Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • d
  • den
  • mpE
  • 27 Apr 2005

that is well gutting about the new nokia they always do crap cams now this n90 has popped up from no where with by the looks a grt cam i still like the sony E phone cause the size is a good and its a nice just wondering now if there will be a big difference witrh the cams on them any1 have any ideas?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • I7x
    • 27 Apr 2005

    Carl Zeiss lense is used in top of the range digital cameras that's all I know but it's enough to make me think of changing me decision to get this phone.
    Only problem is the size - the nokia's 176g!!!!!!!!

      • d
      • den
      • mpE
      • 27 Apr 2005

      so whats carl zeiss mean?soz 4 all the questions just dont no what the difference is in the cams when they say 2mg cam then nokias 2mg carl zeiss

        • r
        • robot
        • Smd
        • 27 Apr 2005

        Remember that, YES the new nokia is slightly better. nog bigger difference. Same camera though, except no smartphone or 3g. but a big difference is the PRICE. The price will be DOUBLED from this, which is extremely much!!
        Why spend 750 euros on a phone, when you can get another one, almost the same thing for 3500 euros.
        spend the rest of the money on providing sick little children with shelter and food.

          • d
          • den
          • mpE
          • 27 Apr 2005

          yep seen the n90 nice phone from nokia makes a change.what does the carl zeiss lens mean will it be alot better now then the SE cam seems to have very high screen pixels.but still like the SE k750.

            • S
            • Si Dude
            • TkP
            • 27 Apr 2005

            Damn Nokia, their new phone has sort of won out of the competition between this SE K750 and the Nokia N90! It has all the improvemtns that could have been made to this SE phone! I am not sure how well the pics come out on this Nokia phone yet though! Plus I don't think it has flight mode! No optical zoom and thats the only improvments that Nokia needs! But don't think I am just going to leave now as Nokia have a slightly more advantage now! Remeber this K750 is like the 2nd best phone I have ever seen! This is a fantastic phone as you ahve read all my oppinions about it! This phone will be cheaper than the Nokia, so if this phone specs suit you and want a class phone still which is still good and want to show off and not be that expensive BUY THIS PHONE!!

              • d
              • den
              • mpE
              • 27 Apr 2005

              thanks 4 the help,i just didnt notice much between the phones i like the Se display and that better then nokias.whats with the screen pixels and cam pixels is the main 1 4 how clear the cam is the cam pixels,i like my cams on a phone cause its easier then having to carry a digital cam about as phone cams come in very handy 4 a quick pic when out.thats why i like to ask abut the cams cause i no that all the phones that had a 0.3 cam look all different and not being funny some of them even looked better then a 1mg pic cam.thanks 4 all the help on picking the right phone.1 other little thing the video player is that clear on full screen or still blurred i was disapointed with the s700i video player when reciving them by bluetooth they were very small and even taking a video clip on the phone it was very small and no option to enlarge it so i think it a shame they didnt use the full screen.another thing was any1 else get the same prob i got the s700i when it came out i had to take it bk once then change it to another phone cause the unlimited recording werent unlimited the most i got from it was 2min or just over i got more with the limited setting and i had full memory on the phone.hope with the k750 they have sorted that out.any ideas on maybe a price on a contract phone?thanks 4 all the help.

                • F
                • From Soviet Union
                • MQZ
                • 27 Apr 2005

                I think ze k750 phone is the best phone i have ever seen.It's is very coooooool yo.It has every think in it and it will not be so expensive as Fu_ _ing NOKIA,who are expensive and not so hight quality as SonyErr.

                  • S
                  • Si Dude
                  • TkP
                  • 27 Apr 2005

                  Symbian is meany yo better than any other operating system ona phone but to me I can't see much difference! You have read what I think about the plastic covers so if you don't like this phone bugger off! Why does this oppinions board get so many arguments trying to be started!!! Just ask questions which I can answer and stop trying to make arguments and fights! You know my answer so shut up about it now! It really does my head in!! Try and be a bit more like Den!!!

                    • l
                    • lynn
                    • PFM
                    • 27 Apr 2005

                    you guys those who has this phone can tell me iz it available in s'pore now?.. and how much for this one .. ??? this one iz so kul .. i wanna buy one ... :D

                      • u
                      • urbantrain
                      • PEA
                      • 27 Apr 2005

                      guys, be prepared.. nokia starts to threaten again. have u ever seen the N90 with also 2MP built-in cam? it's been reviewed and i just saw the sample pics, they're so f*ckin' gorgeous.. no wonder, cos' it takes the carl zeiss lens with it. oh, man.. now i get really confused..

                        • d
                        • den
                        • mpE
                        • 27 Apr 2005

                        but dont u think that the SE phones have the better games and screens as applications the menu also is alot better and to me both phones there aint a big diff.i had the s700i and i thought it had a better menu and a better set up and the games.if i have got this all wrong soz.

                          • F
                          • FaWzY
                          • mJC
                          • 27 Apr 2005

                          Symbian is a mobile phone operating system (like PC Windows) it's the best so far and it's applications and games are everywhere and it's in all Nokia phones, it's the one thing that Sony Ericsson should have to elite Nokia and become no1

                            • d
                            • den
                            • mpE
                            • 27 Apr 2005

                            sorry 4 got to ask what does symbian stand 4 when it comes to phones?any help thanks

                              • d
                              • den
                              • mpE
                              • 27 Apr 2005

                              after taking a pic on the s700i u could view them in full screen and they looked good will this k750 have the same full screen on pic i have heard it has?also the screen pixels is that a difference to the camera pixels cause the cam 1s r alot high?any help thanks

                                • d
                                • dxreaper
                                • Pxv
                                • 27 Apr 2005

                                Sorry for double posts.

                                Memory Stick Duo Pro is more expensive than MMC cards, but they have faster read/write rate. While it takes 1 second to save a 2 megapixel picture on a Memory STick Duo Pro, it takes like 3 seconds on the cheaper MMC cards.

                                  • g
                                  • gold
                                  • RJi
                                  • 27 Apr 2005

                                  what is the differents between memory duo and mmc??anyone please?thanks.

                                    • R
                                    • RK
                                    • in$
                                    • 27 Apr 2005

                                    Mobile phones arent supposed to last a lifetime. People generally upgrade after a few years. Thats just the plain fact. Unless youre not one to keep up to date with technology?

                                    I've used Motorola before. My cousin has a V Razor. Yes it is a good phone to hold and look at. But i generally like my phone for USABILITY reasons. And the menu on every Motorola i've used has been slow. VERY slow compared to Nokia, and a bit slower then SE.

                                      • A
                                      • AB MOTO MAN
                                      • mmN
                                      • 27 Apr 2005

                                      Si dude i see someone else shares my opinion of the titanium motorolas, you see im not the only one who likes to buy quality handsets - not plastic c**p. Also wats this you saying about 'Hard Plastic'? Plastic is all the same in the mobile communications industry, the same plastic as a nokia 3210. Cheap and nasty all the way, whatever happened to the aluminium t610 & k700i? Was it getting too costly for SE to produce metal handsets? well move over SE, let the leaders of the mobile industry through - MOTOROLA who take now s**t and produce quality handsets that will last people a lifetime. The days of SE making a killing in the mobile communications industry are well and truly over...

                                      ah well.. better luck next time...

                                        • S
                                        • Si Dude
                                        • TkG
                                        • 26 Apr 2005

                                        If anyone else wants any more help I always check this oppinions board bit between 3.30pm to 10:00pm GMT london!