Sony Ericsson W580
- S
- SE
- TKb
- 28 Mar 2007
wish this phone sold in low price ..
cause this phone without 3G function
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4%V
- 28 Mar 2007
is the phone deminsion 99 x 47 x 14 mm, when the phone is closed or slide up?
- J
- JeslynCho
- TKb
- 28 Mar 2007
No flash? No autofocus?? 0.o""
- a
- avinersan
- pr3
- 28 Mar 2007
the joy s after k800 i belive are very good
i had a k800 and no problemo
my brother hase a k800 and works perfect
- j
- jay-z
- M@T
- 28 Mar 2007
does it have joystick or 4 way navigation key, coz i hate these dodgy joysticks, they always go bad after heavy using, so i'm looking for reliable keypad from SE
- ?
- Anonymous
- YfU
- 28 Mar 2007
u r so
- n
- nokia fan..
- YfU
- 28 Mar 2007
man...i can't wait to get this phone.....
- D
- Drsilverworm
- Yhd
- 28 Mar 2007
The most impressive phone sony has announced this year. The only letdown is no flash, but I like it alot nonetheless. Especially the comfortable-looking keypad.
- m
- matt
- kDH
- 28 Mar 2007
this thing loook veryy diff from other walkman. bside w850. but really dont you notice that all walkman aree veryy similar to the other walkman like w810??? the should change the design.. oftenn.. if u want a flash or autofocus i suggest u but the K's cuz u still can hear music but not as GOOOD but does the same job..
- D
- Dansley
- iJf
- 28 Mar 2007
wow, cool design! I will definitely buy it!
But 1 thing i am very disappointed is there isn't any flash light included. =(
anyway *finger cross*, hope the price will be cheaper than others W & K series!
- O
- Ollilla
- mv8
- 27 Mar 2007
Aboslutely super hot phone. But why no 3G? Mayebe there will be a 3G version later.... Pleeeease!
- ?
- Anonymous
- n%}
- 27 Mar 2007
SE is so going downhill...
- B
- vGA
- 27 Mar 2007
Dont u thing sony is doing a foolish tghing here? I dont know whts wrong with the company??? Does he afraing to add the 3g part??? Almost every week I found a new design from sony and most importantly the good design. But the screen size and the 3g just sucks. Why??? Whts wrong with the big display??? is it looking bad???
- d
- disappointment
- TS$
- 27 Mar 2007
thought that sony ericsson were to release phones that hav 16M screen and 3.2MP camera...but again they let me down,y dont they release a series of great feature phones? i think is much better than releasing jz physically ammended phones(w660,w880,...)
no wonder SE cant catch up motorola's sales...(not even half of Nokia's)
- G
- George
- Pwb
- 27 Mar 2007
For all people complaining about camera. If you want 3.2 MP with autofocus, flash, etc, get the Cybershot phones (K800, K550, K810). This is a MUSIC phone, the camera is just an extra.
Back on point, I LOOOOVE this new walkman. Very light, nice screen, excelent design... I'm gonna buy this!
- j
- jayce
- F4p
- 27 Mar 2007
very disappointed... WHERE is the SPEAKER SE!! is a walkman phones... NO photo lights?...NO 3G...ONLY things is slimmer than my w850i
- S
- Sonitsu
- mD6
- 27 Mar 2007
:( Sony is making me mad! Why waste such a beautiful design on a non-3G technology??? PLEASE PUT THE EXTRA CAMERA ON THE FRONT!!! PLZ!!! lol
and I hope its expansive so I can show it off... ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Mar 2007
soooo beautiful! im willing to close my eyes to the fact that the features are a bit behind other mobile phones :) . . . as long as the price is reasonable
- k
- kyle
- 27 Mar 2007
I almost creamed my pants when I saw this! This phone looks amazing!
- 7
- 786
- nER
- 27 Mar 2007 has EDGE and HCSHD but no 3G lmao...Sonyerricson are really going down..Nokia are going up!!! if a phone doesnt have 3G then how are ppl gonna video call??????? W850i has 3G but no EDGE or HSCHD this does suck...1 with 3G the other with EDGE and HSCHD and no 3G ??????? SE plzz dont loose this battle!