Sony Ericsson P800
- B
- Bu_7assooon
- 02 May 2003
i just bought it .. and it is a peice of gold infact it is a daimond
- u
- unknown
- 30 Apr 2003
P800 considering its price... it SUCKS!!!!
- C
- Chan
- 23 Apr 2003
Well i would complain wat everyone complain and that is that is too big. Well ofcourse the phone is really good believe me but damn good.
- m
- marian
- 22 Apr 2003
Dear Sirs,
I am from Romania and I just bought P800 phone and I'm really enjoyed it; but, one of CD's called PC Suite for P800 does not contain File Manager software as is written on the back cover; is it mistake or a bad joke ?
I just paid around 1000 USD for this smart phone and I really wanna know what's happend.
please, give me some details on this matter
- A
- Aileen Chantelle
- 22 Apr 2003
I cant find the T9 feature that you said have.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Apr 2003
pity cause is only have 4096 colour
and not 65k colour display
- L
- Louis S. Rahardjo
- 17 Apr 2003
Dear Jakov, can i take a song in MP3 file for a ringer tone? Thanks a lot, dude.
- s
- shitphone
- 17 Apr 2003
this isn't a phone... maybe a pda... computer? nah!!.. this is a shit phone
- l
- loobian
- 15 Apr 2003
I bought it two weeks ago...I've been using it all day every day since then...the greatest state-of-art phone...i'd rather call it computer than phone, though!
Only a few bad sides:
-The software needs some fixing. Many of the programs do not have "EXIT" in the menu, so they stay in background wasting power and memory. You should download file manager and close them manually
-No radio!:(
-Memory is not enough...
- D
- Dr.Octupus
- 14 Apr 2003
the best, that can be offered in my country - bulgaria.i have it and i think it is the best!!!!!
- J
- Jayson
- 13 Apr 2003
Great Phone, But I wonder why they would leave out FM Radio , how stupid or even excel spreadsheet.I will never figure out these cellphone guys all ways the simple things get left out.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Apr 2003
can someone tell me a name of a site which sell this phone and which ships it to the middle east plzzz
- .
- .
- 10 Apr 2003
it accepts:
MP3, wav, MIDI etc.! Check the website
- D
- 10 Apr 2003
this fone comes with stereo earfones and on the sony ericsson site they say it to listen to music.can someone pls tell me what format it accepts.
- r
- roxxxs
- 04 Apr 2003
getting shit every day diz old gig fone!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 02 Apr 2003
fadi you can ask the site of sonyericsson
- f
- fadi
- 02 Apr 2003
i want to know if there any program mack me recive arabic sms
- b
- boomarrang
- 27 Mar 2003
the p800 and nokia 3650 are both amazin phones. the p800 has elegance and sophistication but the nokia is fun and easy to use. the touch screen is very usefull but for me the video recorder on the nokia gives it the edge for my every day life. i have both and each have their own qualities.p800 is better for those who are more interested in their business life and the 3650 for the social occasions
- a
- ahmed
- 26 Mar 2003
does anybody know when will this phone be released in the middel east or kuwait???
- J
- Jakov
- 24 Mar 2003
Buy any smartphone you want,it is just matter of style.Kyocera has gr8 smartphones,to bad they don't work in Europe.