Sony Ericsson W700
- O
- Ogeps
- 14 Sep 2006
the diffrent between W 700 & W 800 is, W 700 hasn't the autofocus on its camera, and the package of the memory external is less (256Mb)than W 800 (512Mb) so that the price is more expensive than W 700, the others is the same features. and 1 more thing W 700 just had 1 colour type only... Titanium...? I hope there'll be a black colour... like W 810 :)
- T
- Tabi
- 13 Sep 2006
Hi everyone ,
my problem is that i want to buy a mobile fone and i am confuse , and the Confusion is that which one is best 4 me W700i or W800i . Is anybody use W700i or W800i ? if anybody use then plz tell me the only defect are in those handsets .
i will be very thankful
- L
- Lai Kwok Liang
- 13 Sep 2006
Hello all,
Firstly, the walkman music player is awesome, and has a 5-band equalizer.
I chose the W700i mainly because of its walkman features, and I am very glad it did not disappoint, sounds almost as good as Winamp with headphones on my laptop. Only gripe is I can hear a short crackling sound at the start of some of my MP3s, much like what old tape recorders produces at the start of playback, which is absent in Winamp.
The 2MP camera produces pictures of sufficiently good qualities, though I rarely use it. And regarding malfunction when using camera in frame mode + zoom (someone mentioned this earlier), mine can only take pictures correctly up to 1.2x zoom, any higher zoom will produce garbage. The frames are not that cool anyways so it doesn't really bother me. Customizable frames would be a nice feature to have though.
My only problem is with the joystick, after only 1 month of use. Pressing down can sometimes end up as select instead, and the other directions are at times insensitive yet other times over-sensitive. Since I didn't read a lot of joystick problems over here, I take it I have a slightly defective one.
Despite these imperfections, the W700i is a great phone and I have to say I love it!
- a
- ameya
- 2S$
- 11 Sep 2006
this phone is great.
i am using this fone from three months and yet it is not gotta hang though i am using 1gb mem. card.
fone have a great quality of sound and great camera also.
those who r confused in bet w800i and w700i
should note that there is no diff. in both fones. w800i have autofocus camera which is only the extra feature only.
comparing bet nokia 3250 and w700i/w800i i would say that if u r purchasing a mobile for music then sony ericsson is always best and will remain.
if wanna go for symbian os then nokia 3250 is good.
but the w700i really rocks with small size and sound with greattttt diply just some what problem in video playing
u can mail me for more information about any fone on my mail. i have fond of using mobiles and have used 55 high end fones
- L
- Laloo Prasad
- 45Q
- 11 Sep 2006
Doesn't seem to playback AAC files. However it plays M4A files, which is the audio layer of the MPEG-4 video format. I read somewhere on the internet that M4A and AAC are synonymous, however M4A was developed at a tangent from AAC.
Also, the Disc2Phone software doesn't recognize AAC files, so you can't select them over for transfer. According to the help menu, it recognizes M4A, M4B, MP3, WMA, WAV files.
Quote from Disc2Phone help: "If you choose a WAV or WMA file to transfer to your phone or Memory Stick, the Disc2Phone software will automatically re-encode the file to MP3 format prior to the transfer. If you choose an M4A or M4B file, the file is not re-encoded to MP3 format prior to the transfer; Disc2Phone simply transfers the existing file."
I will be emailing SonyEricsson about this issue, since they explicitly mention support for AAC files. Also, there could be variances between models from different regions. My W700i is from the Middle-East region (from Dubai, UAE) so maybe someone who has purchased this phone from another reguion can give their feedback?
- a
- aditya
- 2SS
- 11 Sep 2006
I jus purchased w700i ....believe me its way ahead than the K750i guys! The camera is almost similar...Music in W700i rocks with the megabass feature! Anyway W700i is the latest phone compared to is worth investing
- a
- angel
- 2Ap
- 11 Sep 2006
guyz...with regards to videodj, is there any way to use an mp3 file?and why is that when i play wav file the speaker produces crack sounds why???
- s
- seenu
- 2Z9
- 10 Sep 2006
What is the actual difference between k750i & w700?? please somebody who have used both the phones reply.
- S
- 10 Sep 2006
Is the earphone jack the only difference between W700i & K750i.Does K750i have mega bass like W700i.Is there any other difference in quality of music. Pls reply URGENTLY.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 45Q
- 10 Sep 2006
I'm sending .wav and .aac files to my w700 via infrared from my laptop, but the phone doesn't recognize or play rhem back. Anyone experiencing this problem? Maybe I need the disc2phone software to transfre these files
- A
- Asex
- j2C
- 10 Sep 2006
W700 beats k750 with cute design and comfortable keypad layout and suplied accessories, while k750 leads with an amazingly functional autofocus which makes pics clear at all time. My opinion is buy k750 and get da walkman accessories,(they use da same connectors) and u will never need any other phone, digicam or mp3 player again 'cause u've got it all. Have fun with SE.
- B
- Boy82
- iiV
- 09 Sep 2006
@ srinivas
buy 6233 for all overall features (incl music), & w700i if u are a music fan.
certainly k750i
- ?
- Anonymous
- iiV
- 09 Sep 2006
you will find 6233 more interesting overall
if you arent such a great music freak.
If you looking out for details in music buy w700i or Nokia 3250 (now the probs of software arent an issue)
if u are meaning w700i & k750i, I wud suggest definitely k750i. Assuming you are from India, I can say that its no meaning spending Rs.2000 (USD 40) more just for the walkman tag. after all, its your call.
- I
- Indiboy
- iiV
- 09 Sep 2006
Hi. Does the sales pack contain the connector cable used to connect the fone to the computer? Pls reply asap. thanks in advance.
- B
- Babar
- PZ%
- 09 Sep 2006
I have W700i n i am very happy with its use because his sound is much greater like K750i and also camera result better then K750i i prefer W700i
- a
- angel
- wYG
- 09 Sep 2006
guyz..pls help me..i cant convert any music with wma file to mp3..why??pls help me..i have that cd but still cant do it..plz...
- a
- angel
- wYG
- 09 Sep 2006
i hve this fone now!!!!!!!!!!its great really really great!!!!!!!1
- B
- Bhaskar
- 2SP
- 08 Sep 2006
Hi everybody, I am confused as to purchase K750 or W700. I want to know the quality of MP3 songs in K750 when compared with W700 (percentage wise). I will go for K750 if it is atleast 80% as good a MP3 player as is W700. Kindly give your opinion. Also can anyone tell the quality of pictures of W700 with no autofocus- what % of K750.
- r
- rafi
- wYM
- 08 Sep 2006
hi guys any one tell me that where can i found some useful java software for w700i. though i found some but those aren't good enough..... pls help....
- A
- Asex
- j2C
- 07 Sep 2006
Hi everyone,
I have been using this phone for over a month now and i think it is very ok for its price. My girl friend uses k750i and camera wise, k750i ìs leading with the following: it has a greater zoom, the auto focus makes pictures sharp at time, while w70?i pics would only be sharp if u dont shake ur hands while taking it. K700i's pic resolution is a little greater. Macro mode is only on k750i. No other cam difference. You can email me at if u need to know more