Sony Ericsson K750
- R
- Robot
- Tua
- 28 Mar 2005
I would like this phone, but I wont buy it if it's too expensive. Goodness gracious, people are dying and I'm throughing away money that could feed a whole tribe in africa, on a stupid phone with good features, that I could get in another phone with the exact same features for a lower price. No.
- s
- sid
- TR9
- 27 Mar 2005
HELLO! Can anyone b kind enough to PLZZZZ lemme know wen this model will b released in INDIA and the Approx Cost...Thanx
- T
- Tony
- mjk
- 27 Mar 2005
can anyone explain 2 me what's the EDJE feature?
- d
- dxreaper
- Ui0
- 27 Mar 2005
Regarding the middle button above the Jostick, it's a new Activity Menu button. It serves as a shortcut button, at the same time it shows your most recently used menus and all.
Refer here for more information before askign more questions.
- S
- Silver
- my@
- 27 Mar 2005
Oh yes, and AB; please tell me, if the public is not interested in "opinions" regarding and concerning the latest technology, then why the hell do we have reviews?
Why do thousands of people purposely search the net for the opinions of others before buying a phone?
And once again i inquire, why the hell are there 15 pages of text on a website titled "Sony Ericsson K750 - Post your opinion" if people are only interested in facts?
I'll leave you to think about that one, eh?
Peace out.
- S
- Silver
- my@
- 27 Mar 2005
how long can u record video for? can it install any app. , is it a smartphone?
> There is no time limit on Video Recording
> I think this second question is a little vague, dont you? However, i can tell you that it does support the most common form of mobile games and applications... (java...)
J2ME MIDP (/2.0) with a CLDC/1.1 configuration and support of API's jtwi, mmapi, wmapi, pdaapi, btapi, 3dapi. And suffice to say, there are 12 audio/video formats supported by the Sony Ericsson K750...
And finally, I am fairly certain the K750 is not a smartphone :P (and incase you ask, it does not run on Symbian...)
Hope this helps, please inform me if the above is in anyway incorrect...
- b
- b0ib0i
- F4p
- 27 Mar 2005
how long can u record video for? can it install any app. , is it a smartphone?
- S
- Silver
- my@
- 27 Mar 2005
So, on what basis is the information you provide factual? This is not a unique opinion, it is expressed collectively. I did not form this conclusion myself, it is merely based on information that I have found on published reviews.
So; unless you somehow know something the rest of this community does not, I sincerely doubt that you are correct, and that the rest of the people following my predictive trend are wrong.
Good day.
- A
- AB
- n1f
- 26 Mar 2005
It will be £500 for UK's first 2mega pixel cam fone. When you said that no-one would buy a £500 fone, just look at MOTOROLA RAZR V3 that sells for £500 in the UK. Loads of people bought them including myself. Motorola couldnt meet the demands for the V3 with many large UK stores including Carphonewarehouse sold out of them.
Just look as SE's S700 that started off at £550 with a 1.3 mega pixel cam and now the price has dropped to £350
So dont come with your insinuations to this forum. People want factual information not some member of the public's random opinion.
- k
- kviv
- Tm2
- 26 Mar 2005
joystick is good. although slightly more sensitive as compared to the walkman version. no EDGE as far as i know.
- D
- DucK
- Mts
- 26 Mar 2005
Would K750 support EDGE?
- G
- George
- SvB
- 26 Mar 2005
How about that joystisk, is it precise?
- m
- max
- RJi
- 26 Mar 2005
what is the middle work for?can anyone tell me?
- s
- sean392
- 26 Mar 2005
well..... from the samples i can see the fone produces very good images for a fone.... better even than 6630..... night shots n macro are excellent.... there is power save for bluetooth n u can finally access speakerfone with 1 press.....
overall its pretty good but it seems that when u use polyphonic[midi] ringtones the speaker tends to be a little soft.... but its loud when u use mp3/AAC as ringers... so no worries there... overall i think this will be a killer
also i think the fone will be priced at around 350-400 euros.... to make way for the upcoming W800..
- S
- Silver
- my@
- 26 Mar 2005
Nice review, best one ive seen so far
- ?
- Anonymous
- msg
- 25 Mar 2005
Mobile review has posted a review of the k750 here:
- a
- aj
- mmN
- 25 Mar 2005
does any one have a decant idea when th sek750 will b out peple are saying q2 but thats really a rough estamate
anyone got a more presiste idea
- S
- Silver
- my@
- 25 Mar 2005
ROFL! £500 pounds? You're kidding me right? SE are not stupid enough to sell a phone of those specifications for half a thousand pounds... noone would f***ing buy it!
Seriously, dont listen to him, its going to be around £300 pounds, maybe a little more, but not £200 more!!
And Q2 = Quarter Two
Split the year into quarters, 12 months, 12 split into quarters (divided by four) equals 3 months per quarter, meaning that the SE K750 will be released in either April, May or June... (according to estimates that is)
Hope this helps...
- T
- Tommy
- n17
- 25 Mar 2005
what are you on about £500? it will not cost more than £300.
- f
- fone dude
- jp9
- 25 Mar 2005
latest estimates are about:
550 USD or 450 EUR