Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • o
  • opioj
  • j6x
  • 22 Feb 2006

I acquired this piece on the 31st Dec up to exactly one month(very good stuff), when friend borrowed it and when I got it back inserted my Sim, the phone failed to power up/switch on/charge anymore. The phone cannot read programes anymore. What can I do, I loved my phone?!

    • j
    • jack
    • Tkd
    • 22 Feb 2006

    @doul ive ordered imtoo 3gp to dvd but it hasent come yet ive uninstalled mpegable and im gonna download it again then it might work .

      • j
      • jon
      • RNM
      • 22 Feb 2006

      againb don't worry, I read the manual :D Sorry lol. To move to external memory you go File Manager, select the file, then More and then it's there :D People should really read first before they post :)

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • ibi
        • 22 Feb 2006

        "I just bought this phone today. I love it so far. I would like to know whether it is possible to check the battery status in percentage measurement "%" I know I can see the battery icon but I have read some people say "86%" or "96%" when they talk about the battery status. I am not quite sure when the battery is fully charged. I have charged it for 4 hours now and the battery pic is coloured fully except for a very thin blinking line. My phone is plugged in to the charger."

        select settings-->general(first tab)-->phone status..

          • j
          • jon
          • RNM
          • 22 Feb 2006

          Just one question to anyone that can answer please :) I am very happy with the phone so far. I installed the "Converter" software onto the phone's memory. Is it possible to move it onto the memory stick? Also, mp3 files, themes, wallpapers, how can I move them to the memory stick? I have installed all the required software including drivers, entire PC Suite, everything works flawlessly.

            • j
            • jon
            • RNM
            • 22 Feb 2006

            hey don't worry :) I figured it out by accident :D I just pressed the volume button while in stand by and the phone displayed all the information including battery status :D Thanks anyway :)

              • j
              • jon
              • RNM
              • 22 Feb 2006

              sorry, by the way, I forgot to type in the name. It is "jon". I thought I had it typed.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • RNM
                • 22 Feb 2006

                I just bought this phone today. I love it so far. I would like to know whether it is possible to check the battery status in percentage measurement "%" I know I can see the battery icon but I have read some people say "86%" or "96%" when they talk about the battery status. I am not quite sure when the battery is fully charged. I have charged it for 4 hours now and the battery pic is coloured fully except for a very thin blinking line. My phone is plugged in to the charger.

                  • @
                  • @DoUL
                  • iDe
                  • 22 Feb 2006

                  I don't know, I own my K750 for 7 months now and I don't game that much on it, maybe 10-30 minutes of gaming once a week, sometimes it's the same 10-30 minutes of gaming but once a month, you know, it just depends on the mood.
                  But I do actually play a lot with the MusicDJ -all the stuff in there has to be done with the joystick-, I create a new tone almost every week, still my joystick isn't lagging at all.
                  I think it all depends on whether the joystick along with the whole device are of good brand pieces or not,
                  7 months and the joystick is fine whereas some people got junk joystick after only 3 months, got what I mean ?

                  Ok man, just forget it and search for any other software that suits you -ImToo maybe if you haven't tried it before yet-.

                  Thanks for being honest man, we all appreciate that.
                  It's not a bad thing to be a fan -myself is probably the biggest nVIDIA fan-, but being a fan or a supporter differs than being a dull one who blindly goes for the brand he loves and neglects the superiority of other brands when they actually have it -being an nVIDIA fan doesn't prevent me from stating that ATI' recent X1900XT(X) truly and actually outperforms any nVIDIA product out there-.
                  We thank you again for being honest in stating that K750 is a great phone, cause it truly is.

                    • H
                    • Hei
                    • bhx
                    • 22 Feb 2006

                    Have been using it for 2 weeks now.

                    Excellent cell phone. It has 1 bar less reception than my previous Nokia, but it is not noticable.

                    OS has not frozen yet, even after I brought it out for a walk under 0F (-5C?). I put it in the outside pocket (Very minimal human temperature) to test its operation under cold temperature, and it works just fine. Heard that T610 has a lotta OS freezing problem right after starting to use the phone - Well, for K750i, I don't have any yet.

                      • L
                      • Lami
                      • QZk
                      • 21 Feb 2006

                      Hey geet,
                      If you don't mind the slightly bigger size, i would tell you the Nokia 6270 of course. Just by the features it's pretty obvious. My friend has the 6270 and my co-worker has the K750i, and the K750i is a real beauty, rigid and reliable phone with lots of features, but i still tilted towards the 6270. And not to miss lead you or anything here, i'd like to tell you that i am a loyal nokia fan!

                        • j
                        • jack
                        • nED
                        • 21 Feb 2006

                        im so fed up with mpegable it cant see any files when i open folders its really pissin me off!!

                          • z
                          • zendrix
                          • Rxj
                          • 21 Feb 2006

                          thanx for the info!!!
                          does anyone plays game on their k750? does playing games specially by having the joystick as a controler could contribute to joystick damage? would you sudjest not to play games on my k750? THANX
                          p.s. were can i download dat IRremote that i could use w/ my k750?

                            • a
                            • armaan
                            • Uqq
                            • 21 Feb 2006

                            I hv k750i se well i wanna ask can i transfer files from my pc to memory stick when connected with cable.if not then tell me the way to store files on my memory stick from my pc (any way)

                            plz HELP me

                            MAIL ME:-

                              • A
                              • Abhi
                              • PTm
                              • 21 Feb 2006

                              Dude u shld try for that SE IRremote

                                • @
                                • @DoUL
                                • iDe
                                • 21 Feb 2006

                                There is a built-in bluetooth wireless "Remote control" feature, it enables you to control a running PC application -not devices-, such as a presenter (i.e. PowerPoint), your PC media player (i.e. Windows Media Player), and your main PC desktop.
                                These are the only three things that you can control with the built-in remote control feature.
                                Though I'm not sure that you'll be able to find another software which will allow you to control more applications and/or devices by your K750, but you can google it anyway.

                                samantha patrick
                                Any audio file of WAV format HAS to be of sample rate EQUAL to or LESS than 16 KHz (16 KHZ of sample rate AT MAXIMUM) to be recognized/identified by/played on the phone, but it supports all bit rates and frequencies for audio files of MP3 format.
                                I've read that it only supports up to 192 bit rate MP3's, but I'm currently playing an MP3 of a 320 KBPS bit rate, so I guess it's only a rumor, anyway, 192 bit rate -original bit rate not converted into 192 bit rate- is the best bit rate for any MP3, for it plays almost every frequency -low (base), mid. (vocals and instruments)and high range (treble)- in superb, loud and crisp quality.

                                - It happens with me too, I don't know the reason/cause of that, but as I said before, I don't mind it too much as long as my stand-by and working times are still the same.
                                - As for the genuine thing, I don't know, they didn't publish any comparison between the original and the cloned device -if there is any clone- to tell the difference between them, I believe it's very hard to clone such advanced device.
                                Anyway, as long as you've bought the device from an authorized SE store in the original SE K750 backage/box, then you need not to worry.

                                tom dodd
                                Every K750 user is using one of only two softwares, either ImToo or MpegAble X4 Live, or maybe any other software, but these two is the most popular and spread ones between K750 users.
                                You may google for any other software as well, or search for it in CNET then look for it in limewire.

                                  • j
                                  • jack
                                  • MSR
                                  • 20 Feb 2006

                                  hey @doul = djblakel + rest of people

                                  i might get nokia n80 in december but id still keep my k750i its just such a good phone!!!

                                    • t
                                    • tom dodd
                                    • m5j
                                    • 20 Feb 2006

                                    how can i convert my video files into 3gp as i have searched within limewirre etc... and can't find any 3gp video files

                                      • z
                                      • zendrix
                                      • Rxj
                                      • 20 Feb 2006

                                      again its me, just want to ask if if the availablt battery percentage of ur k750 keeps on changin depending on the the of application ur using. like if ur usng radio/mp3 its 30% left and if ur just creating a txt its still 40% and if u "wake-up" ur cellphone from stand by mode its still 50% (the values here are just an aprox) and one more thing. how will i know if the battery and the phone itself is a "real" genuine sonyericsson. are there holograms on the batter and the phone itself? im more inparticular on the battery coz i think my phone is a real sonyericsson although its only made in china...hhehehe i dndnt know about it until i open the battery case. THANX!!!

                                        • s
                                        • samantha patrick
                                        • PIU
                                        • 20 Feb 2006

                                        Does anyone know what the settings are for the best audio that the phone will play?
                                        Frequency-? for mp3 and wav
                                        Bitrate-? for mp3 and wav