Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • d
  • dxreaper
  • Ui0
  • 11 Apr 2005

- Is the phone compatible with Mac OS X ?

- Can the SMS and photo be transferred via Bluetooth to Macintosh computer? by synchronizing?
Not sure about Mac, but there is a software for Windows which does all teh synchronizing. Photos should be possible with a Mac. As for SMS, not too sure.

- When can I get to buy this phone in Malaysia?
EricServe at Ampcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya. (When it is out)

- What's the price?
Mr. Chong said RM 1800

- Other than Black, any other colour of the casing for choosing?
Silver (Not sure if it will be available on relase.


    • O
    • OscarCKF
    • TC}
    • 11 Apr 2005

    - Is the phone compatible with Mac OS X ?

    - Can the SMS and photo be transferred via Bluetooth to Macintosh computer? by synchronizing?

    - When can I get to buy this phone in Malaysia?

    - What's the price?

    - Other than Black, any other colour of the casing for choosing?


      • a
      • adam526 - sek750i.uw
      • msX
      • 11 Apr 2005

      Fone dude: you are right, the brand is not important.
      And this k750i is the best for me, not because it's se, because it has functions, which are for me the most important. The only one brand i don't like, is alcatel, i don't trust in this brand, bacause i heard so much bad opinions about them

      And an other thing: before i have seen this new se phone(k750i), i wanted to buy the new nokia 3230, and now that 3230 is now available, and everybody says it's a big crap(big, mono mp3, bad loudspeaker... - if you interested in this, you shoul read 3230 section). So i wont't buy it at all. Now i am happy and waiting for the k750i. There was only one point for nokia, that this has symbian, so i can download lot's of sis games and applications, but some of the 3230 owners said, that these applications doesn't work on 3230, because it's too slow and has too small external memory

        • m
        • m_mehrbod
        • mn8
        • 11 Apr 2005

        To Robot!!!!!
        ALCATEL is one of the oldest brand in telecommunication, 1st. bidder for ADSL in the world,1st.bidder for fix high density exchang in the world &.... ,yes baby! you should read more abaut TC technology to see how ALCATEL & TCL will come back to mobile markets in 2005 again...

          • p
          • pratham
          • Uq9
          • 11 Apr 2005

          how can i play downloaded videos on k700i....?? plz help me..

            • m
            • mike
            • yZx
            • 11 Apr 2005

            im going to by this phone but can someone tell me how much it is thanks

              • r
              • robot
              • Tua
              • 11 Apr 2005

              What is Alcatel? Sweden is a very mobily-country and the models that's been selling in Sweden by Alcatel are poor ones that cost 30 bucks. Alcatel is like a joke. Even Siemens is like joke!
              Sony Ericsson, Samsung and Nokia are bestseller, and I think that shows it all! It's the truth. If the sell best, maybe it's for a reason. Maybe they really ARE GOOD!

                • f
                • fone dude
                • jp9
                • 10 Apr 2005

                it's obvious that most of these long-winded reviews are by users who have already made up their minds about which phone is "best". the truth is that they are all good (nokia, SE, samsung, etc), but the features and some details are different. just pick features that you need and forget about brands. the perfect phone does not exist!

                  • a
                  • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                  • msX
                  • 10 Apr 2005

                  You can find a REVIEW in my site about k750i, i translated it from german to english

                    • A
                    • A.A.Tay
                    • iKN
                    • 10 Apr 2005

                    HI adam526:thank you for your good explanation,you have reviewed some important facilities on mobile phones but i think that most important features on handies are as follow:
                    1.good antenna EXT.(onnestly ALCATEL is the best & SE is the worst(after Nokia,Siemens & even Samsung))
                    2.Good shape(in my openion Samsung & SE are the best And ALCATEL is the the worst(after Siemens&Nokia))
                    3.Simple connectivity to PC: SE & Nokia ARE best & Samsung is the worst(after AlCATEL & SIEMENS))
                    4.User Friendly Menu: ALL of them are equal but often SIEMENS models are bad,
                    5.Goood Camera :all of them are bad(never i'll prefer to use my any kind of handy in except of real camera.
                    6.beautiful sound & ringtone (onnestly my ALCATEL OT756 is the best & SE k700 is next,others are equal.
                    7.Mp3 Player with big memory card (my SIEMENS SL-45i was the best & after that SE is good (I didn't test ALCATEL ot s853 but it looks good in all multimedia featurs.
                    8.FM Radio:i think all of them are equal
                    9.Small & Light(all of them are equal but nokia's productions are usually big & heavy.
                    10.Good screen & good fonts(samsung is the best & ALCATEL & SE,are the next)in equal size of body
                    11.Good connection to the headset( SE is the best & after that SIEMENS,Nokia.....ALCATEL models havenot had BLUE TOOTH yet,Except of new model OT S853
                    12.Stability in use: Nokia is the best
                    & after that SE,SIEMENS,ALCATEL & the WORST is SAMSUNG.
                    13.SIEMENS's are so slow, but others are equal.
                    -I also know t610 and k700 and i like the menu end everithing of them but alcatel OT 756 is better (do you want to try it?....3 type of menu X 10 colors x 8 atmosphear)
                    YES!! some models of ALCATEL mobilephone have some problems( but not all of them)
                    -Push to talk is very important my friends but only few people have it
                    finally acc. to a.m. reasons my first selection is ALCATEL 2nd.:nokia 3rd.:SE 4th.:SIEMENS 5th.:SAMSUNG,
                    thank you for good discussion & your good information abaut handies,........BYE

                      • a
                      • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                      • msX
                      • 10 Apr 2005

                      I forgot to said, that SE phones have the best casing. Especially t610 has aluminum casing, not like nokia plastic. SE phones were made of quality materials

                        • a
                        • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                        • msX
                        • 10 Apr 2005

                        For me the most importangt things are now in a phone:
                        -Goood Camera(K750i is the best now, you should check sample shots on my site: )
                        -Mp3 Player with big memory card
                        -FM Radio
                        -Small and light
                        -Good screen
                        -Good connection to the headset(not like nokia's - i have now nokia 3200, and it's headset always unplugs itself in my pocket...)
                        -K750 is the only phone, which supports real usb connection(if you want to fill an 512 mb card for a nokia you have to wait 12 hours, bacause via pop port the connection speed is max 5-6 kb/sek)
                        -And with k750i it's almost 500 kb/sek, and it works as a pendrive
                        -And symbian nokia's are sooo slow, except 6630, but it cost a little too much and too big and too heavy.
                        -I know t610 and k700 and i like the menu end everithing of it
                        -My brother use to have alcatel, and some of my friends(not the same model) - With these there were always problems - it always turns off from itself and so on. The quality is not comparable to SE phones
                        And which is not important to me:
                        -EDGE - in my 3200 there is EDGE but i never use it, so it's for me unnecesarry
                        -Push and talk is also not important, bacause only few people have it
                        -I din't just said these things, i use to read a lot about these thing in forums, reviews...

                          • A
                          • A.A.Tay
                          • iKN
                          • 10 Apr 2005

                          Hi adam526 & silver,
                          I wrote just a few problem abaut SE(not all),
                          Anyway SE is also good(of course after other
                          older telecommunication brand like Nokia,ALCATEL,SIEMENS,....),your idea abaut other brands shows that you never tried them but i have tested SE K700 & T630,Nokia 6230 &6600,ALCATEL ot511,715,735,756,... & now I,ll never
                          prefer any type of SE for use.
                          you should try them before any discussion.
                          believe me....

                            • a
                            • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                            • msq
                            • 10 Apr 2005

                            Nokia 6230i has much smaller display. And you shoul read the reviews about this phone(also k700), that this phone has the best screen the ever seen. It' vivid, bright and has very good colors. And i would NEVER buy alcatel, because it's crap. There are a lot of problems with alcatel phones...

                              • r
                              • robot
                              • Tua
                              • 09 Apr 2005

                              all thank's to sweden :d

                                • S
                                • Silver
                                • my@
                                • 09 Apr 2005

                                1) The screen is kept in proportion to a relitavely small phone... Personally, i am more bothered about the 2mp camera than the screen size (which i think is more than sufficient).

                                2) This phone isn't designed for the EDGE market moron!

                                3) Only 40 channel polyphonic? Whats your point? It plays mp3's as ringtones too... The last nokia i saw could only play wav's... This might have changed though... Not sure...

                                4) This point is somewhat incomprehensible, but i think you are now complaining about the signal strength that SE phones have... All i can say is, my T610 gets better signal than ANY nokia i've ever had... With my T610 i can just about get signal in Wales... Never with a Nokia...

                                So, tbh, noone wants to hear your negative remarks about SE... Most blokia users are just getting pissy because the likes of Sony Ericsson are continously growing and, IMO; will become the no.1 phone provider...

                                  • A
                                  • A.A.Tay
                                  • iKN
                                  • 09 Apr 2005

                                  1.medium size screen!!
                                  2.No EDGE!!!
                                  3.Just 40 channel polyphonic!
                                  4.of course Antenna EXT. is bad like other productions of sonyericsson.
                                  5.and also so expensive (like others...)
                                  I prefer to buy NOKIA 6230i or ALCATEL OT S853

                                    • m
                                    • mehran
                                    • TuI
                                    • 09 Apr 2005

                                    this is very good and funny

                                      • a
                                      • adam526 - sek750i.uw
                                      • msq
                                      • 09 Apr 2005

                                      i am sure in that, beacuse this phone also can play video in fullscreen, and than you have to watch it the right side up. And there is a paint program in the phone, so you can change things

                                        • l
                                        • lihenri
                                        • yKC
                                        • 09 Apr 2005

                                        with most fones when u hold it the right way up the picture is a landscape one...can u change the settings to do that with the k750?