Sony Ericsson K850

Sony Ericsson K850

User opinions and reviews

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  • E
  • Ed
  • Y9}
  • 21 Nov 2007

Reviews are opinions dummy. Can't think for yourself? GSM arena has their take on the k850i and has theirs. "Frankly speaking, I didn’t love the twist in ergonomics, missing shutter and these switches. But my experience of a few thousands of shots tells me that it is not a big deal. The handset is easy to master, so it looks quite adequate as a replacement for a real (wanted to write “handset” – Mr. Freud?) camera. If you value truly photographic quality of snaps – look no further, this model has no alternatives. In all conscience I have to admit that the Nokia N95 over the past 6 months has become the most popular 5 Mpix equipped device, but the Sony Ericsson K850i is not only on its heels, it also surpasses it in the imaging department (that’s our only focus now). "
Symbian OS stinks. Its few benefits do not make up for its daily annoyances. Enjoy those freezes and crashes. Nokias battery life is awful. I have nothing to defend. Quite confident and happy with se k850. You're in the SE forum. Maybe you can post video from your N-series of you and you're buddies LARPing with one another, ya MO'! I want to see what a "2 damage" strike looks like in vga. Tool.

    • k
    • kDnq
    • q}4
    • 21 Nov 2007

    nxwT (Nick)-
    " now someome argue with me, because you'll find you cant."
    That is what you said, didn't you?
    Well I just proved you wrong, because life is also about the pursuit of going against odds. This phone does that as if it had a direct kind of attitude. The N95 to me seems lost of where it wants to be. It's suppose to be a Mobile Computer and Entertainment device. Then why not keep creating phones like the N800. Now that's innovative on their part, and that should be their gimmick, just how SE has these candybars that keep being the same in general, but are different in the style, features and atmosphere they create around them.
    I'll let you know now, if I'm not addressed any further, then I will not write 'about you personally'.


      • k
      • kDnq
      • q}4
      • 21 Nov 2007

      Y9}n (Ed)-
      My friends also said that too. My mom who I'm loyal to, saw the phone after I already spammed her daily with pictures of the phone, and said that the phone is more enticing in person. Probably because on some monitors, black is not black, it's rather grey-ish. But the color on the device itself is very dark and black, and the design just stands out.
      When at the mall buying the phone, I'd placed the N95, W910 and K850 (SE's surrounding the N95) and she picked the W910 to be the most eye pleasing. When I pointed over to the 5660, appearantly the W910's competitor, she found that to be less... appealing then the N95, and the N82 to be even less then that. (Don't say anything about her because your moms would probably have nearly the same kinds of reactions, and I'd like to actually hear them if you're a NokiaFanboy who's just about to burst out with dis's for my mom.)
      Next, she found the K850 to be second appealing. Getting both phones by the end of the year anyway, I choose the K850 first because my family was already equipped with video calling phones, so I'm like, why not join the fray.

      By the way, to Canadian video calling owners who are looking at this phone, you NEED the HSDPA sim card if you did a hardware upgrade to the Samsung A706, LG TU720 Shine, LG TU500, Motorola RAZR2 V9. If you either finished your contract and/or started your plan off with a video phone, then you should already have an HSDPA sim card. It's free to activate anyway, but there IS a fee to pay if you do need possession of it. I believe it should be $25 CAD from Rogers Wireless, then call in to 611 to activate it. [Tip; call from another phone number ;)]
      And IF you do have the Rogers Wireless Mobile Vision Internet Package (plan code;VIS10), then the only thing left for you to buy is a phone that is both Quad-Band GSM and Tri-Band HSDPA/UMTS.
      Hope this helps.


        • k
        • kDnq
        • q}4
        • 21 Nov 2007

        vpd3 "henry"-
        K850 is in fact not inferior. Just watched a demo by these two guys making a video call at the store before I picked up my K850 today, and the quality of the video call and fps on the screen of the N95 was horrible. The image seen on the K850 from the N95 secondary camera were all worse and blurrier then the image that the K850 that we could barely see on the N95.
        Also, another trial took place, we opened the camera and it only too a split second for the K850 while on the N95, it took 15 seconds, way too long. Taking a picture, AF on the K850 was slower, but that's only because the AF light was in conjunction with the AF which slowed it down, testing itself with and without the light for about 2-3 seconds. When taking the picture, both phones saved right away, but the N95 took much longer, the K850 saving onto the memory card and previewing the picture after 2-4 seconds, and the N95 after a good 10 seconds.

        Indeed when it came to the video recording, the phones revealed no difference on the phones themselves, but when uploaded and viewed on the computer, the difference is noticable, but is not something big that lets the Nokia flagship take the pole position, because the N95 was still slower to take a video for 20 seconds. In all, the Nokia phone took more then 45 seconds to start up, record and save while the K850 took just about 30 seconds.

        Form factor was also a deal here. The N95 was put into media mode by a slide of the screen, which caused the phone to restart 3 times when we were using it. The K850 needed only a touch of a button, and a bit of time which we found was surprising, to load the videos, though on my K850, I did not experience this.

        I'll say that the form factor of this phone is actually ok. Coming from the W810, I was going to call it big, but in the world of these 5MP camera phones, I think the K850 is the set standard of what size phones should be. The N95 was simply too thick, and it's design, too boring. To prove this, we found a test that proves our side, and to this, it's somewhat bias because people found the N95 to be uglier, like those boots Uggs, while the K850s are like Jordans or AND1s.

        We walked out into the underground parking lot and started to run around, taking pictures of people starting up their car or just before they were about to leave their parking spot, and many people had angry reactions when using the N95, though when using the K850, the person simply did not care. That means that the K850 was just more discreet, though we weren't trying to be.
        Afterwards, we went upstairs and walked out to the outdoor parking lot and stopped in the middle of various parking aisles as cars drove by, and once again, the N95 faced more enemies. Perhaps the form factor being so big seems it's more intrusive.

        Anyway, I've taken today's pictures and have yet to post them or even create an open Forum for people to come and comment on. I'll be working on it tonight as the project officially starts.

        I like the phone so far, but I had to run out the battery and now I must let it sleep and recharge for 12 hours T_T. Then I'll continue my project.
        Until then;


          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vpd
          • 21 Nov 2007

          you are right Ed , nokia fons has better video quality.

            • h
            • henry
            • vpd
            • 21 Nov 2007

            @ ED

            reviews here dont lie. k850 is inferior. it is a ftct ED. very hard for you to defend what ever you say. reviews here are true. what do you have to prove otherwise ED?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • j82
              • 21 Nov 2007

              Aight, quick review, just got it back on monday and well here's some quick stuff. Amazing camera (flash still needs to be fixed...), I don't care what anyone says, but the video is good enough quality to post on the internet so stop complaining its a phone. The accelerameter(sp?) is a really nice feature, although not very useful, but fun. The phone, atleast where I am has really good reception and the voice clarity is great. Music and any other form of audio sound great through the speaker unless put down on its back, which muffles it. Beyond that I havent really had time to look at but there are a bunch of small application thats are useful or fun(facewarp or whatever). So yea 9/10, needs flashed fixed mainly, that the only big thing that puts it down for me. By the way this is only my second SE phone and I have owned a Nokia before so don't complain about the review.

                • E
                • Ed
                • Y9}
                • 21 Nov 2007

                Does anyone have the green one? i read that despite looking bad in the pics, in person it is actually pretty nice looking.

                  • E
                  • Ed
                  • Y9}
                  • 21 Nov 2007

                  @Nick, Henry
                  If you're so sure the n95, n82 is better, then why are you here. You shouldn't have a thing to prove, right? Maybe just not that sure are you? You know nokias Symbian OS sucks and is a daily headache. At this point you probably think all phones lag, freeze and crash daily, so you just go on dealing with it. (lil' secret, non-smartphones dont have these problems) Making the overall experience of any media-oriented phone more pleasant.
                  The only thing thats better about either the n95, n82 is the video. They're both significantly bigger phones than the k850. And cost anywhere from $150-$250 more depending on which you choose. No I would not buy the original n95 for $60 more than the k850, because I'm not willing to put up with a phone that I have to charge by lunch time, and again the Symbian OS.
                  GSM Arena are not the review GODS. I can show you 3 other review sites that clearly state the k850 is the better camera.
                  Here are some pic links for people to see what the k850i is capable of in proper hands. Some are people that know photography, some are amateurs. The best ones you have to register to view. Still impressive and should help people decide who are interested in this phone.
                  K850's video may not be vga but its camera is still the best on the market. Symbian OS stinks!

                    • j
                    • joecrunk
                    • vuM
                    • 21 Nov 2007

                    there seems to be a lot of N95 fan boys.. lol.. i have the k850i just for the camera.. but yes N95 wins in all departments -photos, -being fat as

                      • f
                      • francis_tala
                      • 014
                      • 21 Nov 2007

                      i've got no problem with my k850i
                      i got the blue one.
                      it's great, far better than my previous phones...
                      it meets my needs: phone, camera, walkman, etc..

                        • U
                        • Ultra
                        • SkV
                        • 20 Nov 2007

                        @ Johnny Boy,

                        Yes I think mine was not one of the best and maybe an update or another one could have solved some stuff. But was still disappointed by the general design (lens, d-pad, softkeys) so decided to not have another go at this K850i.

                        The shop I bought it was kind enough to offer a refund, but strangely did not offer/suggest a replacement.

                        Me + K850i = bad combination. Still like the K800i so much more...

                          • J
                          • Johnny Boy
                          • PVt
                          • 20 Nov 2007

                          To ULTRA.

                          Well you should go back from where you bought this phone, and just claim your problems. I've been using SE phones for a long time. All i know is this that a non-OS phone should not hang up or collapse. I think there is something wrong with your phone. There're a number of prople in this forum saying that their phone is working fine.

                            • h
                            • henry
                            • vpd
                            • 20 Nov 2007

                            this fon has inferior video quality. guys check out the reviews here and see for yourself. very crapy fon very hard to defend.

                              • U
                              • Ultra
                              • SkV
                              • 20 Nov 2007

                              The soft/touch keys are the three white dots just under the display. They act as touch sensitive keys.

                              Check this movie to see them "in action"...


                                • T
                                • Token
                                • mpQ
                                • 20 Nov 2007


                                If you're looking for the K850i's "OS" goto:


                                You can have a look at the specs in more detail as well as downloading the handsets White Paper!

                                  • I
                                  • Ivan
                                  • mV7
                                  • 20 Nov 2007

                                  can somebody tell me please what keys are soft keys/touch keys?

                                    • U
                                    • Ultra
                                    • SkV
                                    • 20 Nov 2007

                                    I'm a total SE-fanboy, I'll admit to that. So, that said: I returned my K850i today and am back to my good old K800i.

                                    Why did I return it?
                                    - Software was totally buggy, and I could not be bothered to wait for an update.
                                    - First thing that happened after just a few minutes of use: big fingerprint right on the lens. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have a fingerprint magnet right in front of the lens...?
                                    - After some getting used I decided that the soft keys/touch keys and me are not a good combination. To fiddly and not very responsive.
                                    - Directional-key/ring: mmm no did not like that.

                                    And I was so looking forward to this phone :-(

                                    Have to wait and see what SE comes up with next. Or should I consider a Viewty...?

                                      • R
                                      • Ruknani
                                      • SkE
                                      • 20 Nov 2007

                                      I have used K750i and the camera and the resolution is too good. with user freidly operating syetem. New K850i with 5 mega pixal camera WOW. a must buy gadget.
                                      Imaging the panaromic pictures taken from K850i.

                                        • r
                                        • ragnarok
                                        • n}r
                                        • 20 Nov 2007

                                        I have used K850 for one week and I am 100% satisfied. Pictures are superior quality. I am satisfied with video also. No hook ups from software. Really great phone.