so bottom line is, K750 wasn't targeted for these technologies cause they were well beyound its launching time, K800/K790 will support all of them together, and it will make much sence now, cause they are already spreaded enough -remember, Samsung took almost 3 years to first launch a mobile with bluetooth after the first bluetooth mobile (Ericsson T68) was launched back in late 2001, and this definitely not the case with K750, as bluetooth was considerably gaining interest since mid 2003 but samsung was very late to suuport it-.
- j
- jack
- nEn
- 06 Apr 2006
@doul + every1
does k750i hav bluetooth v.2.0?
does anyone know any java applications that can hack into bluetooth phones or send messages ?
can this phone browse ppls files like on t610?
websites to go on for bluetooth hacking-->
- F
- Farhan Khan
- PVt
- 06 Apr 2006
This Phone Has following qualities:
1-Best 4 music lovers.
2-The best camera i have ever Xperienced in a mobile phone
3-Relatively smaller in size and weight than that of nokia`s.
4-Has a momory card slot on one side so u dont need to take battery out.
5-The most lovely looking phone
6-Battery time is Great.
Also this phone has following disqualifications
1-Not Symbian
2-doesn`t have any 3G,EDGE,HSCSD.
3-Screen is not embedded.
- j
- jack
- nEn
- 06 Apr 2006
w800i and k750i have different screens w800i is way brighter even if they are both set to 50% i prefer k750i screen much clearer, also camera on k750i is a bit better more color in it, video is similar but i prefer k750i as w800i has a yellow tint on it.
- @
- @DoUL
- iDe
- 06 Apr 2006
Check this page:
As you can see, this page includes a full list of all K750 released firmwares with a detailed specification, fixes & bugs list for each one of them, you should compare your current working firmware in your device with the latest one -as you directly update to the latest one and there's no option to select which firmware to update to- and then make up your mind, if you'll actually need to update or not -you can see down that page how to check your current working firmware and a brief lines about how to manually update the firmware-.
Updating the firmware is basically done for 2 things, solving/eliminating bugs and increasing performance rate, if you don't face any bugs, and the added features just aren't interesting enough for you, then staying with your current firmware is highly recommended.
Remember, any fix done/performance boost/added feature in a given firmware, is automatically present in later firmwares plus the new things -fixes and performance boost- in that new firmware, it only differs in bugs, as a firmware could have a bug, and a later firmware -even if it doesn't include a fix to that bug- could not have it at all, also, bugs do happen in some cases with some people, it doesn't happen to all devices.
You needn't a courtesy to post an answer, I'm not the creater/owner or even an admin. in this forum, I'm just a regular SOMEONE just as anybody here, you and everybody else is free to write whatever he want whenever he want -of course about K750 only and NOTHING else-.
Several days ago I was tripping because I saw lots of people actually were participating, and everone wrote what he knew.
I STRONGLY encourage everyone to write an answer if he were sure about it, or any comment he would like to post about K750 -including comments on my posts itself-.
- Good, my next question was going to be "are you using IE ??", now since you've solved the problem yourself, I have nothing but to salute you.
- Check my post addressed to "MIA" above this posting, there you'll find a link you asked for.
- About "C" button question, no, you just press it before you plug the cable and keep pressing it while you're plugging the cable untill "Found New Hardware Wizard" starts then you remove your finger, and untill the update process starts to download it's stuff.
- USB cable should be left connected to the PC all the time, it will be just a useless cable untill the phone is plugged in it, so leaving it connected to the PC won't affect anything.
- Regarding uninstalling/reinstalling everything, you know what does it sounded in my head, it sounded as if someone is facing a problem with his modem and to solve that he played with his sound card driver settings, use that big ball above your neck man, if the problem is your installing procedures, the program wouldn't have started from the beginning cause it's not installed properly, and when any flash player problem faced, your work has to be with your OS to solve it, as it's what contains the flash player, not the updating suite.
Morad Hamzah
- There are "Inbox" "Drafts" "Outbox" "Sent messages" "Saved messages" & "Templates" folders, and you say no folders ??!! It's just you can't create new folders to store your messages into, and that differs totally than your phrase structure/syntax.
- I'm not sure if that supposed to happen or not as I don't own a bluetooth headset, so I'm gonna leave that to every bluetooth owner in here to tell you if that's normal or not, if you can't wait, contact SE directly about it.
I don't think that you really have 20 MB free in your MS and another 20 MB free in the shared memory -if that's the case, contact SE about it-, I think it's more like 19 MB free in the MS and 1 MB free in the shared memory -or vice versa as I don't actually remember where the files are automatically stored-, then 19+1 = "20 mb,for shared n external memory" ;)
I think you got it now, just remove some data from the shared memory to the MS -or the opposite, just remove from the most full to the most empty-, when you receive a file via bluetooth the phone automatically stores it into one of it memories -eithet the MS or the shared memory, as I said, I don't actually remember-, not into the most empty one.
kona & patrick101
I'm not very sure too, if it was a firmware bug in bluetooth connection lines/codes, it would have hanged in all bluetooth connections, or it can be that the bluetooth receiver isn't compatible with Moto v3 one.
Maybe a firmware issue, maybe a hardware one, experiment is the best evidence/proof, try to update the firmware, if it worked, then there's the answer.
2: Never happened to me, could be a faulty lens, firmware bug or you just move your hand before the actuall picture is taken.
Check my post addressed to "vino" in my posting in page 3 or 4.
Are you really still looking for an answer, I think it's pretty obvious itself.
In my bundled CD, windows ME in minimum for the "PC Suite", I don't know if there's another updated version that supports Win.98 -not sure if that version you're talking about is the latest one or not-, more lickely Win.98 won't be supported in latest versions, you know they move forward, not backward.
I think so, though you can't find any themes site with both models in the same page, but both models have the same display with the same size/dimensions, give it a try anyway.
- P
- Paulo
- iIR
- 06 Apr 2006
exelent handset great camera and exelent memoery
- ?
- Anonymous
- nnZ
- 06 Apr 2006
can k750 themes be used in w800?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tm8
- 06 Apr 2006
update to xp man it`s ways better!
- S
- Sutanu
- P$n
- 06 Apr 2006
Can anyone kindly let me know, whether or not is it possible to install the PC Suite on Windows 98?
I had tried by installing MS DCOM 1.3 for 98 in my OS first, but even that did not work.
I have looked through the thread and havnt received any info on the same. So if it has been already discussed and I have overlooked that, I apologize for the same.
Prompt response would be greatly appreciated :).
- m
- maani
- PxK
- 06 Apr 2006
im also one of those who wud say dat SE is really a gud vendor. k750i is full of features. but like nothing can be perfect so is k750i.
1: cover is not solid. its giving squeaky sound almost from everywhere,specially below camera.
2: sometimes,pictures taken get pissed of. such pictures turn to totally black images.
3: Bateery life is not satisfactory. specially, camera and media player sucks.
4: one of my prime reasons for buying k750 was its picture quality. but i think im screwed. even compared to Nokia 7610's images r sharper than k750's.(7610 is 1mp while k750 is 2mp). either i dont know the settings,or my particular set is faulty...i dont know. can any one here tell me what magic to spell to make it rite?
- p
- patrick101
- 06 Apr 2006
i had that very same problem occur with my k750 to a v3 im not entirely sure why sorry
- b
- botev
- Tm8
- 06 Apr 2006
it woorked! i made it work. i knew i wasn`t stupid :D:"D
the problem was that i ws installing flash player trough firefox [as i never use IE] and when i tryed from IE it worked!!!!
where can i check what`s the last software released?
mine now is R1BC002
10x again for allll the help sony erickson is da best!!!!
- k
- kona
- 06 Apr 2006
been using this phone for the last 2 months....easy to navigate, intuitive to use and well priced (at least when i bought it)...only 1 small hung on me twice when i was transferring stuff from a moto v3 to it by bluetooth...could it be a firmware problem? i don't use the bluetooth often so it's not a big thing for me...
other than that, it's excellent and definitely much better a phone than the v3 be it i or x...just not as sexy a form factor...
- j
- jinx
- 06 Apr 2006
actually this fone is awesome..
can someone help me, what is wrong wif mine.cos i cannt receive file using bluetooth..but the weird thing i can send to other ppl..sometime it says memory is full.but when i check the memory it still has 20 mb,for shared n external memory.. can someone pls ans me...pls...
- b
- botev
- Tm8
- 05 Apr 2006
oh, whatever don`t answer my stupid question, i reinstalled everything and it still gives me this stupid mesega..
if you could just give me the exact link for the flash player? after you hit the download button?
10x again and sorry for all the posts
- M
- Morad Hamzah
- M{3
- 05 Apr 2006
It is a very good phone. There are two main problems. There are no folders for messages (archieve, inbox). Second thing: I can not silent an incoming call if blutooth headset is on.
- j
- jack
- nEn
- 05 Apr 2006
i think k750i is the best phone for entertainment cos it has stuff like video dj and such a good camera , video is ok , mp3 player great , battery very good.
i got myn at xmas and use it everyday im suprised it isnt worn out , i got 4 mem cards for it ,
w700i- 88%
- b
- botev
- Tm8
- 05 Apr 2006
now i`m really sorry but i have another question. i pressed the "c" key very tidly and i connected the phone to the pc , the found new hardware window appeared...and then my phone switched itself on.
is that normal? i tried several times and that`s what happens...
- b
- botev
- Tm8
- 05 Apr 2006
and the site you gave me was
did you mean
cuz in i didn`t find flash player at all...
and when i click on the flash player icon in the bottom of it sends me to a page where i have to click on a "download now" button and then i asks me if i want to save it to my pc...
whatever i`m sure that i hame all the macromedia players now...