Sony Ericsson W800
- j
- jack
- 2SU
- 16 Dec 2005
well punk.. i would suggest u to go for w900i if u arent a conservative buyer..
- h
- haydn
- Nxs
- 16 Dec 2005
hi does anyone maybe know why i cannot sync my contacts from my pc to phone i get an error syncml desktop server. otherwise very nice phone.
- c
- cornelia
- Nxs
- 16 Dec 2005
The frame speed is very good in comparison with other phone. Also the rendering is very good, but i love the picture quality the most. W800-great stuff!
- S
- San
- mDf
- 16 Dec 2005
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLz,this is the most silly thing i have ever heard!,who said it turns its color after while, YOU ARE BUYING A 500$ phone, it means A WONDERFULL quality of,phone+cover+headphones+ everything it comes with it.
let me help ya alittle PUNK!,it might turn its color BUT after along time-2 to 3 years at least and lets not forget that you can change its cover untill then,so its not really a big deal and i dont think that you would really keep it for the 3years time cause new better phones will be in the markit at that time right? lets talk about other phones color, NOKIA and i was an extrem big fan of those phones and i had NOKIA 7610 before i got W800i,anyways the point is that my last NOKIA's cover color turned in 18months but not like that big turn,juuuuust a little thing that you cant really see but if you comapre it with a new one,same thing with sonyericsson but here it lasts might also need to chang the cover if youre phone got alot of scratchs on the cover,so the ablity of changing cover is all that matter in the end.
BUY YOURE PHONE FROM THE SONYERICSSON AGENT IN YOURE AREA, not from any shop nor the internet so that you can get a trustable working phone.
- p
- punk
- PdS
- 16 Dec 2005
the coulour of w800i ???, will turn yellow and ugly?? i dont know ))... w800i or w900i???? people help???
- s
- sir Quynh
- 16 Dec 2005
yeah! I like the sound system of this "walkman phone" the most. However, the battery charging really annoys me whenever I get busy.
- M
- Maddy
- PxN
- 16 Dec 2005
thkz for your info fendi
- f
- fendi
- ijr
- 16 Dec 2005
Dear Maddy...
For your info, the battery life depends on how regular you use the MP3 and camera as well.For the coulour, yes it will turn yellow and ugly and it will be more worse if you're a smoker.
- f
- fendi
- ijr
- 16 Dec 2005
Dear C.J
For your info, i just bought K750i 2 weeks ago.Yesterday i bought W800i.The diff it seems that the camera shutter sound cannot off for K750i and it is possible for W800i.Another diff is this wonderful W800i can play MP3 without on the phone to normal standby.
- c
- cj
- 4f6
- 16 Dec 2005
Hi, i was wondering if the w800 and the k750 are the same, besides their look and the fact that the w800 comes with a dual 512 mb card instead of only 64 on the k750. Can someone tell me the differences? Thanks
- d
- dj rav4
- PA$
- 15 Dec 2005
hi everyone, does your w800i (when turned on) and when the charging of the battery is complete; does it give you a warning that battery fully charged or is it just 100%?? my phone only gives me that warning when i turn off my phone and charge it, or else it just gets to 100% and no warning!!!!!! or m i doin something wrong??
- M
- Majed
- iTU
- 15 Dec 2005
need sm help plez...
i realy love to buy W800 bt the only difference with K750 is the memory card (smthing u can just buy).
But it about the dobble the i right
Plez reply sm coments witch is better?
- y
- yazeed
- mBc
- 15 Dec 2005
hey to every one, i think that this is an excllent phone and considering to buy it.
but before i do i want to ask somthing
do any body knows if the memory card for this phone(w800) can store regular files(just store not open) like word and pdf?
shortly does it work the same like disc on key?
pleas if anybody know let me know,i will be very grateful. (
- w
- wayne washington cla
- ReE
- 15 Dec 2005
well im in the process of buying this cell phone its like hotbread on sale in jamaica yes it cost alot though im more interesting in the usb port and transferringfile from my pc to my cell phone one question though can it view the pictures if u check your yahoo mail on this
- p
- prospective buyer
- PZs
- 15 Dec 2005
I am interested in this phone but I have read comments in a review that because this phone is made of matte white plastic, it scuffs easily. Is there anyone who can verify if this is a bad problem? I might get the K750 instead.
- m
- masturbator
- C4i
- 15 Dec 2005
If it had newest symbian, 3G and would be 2 times cheaper it would be ideal phone :D For now its only kick-ass phone :D
- B
- Bryan
- PSw
- 15 Dec 2005
Ibought this phone it is very nice though it is not as good as the Samsung D600.If your are dying to get this phone badly,dont let this be a bother to you. I might reconsider if there would be a black w800.
- M
- Maddy
- PxN
- 15 Dec 2005
Well i m in a big confusion now, wheather to get W800i or Nokia N70,I would like to know how long the battery life of W800i will last to the maximum and will the phone turn yellowish i mean,will the color fade off??? Please can sum1 clarify my doubts
- b
- boogie
- Mbt
- 15 Dec 2005
hi guys! just got my w800 2 days ago and i'm really loving it! no regrets trading my k750 to this one (though i had nothing against my k750). anyway, pardon if my question may have been answered before can you guys please send a link where i can download mp4/video files? or do you guys just rip them off? thanks in advance.
- l
- luis
- Pv}
- 14 Dec 2005
I am going to buy this phone and I think its really good but can anyone tell me if it support WMA files because several of my songs are in this format