Sony Ericsson K800
- r
- ryan
- k7m
- 06 Jul 2006
no its the phone if you go into the comparision between the n80 and k800 you can see why in detail its something like the sony runs on old tech
- M
- Mike H
- i5}
- 05 Jul 2006
have i got a rubbish K800i phone or does anyone else have the same probelm?
when i'm taking a picture the screen is absolutely perfect. but when i change it to video the screen is fuzzy and blurry. therefore the video's a fuzzy too. the quality is dump. is it a setting i need to change or is it my phone??
- a
- avinersan
- 05 Jul 2006
don't forget how many problems(ore how many improvments) wore solved after the first firmware with k750(volume levels ...)maibe it will be like that with the k800
i must say that tha software is very well build it was extremli fast(1000 times faster than te n80)and very reliable (no crashes no nothing)
very good job with this phone
- g
- geo
- ixc
- 05 Jul 2006
the volume on the speaker is really low!!!
Big dissapointment
- A
- Andy Burgin
- n1i
- 05 Jul 2006
Just read the review of the new K610 by Gsmarena an it says about the joystick,how can a Cheaper model have a better joystick than the K800i,the joystick looks alot better on the K610 an looks as though Sony Ericsson as but a circle round the joystick preventing dust getting round the joystick,dust will easily mount around the joystick on the K800i i had,o.k the cameras superb but its reliability of the joystick i was worried about after having the K750i an all the trouble with the joystick i will check out the N73 before i might get the K800i again
- S
- Steve
- Skr
- 05 Jul 2006
Anyone know what date Orange are getting it on upgrade? They said maybe end of July but not too sure??
- l
- liz
- nEf
- 05 Jul 2006
hmmm been on the o2 website to check my order i placed yesterday and there is no sign of it to be able to track it!
- a
- artesea
- Mx@
- 05 Jul 2006
This phone is great, the screen is much sharper than the K750 and the camera is perfect.
Some answers to the questions. 4GB max for M2 card (although biggest on market is only 1GB).
To get the card door open, slide your finger nail under the lip and pull.
- M
- MrRobin
- Mf3
- 05 Jul 2006
I am really loving this phone. The camera, the mobile TV, the great screen, the menu system is all great.
The only one thing that bugs me is when I go to type a text message the font is too big and I can only fit a few lines on the screen. Does anyone know how to change this? When I receive a text, the font is small enough to show the whole thing on one page!
- h
- hoop
- myq
- 05 Jul 2006
wow ive had mine 2 days now and its fantastic! so nice to hold and that camera WOW!!! took a pic in pitch black last night and it came out a treat i love it!
- n
- njam
- waU
- 05 Jul 2006
hi,anyone looking for new themes.wallpapers etc..etc.., should check out i guarantee u will love it bye and take care
- k
- keita
- w0Q
- 05 Jul 2006
Yahoo! ok now Can SE like make an upgrade to their z800 unit?!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mta
- 05 Jul 2006
to the person saying that its 189.99 on o2 to upgrade, thats rubbish
the phone is free (in stores) on a 35/month tariff and is 99.99 on all other tariffs. your past spend determines your upgrade banding and this is reflected in the price charged.
ie if you spend on average 35/month, then you will get it for free.
otherwise you can just change your tariff in store to get it for free and lower it down after 6 months
but take my word on it, when i say, wait until mid july for the new o2 in store tariffs
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mta
- 05 Jul 2006
to all of you moaning about o2, why dont you get off your backsides and head for an o2 store??!? My local store received 30 at the weekend and i had no problem getting one
ignore the phone service
- A
- Artur
- nqE
- 04 Jul 2006
Why K800 was only released on the UK? Im in Portugal and when I call the sony ericsson customer service they tell me that it will be avaliable soon in Portugal but they dont have a clue when!
- P
- Pete
- ixc
- 04 Jul 2006
I have had this phone for 4 days now and it is, without doubt, the best phone I have ever owned (and I've owned quite a few).
The menus are superb and the picture quality from the camera is absolutely fantastic - It even connects to my Apple Mac in data transfer mode like my wife's K750i does.
10/10 Sonyericsson!
- r
- ryan
- pYR
- 04 Jul 2006
anyone know where we can get themes for this phone
- A
- Andy
- SbD
- 04 Jul 2006
Hey Liz
Thats what they said to me and if you check your o2 online and track it it says its out of stock. Unbelievabe! it just seems they are contenet with lieing they never say the truth they are like robots
- l
- liz
- nEf
- 04 Jul 2006
hey iv had a real nightmare with o2 tryin to get this phone kept getting told diff prices diff dates but finally today my order went thru and they said it was in stock should be with me in 1 to 2 workin days apparantly... lets see!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 Jul 2006
can someone tell me how to open the slot to put external memory expandable card in do you pull it slide it ???? dont want to brake it