Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Si Dude
  • TkG
  • 19 Apr 2005

Read the reviews mate of other sites, Sony Ericsson win and just because that Motorla has a 3 megapixel camera doesn't mean it should win! Sony Ericsson take time with their products, as I have said I have tried all Motorla's and if you read in my last review about it you will find out what happened!

This is what I said in my review:

Right first things first! Motorola made apsulutly c**p cameras! They may make 3 megapixel but the picture quality is totaly rubbish! Their software is utter rubbish! The slim design on the Motorola V1150 is a brick it self! Motorola manage to make the biggest, heaviest and rubbish battery life ever plus all their cameras are rubbish! The design isn't really any better really and what someone said about all the design is actualy rubbish! Sony Ericsson make a hard plastic coating which does last where as that other metal gets badly scratched dented and other things! How do I know all this? Because I have tried nearly all Motorola phones and they are all desarsters! If you want to talk about Motorola's rubbishy phones and talk to other people and lie how good it is go and talk about it in the Motorola reviews! Not here!

    • S
    • Si Dude
    • TkG
    • 19 Apr 2005

    Can you use this phone to store other files like a word document file on the phone memory and get a cable and send it to your pc like an MP3 player with the USB hub thing?

    So you can use it as a memory stick or something too!

      • a
      • adam526 - sek750i.uw
      • msq
      • 19 Apr 2005

      This phone will come out in end of April, May, but next time, before you ask, please read all opinions, beause i wrote it sometimes before.
      And if you are interested in this phone you should check: , Here you will find lot's of infos

        • d
        • dxreaper
        • Pxv
        • 19 Apr 2005

        Mp3 ring tone = yes
        Sync with outlook = yes
        Backlight = two colours for two models, Black version gets white backlight, Silver version gets blue (from pictures I've seen)

        Moto V3 = VGA, how would one compare it with the S700i CCD 1.3 mpix camera?

        Take 7610 if you really need a smartphone (ability to add new softwares)

        Take K750i if it meets your need (make sure you check the software features. K750i supports alot of advance built in software/mp3/video players)

        I personally prefer K750i
        My reason

        OS = Has almost everything I need + it's simpler and not messy (Symbian makes their phone super messy with all sorts of menu)
        MMC vs Memory Stick = Memory Stick Duo Pro reads/writes faster, so that's for me.
        Camera = 1 mpix vs 2 mpix, well duh?
        Battery = Sony Uses 900 mAH, so longer battery life
        Graphics User Interface = K750i uses animation extensively and it looks great!

          • S
          • Si Dude
          • TkG
          • 19 Apr 2005

          To V551 user

          That's a very good coment and yes people do need to try their phones out but still think SOny Ericsson are better than Motorola and that I have tried the V551 and I don't think the picture quality is as good, only except it has a 3 Mega Pixel camera if it is the phone I am thinking of. Please correct me if I am wrong. I live in the UK and the model names are different but I have tried all of Motorola's phones like the software they use, the camera how the performe, their let downs and have compared Sony Ericsson with Motorola and Sony Ericsson won!

            • d
            • dshakey
            • mRs
            • 19 Apr 2005

            When is this beautiful being released? ive heard the q2, i know this means second quater, but when is the second quater? sharp user wanting a change

              • V
              • V551 user
              • j23
              • 18 Apr 2005

              To Si Dude:
              Although I'm very interested in k750 or w800, i've got to say this. In all fairness, the camera on my v551 is way better than the k700i(I've had one before). It's nothing to shout about, limited 5.5mb while the k700 had bigger memory, better games, etc... What I'm trying to say is people have to try their phones first before making any judgement. The pictures taken from k750 are good, and I'm still considering it, however people should be more aware of shitting cams such as K700 or other old Motorola phones that are unreliable(v300-v600) etc. On a final note, SE interface beats Moto interface anyday. until the k750i comes, I have to live with the dull yet suprisingly reliable v551.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • iKQ
                • 18 Apr 2005

                Can i synchronise it with MS Outlook?
                does it support .csv ?

                  • V
                  • VB
                  • 4xH
                  • 18 Apr 2005

                  can this phone support mp3 rintones?

                  I'm tryin 2 decide b/w this phone and the nokia 7610. the nokia has the MMC cards, but then k750 has the memory duo slot.

                  any suggestions?


                    • f
                    • fone dude
                    • jp9
                    • 18 Apr 2005

                    look in the left column where it says, "Sony Ericsson K750, W800: First look"...

                      • S
                      • Si Dude
                      • mXy
                      • 17 Apr 2005

                      Right first things first! Motorola made apsulutly c**p cameras! They may make 3 megapixel but the picture quality is totaly rubbish! Their software is utter rubbish! The slim design on the Motorola V1150 is a brick it self! Motorola manage to make the biggest, heaviest and rubbish battery life ever plus all their cameras are rubbish! The design isn't really any better really and what someone said about all the design is actualy rubbish! Sony Ericsson make a hard plastic coating which does last where as that other metal gets badly scratched dented and other things! How do I know all this? Because I have tried nearly all Motorola phones and they are all desarsters! If you want to talk about Motorola's rubbishy phones and talk to other people and lie how good it is go and talk about it in the Motorola reviews! Not here!

                      Plus if that isn't enough evidense look at the boting resiults on the Motorla V1150 page! Here are results here too: Design: 8.4 Features: 8.2 Performance: 8.1 Now compare that too the voting results on here!Design: 8.5 Features: 8.6 Performance: 8.6

                      So there you have it! Proof!

                      Voting results were checked on: 17/04/05

                      Thank you for reading and hope this has settled the argumeant!

                        • a
                        • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                        • msq
                        • 17 Apr 2005

                        This review is cumpulsory for everyone, who like this phone, and WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT EVERYTHING:

                        -Now there is also a big test about the camera, lots of sample pictures in lots of weather conditions, in day and night...

                          • a
                          • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                          • msq
                          • 17 Apr 2005

                          The design is subjective thing, but i really like it, so i will buy it:)

                            • V
                            • Valthecosmo
                            • 43H
                            • 17 Apr 2005

                            The phone is advanced, but the design is terrible. Forget about it.

                              • a
                              • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                              • msq
                              • 17 Apr 2005

                              it seems that, this backlight will be available only in blue. I am sure, that it won't be available in two backlight colors

                                • A
                                • AB
                                • n1k
                                • 17 Apr 2005

                                Moto megapixels have sucked in the past but, moto;s best camera 2 date is in the RAZR V3, its impossible to tell between a v3 camera and a S700i megapixel camera, moto will improve on this again with the 2 MP V1150 PRO RAZR

                                  • d
                                  • dxreaper
                                  • Ui0
                                  • 16 Apr 2005

                                  SMS Memory = More than 100, max limit, not sure.

                                  EDGE = No

                                  It recurring event now, but not sure if it supports all daily/weekly/monthly/yearly.

                                    • u
                                    • umathurman
                                    • Tua
                                    • 16 Apr 2005

                                    what are you guys meaning?
                                    Is there a setting for choosing what background color you want for the keypad? Or do you chose when you buy: what color you want? It sounds weird.

                                    And, answer please... how many sms's can you store in the phone.. this is very important.

                                      • a
                                      • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                                      • msq
                                      • 16 Apr 2005

                                      Quality is much more important than megapixel. But k750i has both:)))))

                                        • a
                                        • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                                        • msq
                                        • 16 Apr 2005

                                        -The camera is cmos, but i said it a lot of times.
                                        -Please give a link about one 2 megapixel picture taken by motorola. I have seen some 2 megapixel sample pictures, they are not comparable to k750i. K750I IS THE BEST CAMERA PHONE NOW. Example you shlould see the new nokia 6230i 1,3 megapixel crap...
                                        -MY site is now v2.0, you should visit it: