Sony Ericsson W550
- H
- Hasmi
- PVg
- 11 Mar 2006
Base on the shape, audio & features looks great. But when facing the software ITS SOCKSS...!. Two times i must loosing valuable data MP-3 Play list, Ringtone, Themes n Picture. Cause the screen just blanked when i connecting my phone using the USB Cable with my computer. This is accident happen on the 15th day i bought this phone. Reeinstal software on Sony Centre is Helping. But For the Next Day ITS HAPPEND AGAIN when i try to connected with my computer. AGAIN, go to Sony Centre and leave my phone for three days for reeinstal the latest software. For now, i've just using an Infra Red and Bluetooth connection for transfering file between my phone and computer. Just in case the accident happen again
- J
- m25
- 11 Mar 2006
hi terrence . . . i faced the exact same problem as you described it today when i attached to my pc via usb. but nothin to worry its only a matter of patience:) i tried removin and replacin the battery many times but it would freeze at the se logo screen. then i jus left it on like tat and after several mins my phone finally started workin and went to standby:) . you must try this
- t
- terrence
- Uey
- 10 Mar 2006
i like this phone alot, and it's my first SE phone, which i planned carefully before buying it, because of the high price. With all the special features it has, that's why i finally decided to buy it and pack it with pics and mp3s, i really appreciate this phone so much that i cannot find any phone better than this but guess what???... i only had it for just exactly 17 days and now, same as you haslan, my phone died very very soon! it can really make you feel the pain, after paying for a high price phone, this is what you get, it only live for just 17 days, your phone is better haslan, you had it work for 2 months, mine not even a month, doesn't make sense! it happened at one point while i was attaching the usb data cable, which i had already done a number of times before, then at this time, as soon as i attached the cable, the phone resets, which is normal because i'm going to use the file transfer feature, then a white blank screen appears and it even reaches the sony ericsson screen with a black background and that is what you will see unless you remove the battery, cause you can't even turn it off. ankit, is it true, after having the phone fix with the new software installed, this will never happen again? cause if this is the phone or manufacturers problem, which is still possible to happen again, i will never waste time packing this phone with great stuffs, i will just use it normally and change to a better phone in the future. actually, i'm planning to apply for a new sim card tomorrow which has gprs connection, cause i'm just using a prepaid sim right now and no gprs is available, i'm doing it in favor of my phone, but it's dead already just hours ago, then instead of applying for a new sim, i should visit the retailer for repair. poor consumers.....what a heck!
- A
- Aritra
- ije
- 10 Mar 2006
can anyone tell me if this phone can handle truetone/realtone. will I b able to set any mp3 of Kishore kumar as ringtone. Is it possible that a phone can can handle mp3 as a ringtone but not handle truetone or real tone. actually what is the difference? Please clear it plese. friends
- A
- Ankit
- P$3
- 10 Mar 2006
to haslan
well mate i am very sorry to hear bout ur pictures cause even i had been in the situation too.....
but cant help it but now as we say we learn from our exp. now i always save my important files in to my pc as a back up...cause you never know but mate as far as my exp. you will not face that problem after gettin the upgraded softare so enjoy.....
and 1 more thing for all w550 users hey i like surfing net (mailnly y!messenger) but i am a bit scared of one thing which is.....
will my fone start hanging due to net surfing ???
cause i have faved this problem on my se-z200 that i had in past......
plz do reply if anybody have the accurate info
and if anybody is facing the same problem plzz let me know bout it!!!!!
thanx alot in advance....
cheers enjoy!!!!!!
- h
- haslan
- 10 Mar 2006
thanx to become more alert than others....
but,you know what....SE already makes me dissapointing with their product!
i already put high expectation to SE product becoz i already use 2 SE phone(Z200 and K700) and both of them works fine...
that's why i choose this phone as my third SE phone!
if i know this would happen to me,i will not choose this phone,it's better if look for other manufacturer!
this tragedy really punching my heart and makes me cry(believe me) becoz i have too many picture in it and i love them all so much!poor me........................
- k
- kylie
- iIR
- 09 Mar 2006
mi mam has this fone and she finks it absouluty fabulose bless her xxx
- A
- Ankit
- P$3
- 09 Mar 2006
hey mate if you are facing problem like that i must tell you that most of the ppl i know had faced the same problem that i had just a week back....
well mate the only thing is when you get your fone back from the retailer you will get ur fone with the updated software and then you will not face any Problem...
believe me i have an exp. of dat.
and as far as your DATA is concerned well cant help it!!!!!!!
see every coin has two sides(+ive & -ive)...
the same way you can see phone hav awesome sound but limited memory(can be ignored)
it hav a fashionable look but some problems as well...
Think of The Nokia 8800 Users Man!!!
Cheers Enjoy!!!!!!!
- h
- haslan
- 09 Mar 2006
i just use this phone for 2 month....and guess what????my phone already dead!YES!DEAD!
while i searching picture,suddenly the screen turns white and not goes back to normal mode!
so i need to sent back to the retailer to fix it!
i'm sure it's happen bcoz the terrible software!and i think all my files will be deleted!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- b
- binoy
- PVd
- 08 Mar 2006
sound quality is ultimate no will far near than this
- M
- Mnky
- n2r
- 08 Mar 2006
This is very loveable phone!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- T0r
- 08 Mar 2006
does w550 have asmooth zoom???i mean when u zomm till 1 zoom does it give u direct zoom to 1 or (,1-,2-,3 etc..)plz tell me
- D
- Denners
- Tt@
- 08 Mar 2006
I had the white screen of death, of which I was told the phone had lost its software therefore everything I had on the phone I had lost. I therefore returned it to where I got it from and they said that they could reload the software on the phone but they could not get back contacts, pictures, music etc back so they replaced the handset with a new one. I am now onto my 3rd W550 in just over 2 months as the 1st phone, after turning it on, would freeze when it was trying to pick up the network operator. So as you can read, I am pretty disgruntled by this particular phone and I am looking to completely change the handset for a different make/model as soon as I can.
- j
- jingboy
- m25
- 07 Mar 2006
the inbuilt netfront browser is really good. it can resume broken downloads on all file types except for 3GP files. have anybody noticed that? i dont understand why it is so? hope there is a browser upgrade in the next firmware release:)
- J
- m25
- 07 Mar 2006
the camera doesn't perform well in poor light. but its awesome during daylight. .
anybody know some good software for W550i .
- ?
- Anonymous
- TKb
- 07 Mar 2006
dude...can u plz read other posts 1st before asking questions??...its ALWAYS stated that u jez need to the update ur phone version to the latest version =.=...problem solved...end of story..good luck ^.^
- J
- Jatin
- P$x
- 07 Mar 2006
Just wanted to ask about the "White screen " of death that appears sometimes in case of W550i. For me even when i tried to remove the battery and put it back again, the "white screen" was still there. I tried that many times but to no avail. So anybody here could tell me how to get back the phone in normal condition? The problem maybe " I tried to connect the phone in USB mode rather than phone mode and after transfering files removed the hardware and since then the white screen is coming." SO what should i do next. please anyone advice me or give me a solution to this problem. Thnx in advance.
- ?
- Anonymous
- TKb
- 07 Mar 2006
erm..the camera quality is bad if the lighting is not that good...thats all ^.^...other than dat...its ok...although not to the extend of GOOD camera...
- ?
- Anonymous
- SeE
- 07 Mar 2006
does anyone know about realplayer for sony ericsson w550? or any other way to play .rm tracks? thanks in advance
- ?
- Anonymous
- SeE
- 07 Mar 2006
i have a new w550, however i have noticed that the picture qualit of the camera is very bad. Has anyone experienced this with his/her phone or might mine be having a defected camera?