Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • h
  • henry
  • SY0
  • 01 Jun 2005

I bought mine from plemix. I think mine is soppossed to export to Nederland coz my charger plug and manual book in Dutch and English
No problem at all so far, no bug whatsoever.
Bluetooth very fast comp to mp vice versa, even my comp use USB1.1
No lagging at all, I already cliked every single icon on th mobile phone.
speaker very very loud
taking picture and saving also no lag.
auto focus works very quick no lag, just like normal digicam.
radio good.
Mp3 work well.
I just fell keypad a bit small, but woks well and smooth, no cracky sound at all.
solid phone.

    • m
    • momo
    • P@y
    • 01 Jun 2005

    arisugawa:(great phone when it works , bought it in HK but got problems , first unable to recognize the memory stick sony gave me a new one , they unable to make phone calls , the sim had to be upgraded , now the camera does not save the pictures to the memoty stick (512 MB sony duo), painful ....)

    I bought the phone in HK too and already 5days is nothing happened on my k750i :)
    I already using the camera,transfering data from pc/bluetooth/infrared is fine :)

      • s
      • steph
      • MSR
      • 01 Jun 2005

      does any1 know eher to get themes for the k750 the supplied 1's are rubbish lol thanks

        • d
        • den
        • mpE
        • 01 Jun 2005

        you can skip auto focus by pressing the camera button right down...all the new phones will be slower taking a picture and view as they are bigger file's..a digital camera is the same when u take a picture they can take there time as they focus first...this is a wel worth the money is a great phone and the picture's are great once put on to a computer no need to carry around a digital camera for a quick snap if u have this...
        few picture's taken from it were u cant complain..

        there u go a few picture's from the phone camera now for a phone they are great save's carrying a digital cam around 4 a quick snap..

          • d
          • den
          • mpE
          • 01 Jun 2005

          si dude not to sure with the making new folder 4 message's will 4 the camera it's like a digital cam u have to hold it still as it has auto focus most other cam's can be alot worse then the k750i even they havent got auto focus,u have to very unlucky to have 17 bug's i my self havent had any as of yet and i have had the phone for 5day's also from carphonewarehouse its not a locked phone..most people seem to be having trouble with phone's from main company's like o2 and orange ect,where they add there bit's they want for there far i think it's avery good phone ..also the picture's sometime's be slow when viewing as they are big picture's as they are 2mp..if u think this phone is slow with picture's check the n90 the whole phone is slow which nokia are saying is near complete..also that will have a fair few bug's with the camera and the software as i have heard on these forum's who test phone's...

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • n1i
            • 01 Jun 2005

            Lightray, good points. Mine suffers both problems. Lag on taking photo can be really annoying esp when takin photos og my toddler who never sits still! 750i blurs very easily!

            Also, volume is unbeliveably low, assumed they forgot speaker initially! Seems the device is aimed at hands free market!

            I was amazed to see prices for this phone quotes at £200+. That is ridiculous! If they charge that much and people buy it there's more cowboys and more mugs in this world than I imagined. if you have to pay for it, get a cheap, good phone and a good 5MP digital camera. Do yourself a favour!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • n1H
              • 01 Jun 2005

              motorola v3 has the same camera lag problem

                • S
                • Sopor (Sweden)
                • S3H
                • 01 Jun 2005

                I have reported 17 bugs to SE Call Center and one of them was the lag you are talking about. The T610 have the same problem...

                  • L
                  • Lightray
                  • myT
                  • 31 May 2005

                  I've had a K750i for 5 days. Got it from O2 in London.
                  1). Photos have a lag. The camera makes a shutter sound and the picture freezes as if it's been taken. But, then the picture changes and says "saving". This is REALLY annoying. Subjects think the pic is finished and so they move (or the photographer moves). This causes blurred pics.
                  2). Volume for calls is very very low - even at full volume!!!

                  Pics are very good if you don't move and tell your subjects to stand still for 2-3 secs after the shutter sound.

                  SE really need to sort this issue out.

                    • S
                    • Si Dude
                    • mX%
                    • 31 May 2005

                    The Samsung and SE software have their diffrences and think SE is still brillaint but better MP3 player, camera and as den said more menu icons and options and folders! But Samsung have there good points too like searching for contacts where you can type more than two characters in to search and more but I now think SE might just win so go for K750 or W800! I would go for the W800 myslef as I said because of the flight mode and stuff that I listed in my other post!

                      • S
                      • Si Dude
                      • mX%
                      • 31 May 2005

                      To den: As you said you can make folders for pictures and videos, I cant on my SE T610 but this has changed as you say and I couldn't create folders for text messages either but they might have changed that too like they have done with the pictures and now videos so can you create folders for text messages on this K750??

                        • m
                        • michael labelle
                        • N7a
                        • 31 May 2005

                        i'm from mauritius island and am perhaps the first person to use the k750i in my island and i can say that it is a killing cellular,i.e, uptill now can challenge me

                          • S
                          • Sopor
                          • S3H
                          • 31 May 2005

                          hello, i have a question for the users of k750, how much does the video recording take?

                          1 min of video in highest and best quality take about 1.5 mb on the memory card and the video format is 3gp.

                            • s
                            • sodall
                            • mns
                            • 31 May 2005

                            cheers SiD i really appreciate that .......750i it is then lol

                              • d
                              • den
                              • mpE
                              • 31 May 2005

                              i had the samsung d500 and i didnt rate it all that nice design but like the k750i for the thing's u can do with the phone the d500 only had 9 menu icons and when u went into them there werent that many thing's to do with the phone..the k750i has more option's when u go into something there more u can do and more thing's to go into,plus u can make new folder's up for picture's and video's like u can with nokia's..but with the d500 u werent able to do i can only guess that the d600 will be simular to that of the d500 cause samsung dont really change as i no cause i have had 4 of there phone's...and 2 from SE first the s700i and now the k750i..i like the sony ericsson's.

                                • S
                                • Si Dude
                                • mX%
                                • 31 May 2005

                                Recording videos and sounds and taken pictures goes on until the memory is up (To save pictures on memory card you might have to change "Shoot mode" from "For picture message" to "High quality video"

                                Also stop dissin den! He learnt a lot off me and is trying to help and was right all a long and looks like your the suckers!

                                The phone price is £249.99 on 02 pay as you go, free on Orange and Vodafone, contract and £300 to £330 sim free in UK. Don't belive Leeroy, it is probably a scam, I mean who would sell a brand new phone for £18??? Scam!

                                Not sure if you can get apps for this phone as the SE K700i did inbuilt with the phone! Have a look here for any downloads: And yes the K750 does come with a cable and 64MB in the UK.

                                D600 is a greaat phone but would go for K750, better camera but not as good software as Samsung's but better phone and does have great software still! So I would go for the K750 or SE W800 if you want flight mode to take photo's and listen to music with 30hrs playback instead of 15hrs playback when the phone is off so you can listen and take photos in the aeroplane and have more advanced wireless stereo headphones than the standard ones which you get with the K750 and have a 512mb memory card instead of a 64mb memory card which the K750 comes with! Not sure on release date and pricing yet though!

                                  • s
                                  • sodall
                                  • mns
                                  • 31 May 2005

                                  hmmmmmm samsung d600 ....or sony ericsson k750i ? anybody wanna give me some constructive opinions here please ? thx all ;)

                                    • d
                                    • den
                                    • mpE
                                    • 31 May 2005

                                    video recording will last untill the memory on the memory stick is full so the more memory the longer if the phone is on silent there is no shutter sound when taking a picture..

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • mAW
                                      • 31 May 2005

                                      hello, i have a question for the users of k750, how much does the video recording take?

                                        • d
                                        • den
                                        • mpE
                                        • 31 May 2005

                                        Ares,think u have messed up big time...i have the k750i and was reading about it month's b4 it came out if i thought the camera was better on the 6630 i would of got that phone instead of waiting for the k750i...the k750i take's fantastic photo's...the only down fall is under low lighting where u get abit of noise thats why they are changing the senser from a cmos to a ccd so it will be better under low lighting.....Ares so im not dumb cause i never said the camera was better on the 6630...the one thing that maybe be better on it is that it seem's to handle well under low lighting and what i mean is that there is not alot of noise in the picture!!!