Sony Ericsson K750
- j
- jack
- nEy
- 29 Mar 2006
a tip 4 every1
many of k750i users will have bought either a 256mb or 512 then decided to get a 1gb or 2gb after they discover imtoo dvd to 3gp but they will fill there 1gb or 2gb up with music so why not put ure dvds on ure 256 or 512mb cards as then u can store more stuff.
- n
- nima
- TuK
- 29 Mar 2006
hi r u?
i'm charging my phone with suplied charger not usb cable.plz help me.plzzz :((
- b
- bharat
- 2@X
- 29 Mar 2006
but the thng is tht when i share some wav files wid my frnds who have say a nokia phone...for some files the msg appears that "this file cannot be played" or smthn like dat...HELP DOUL!!!!!
- d
- drinu l-malti
- Sby
- 29 Mar 2006
Hey people. How are you?
I would like to ask you a question. If this question is already answered then please IGNORE (although it would be impossible for me to search the answer amongst 5700+ pages of opinions!).
I've heard that SE W800's software can be installed on the K750. Do you know if the software's operation would be stable then? Obviously I assume that the mobile would have its warranty voided if this action would be performed.
Thanks in advance for your help.
- b
- botev
- SsT
- 29 Mar 2006
well if you read what i wrote to advice is the same for you...people actually like w800i more than d500 i know it by personal expirience. and w800 cannot be compared to d500 about the music in them cuz it`s da muzic phone isn`t it ?:)
so take w800i or k750i they are quite the same
- o
- ovaltin
- RK3
- 29 Mar 2006
what cell phone would you prefer to buy between k750i, w550i, w800 or samsung d500. sorry for the question. it just so happend that im going to buy a new phone and i dont have the money to buy expensive ones. those phones are what only my budget can cover. heres the deal for the phone. i want to look good with the phone but in the same time, i want to listen to music and radio. k750 have lots of mp3 but i dont find it really attractive. on the other hand d500 makes you really good but its kinda boring phone.. i need you opinions please.. tnx.
- b
- botev
- SsT
- 29 Mar 2006
if you have a lot of money and you can easely afford both phones take w800i that`s my advice
- M
- Matt
- nFH
- 29 Mar 2006
Hey Botev thanx for the help!
- V
- Varkey
- ije
- 29 Mar 2006
i am in a confusion(w800 or k750).which phone is better with the overall perfomance??
which phone can play mp3 with more battery time??
- b
- botev
- SsT
- 29 Mar 2006
the phone can manage extendable memory up to 4 gb but there is none on the market so far.
- M
- Matt
- nFH
- 29 Mar 2006
Can any1 tell me what the limit is on the memory stick this phone can hold? Is 1GB the limit or can the phone manage more?
- @
- @DoUL
- iEt
- 29 Mar 2006
- I don't actually get your question.
To add data to your MS or phone shared memory or remove data from them, you do that in your PC, you just simply plug the USB cable, install the PC Suite and USB cable drivers, then your MS and phone shared memory will be accessed from your desktop to manage them -you manage the MS through your Windows Explorer with the regular Copy/Paste method, and the same method do apply to your phone shared memory through its "File Manager" software/application-.
- No, there is no risk to lose any data -knowing that by no way to can get to the phone system data-.
- Yes, you can minimize the media player and do whatever you want, same applies during phone calls, you can access the phone "Main Menu" and do anything.
The total Sun Eclipse which I witnessed in my country just a few minutes ago is finished, and I still feel ... WEIRD !!
Maybe cause the partial eclipse is still going.
- H
- 29 Mar 2006
If we want to add or delete thins like mp3 and other data to the memory card,do we do it like normal USB keys or we use special gadgets?Is there risk to loose any data from th phone?
Can we multitask the phone while listening to mp3 or while talking?
- @
- @DoUL
- iDe
- 29 Mar 2006
1- No, it doesn't support PDF files -it can carry/store it, but it can't make you view it-, up till now, there is no PDF reader available for K750 yet -this question has been asked before actually-.
2- No, it doesn't support DOC files -it can carry/store it, but it can't make you view it-, up till now, there is no DOC reader available for K750 yet.
- Yes, it support HTML files -a WEP/WAP enabled phone without HTML reading/supporting !!-.
3- This site/forum isn't egyptian, so it's not that right to ask those questions in here, it will be a matter of luck to find an egyptian person/egypt resident -like me- to answer you, it'll be better if you just go and asked the mobile stores in your area by yourself.
-Well, I got it the second day it was released in Egypt (3690 LE), you should ask how much are Nokia N90 and Samsung D600 -the main competitors of K750 with similar features- to know how cheap K750 actually is.
- If you're in Cairo, you can get it cheaper from Abd El-Aziz, or El-Serag Mall -there is a mobiles store very famous in there but I can't remember its name now-, though I don't suggest that, the price cut won't be that huge and you can't trust their warranty.
4- The Official SE memory sticks store -in Wonder Land Mall- sells Sony Duo Pro 512 MB cards for around 800 LE, you can get cheaper Sandisk ones -with better performance- for around 500 LE from El-Sa7'awy Computer Mall in Roxi if you know it.
5- SE K750 doesn't support Flash memory.
6- Think so, you gonna have to ask about that when you buy it, but in general, there is no reason to think the opposite.
7- It does multimedia jobs (MP3 and Camera)- better than any available model in the same price range with the same features -except RM as it doesn't support it, who'll need RM when MP3 is avaialable anyway !!-, as for business jobs (PDF and DOC), sorry, this model isn't targeted for that class, P models/series are the ones intended for that class in SE company production lines, as for the battery, it's on bar with other models with same features.
K750 camera mechanism differs totally than W800 camera one, so it won't fit it.
- How can you say so ?? Maybe you need to take another look, it's very obvious man ! -has nothing to do with being a pro. or not ! Pro. or unpro. both have eyes-.
- It's expensive because some people go for brand name, and because Nokia is the largest -whether we liked that or not, it's a fact, though it's not a total domination as before, but it still has the largest "world wide" market share , this is funny cause there is no more Nokia AT ALL in some places, but other places do help them a lot, but being larger or wider spreaded differs totally than being the true leader in terms of quality, price/performance ratio and technologically-, and bacuse Nokia knows that, they have the right to put the highest possible price, and they know that dull brand followers will pay gladely with the belief that they are paying for the MOST ADVANCED THING available, got it ??
- I don't wake up early everyday, I'm a more dynamic person in this field, I sleep when I have enough of being awake, and wake up when I have enough dreams.
- I work neither for SE nor for GSMArena, I'm still an "unemployed" senior student :D
- They will work properly if -and only if- their sample rate is lower than or equal to 16 KHz.
- They won't sound good after converting because of two reasons, first, WAV original quality isn't the best -comparing to all audio formats. not MP3 only-, and second, re-endocing/converting a media file (audio or video) from a format to another do reduce the quality -even if the best encoding options were used, the quality will have to suffer a bit-, so compine these two reasons to get your answer.
You mean charging with the USB cable.
Just read my post addressed to "soul" in my posting in page 4 or 5.
-Why do all similar questions come together ??!!- LOL.
Saeed Ghafourian
Well man, your first posting was nice, but you ruined it all in your second one.
Come close to what ?? A lens brand name !!
Deal with the quality man, the final result, not with a name.
Do you have eyes ?? Then why don't you use them. Can you see, they why can't you tell the truth ??
Set the phone into silent mode first before opening the lens cover, this could mute the shutter sound.
Read "neil"'s posting.
D750 is the same K750 but is targeted to T.Mobile service provider only.
W800 is the same K750 but with a "flight mode" option added to it.
In short, HSCSD and EDGE are communications technologies, they allow the device to connect "basically" to the WAP with higher speeds than traditional GPRS.
Google for the detailed specefications for each of them.
WLAN is wireless LAN.
LAN is "Local Area Network", it allow your device to connect remotly/wirelessly to other devices such as your PC or PDA -or even a TV or a printer-.
Also, google for the detailed description.
saeed ya
That's because in the media player there is a 5 bands equalizer which really improves/tunes the sound quality, these equalizer bands aren't there for ring tones playing, so it only takes the song as it is and just play it, it's highly dependant on the actuall quality of the MP3 itself.
- s
- saeed ya
- ni1
- 29 Mar 2006
one of my friends has a s700i and wants to buy p990i but he has waited till grass has grown under his feet!and at the end i wanna say:the k750i is much better than p990i and s700 isnt it?
- s
- saeed ya
- ni1
- 29 Mar 2006
when listening to mp3 with k750i's media player the quality of song is too good,but when using mp3 as a ringtone,the song is noisy,why the song quality of ringtone isnt as well as the mediaplayer?
- n
- neil
- 29 Mar 2006
~The shutter/camera sound can never be turned off when your unit is in 'general' profile. If you don't like the shutter sound, turn your unit first in a 'silent' mode/profile b4 taking pictures. (The shortcut for 'silent' profile is pressing and holding the number sign (#) key until the silent icon appears.)
~Regarding taking pictures, the shortcut for turning on and off of the light is by pressing the asterisk key (*).
....that's all for now folks!
- b
- botev
- SsT
- 29 Mar 2006
what`s hscsd, edge and wlan ?
- p
- patrick101
- 29 Mar 2006
it supports a 2gb it even supports 4gb i think jus 4 gb isnt out yet.
read back a couple of pages and doul will explain to myself about clicking on the middle east update support etc
- m
- mrk
- jDL
- 29 Mar 2006
what is the different between this phone, the song d750, and the w800???
is it true that the k750 doesnt support 2g memory?