Sony Ericsson T610
- s
- saddiq_prince
- PB0
- 16 Jan 2006
my uncle send me has very bad result of camera....its has low sound.....and many more problems in it....plz get this set very best....that everyone use this set and say this is a very good set.......
- k
- kishore
- 2WH
- 09 Jan 2006
my cam is not working properle
- s
- sohel
- P@U
- 06 Jan 2006
it has vary bad after sell service.we wish that it may be devlop.
- F
- Fawad Sheikh
- Pxp
- 03 Jan 2006
WOW, I am using this T610 since last 2 years and it appears to be a very good and reliable phone but one problem Signals got weak when you are in-side of buildings. Camera is not good at all, picture quality is poor.
- j
- johnny chan from asi
- PT7
- 01 Jan 2006
very good fone but very rap camera
- d
- dg
- PB0
- 30 Dec 2005
this phone is very nice it is good ph
- j
- jack
- mxE
- 26 Dec 2005
i just gave my t610 away and bought the k750i the t610 was a very good phone it has a crap camera but very very reliable and easy to use.
- J
- Jing Xin
- ibb
- 26 Dec 2005
It restart automaticly
- n
- ngaijk
- TC$
- 25 Dec 2005
i love this phone very much.
i used it two years ago...
it was nice and useful for me!
pls keep it carefully.
- L
- Luis Fernando Ortiz
- FDf
- 22 Dec 2005
That's a nice phone, I love it, the photos are good, and has the best polyphonic sounds.
- S
- Sergiu Romania
- mAS
- 19 Dec 2005
The phone has everything you nedd; the camera is acceptable for a phone that is 2 years old or more...The joystick get's hard to use, u can use the buttons +- from the side of the phone, sometimes the phone stop's responding that's not very pleasant; But overall i'm satisfied. Still the next phone i'll buy will be a nokia.
- C
- Cat
- RxY
- 13 Dec 2005
Still have this phone and it's still doing great. The camera is a bit crap, but I've dropped it a billion times and it is yet to break. And yeah BT and stuff. Beats the K300i =)
- h
- heyhey
- i21
- 09 Dec 2005
this phone is really good. except ones you use tthe joystick too much, it gets harder to move up and down the menu with it. so thats the bad thing about this phone. Other than that its an excellent phone and no matter how many times you drop it, it does not break
- T
- TS
- 6De
- 09 Dec 2005
I have and am still using the T616 version of this phone. For the most part I love it.
+Beatiful hi-res screen
+Nice small size
+Light weight
+Reasonable response times to buttons
+Lots of fields and memory for easy synching with Outlook
+Good battery life for normal use
-Sceen is flush with plastic so it scratches easily
-Staticy in/out audio as the phone aged...especially when it's squeezed or held firmly. One of my friends complained that he had to squeez the phone to eliminate the static.
-I just don't use the camera...waste of functionality and space and $.
-Not ergonomic, curvey or flips and slips out of my hands, and my hands are not super big or tiny small.
- R
- Rev. Danyael Black
- S35
- 08 Dec 2005
had this phone for a while now, keeps freezing up every so often but this is easily solved by deleting some content from mms/pictures, on the whole a damn fine little handset....... two thumbs up!!!
- A
- Alzin
- SHb
- 08 Dec 2005
It is good phone but boor camera, for internet it is fantastic very good and works so quickly, and it is not so expensive, can not read mb3 make it poor and old, but any way I like it so much more than any other phone I had.
- m
- martin
- PUd
- 07 Dec 2005
WOO i have this phone, vodafone sorta screwed up the menu icons but oh well, it's nice and yummy, prob one of the best designs for a phone. yay but im upgrading to moto v360 so suck that!
- B
- Brendan
- AeE
- 02 Dec 2005
Hello everyone,
The T610 is now getting old but if you just want a good basic bluetooth phone its great but you will have to live with... The screen is impossible to see in the sun, very minimal memory, very poor camera, big pixel screen and the most annoying thing is it calls people and sends messages when its in your pocket locked . It is a good phone yet just has a few probs
- a
- average joe
- j@J
- 30 Nov 2005
i used 2 have this phone now i have a moto c650
im wondrin have i been downgraded? they both have similar features but moto has no bluetooth or IrDabut has mp3 playback
- j
- joseph
- xv7
- 28 Nov 2005
talking about phone it's really tech.but i'm having problem in the games cos mine only has the minigolf in it,men,i need more games .how do i do go about with it.