Sony Ericsson W800
- p
- paul
- PP2
- 09 Sep 2005
this phone does have a speaker which you can use to play mp3's without the headset and it is quite loud and clear. iknow this as i sell them all day long in a retail shop in australia.. so there you go
- t
- trevor
- Mx@
- 09 Sep 2005
The other difference is the mp3 player on the w800 can be run with the phone switched off, where on the k750 you have to run from the media player within the h/set.
- c
- couhsar
- TuL
- 09 Sep 2005
this message is for k750 and se w800 are the same. but both of them are better than n90.but it's just my opinion. you can alo read acompare between n90 & se w800 in the first page of good luck
- J
- JB
- YdW
- 09 Sep 2005
It says on other websites that W800 does have the speakerphone. Do you know for a fact that it doesn't have it?
- w
- wyan
- PUm
- 09 Sep 2005
It is a pity that the designers did not think of throwing in speakerphones.... a big mistake in an otherwise perfect gadget
- J
- JB (John)
- RvD
- 09 Sep 2005
Features of this phone may rock, 2 mega pixels, FM radio, etc. But do you guys really think this phone is stylish? Personally, I've been an Ericsson fan since 1999, but I never liked this type of candy bar type phones. They don't look classy. In Europe, these type of candy bar type phones are popular. And in Asia, flip phones are popular. Sony Ericsson V800, clamshell design, looks much better than this or W800. Speaking of style, Nokia N90 is the BEST-looking. Opinions?
- r
- red
- I7v
- 09 Sep 2005
then if ud buy a "candyphone," just be extra careful. its the same with any phone. ur phone can still be scratched if u are careless, maybe not the screen, but i dont know. i dont even know why im saying. looks like theres no point. lol!
- L
- LS
- Q$5
- 09 Sep 2005
I am sooo with you JB!!!
- J
- JB
- RvD
- 09 Sep 2005
To all candyphone type owners such as K750 and W800: Are you at all worried about the fact that these phones do not have covers and run the risk of having the screen or the buttons scratched
This is the reason why I am considering getting the flip phone V800 even though it has less features and 1.3 mega pixels. Callers on the other line could hear you better with the flip phones rather than the no cover phones. Is anyone with me on this?
- r
- ron
- YY0
- 09 Sep 2005
the w800 is better, has a built in mp3 that i beleive the k750 doesnt have.and you could purchase a 2g memory card for the w800.
- a
- allen
- jZa
- 08 Sep 2005
To Soheil:
SE k750 and w800 are identical, w800 has better looks and comes with a 512mb card, I think that's about it for the different between these two. For w800 and n90 comparing, read the review. I personally like w800 the most, but it really depends on people's taste.
- S
- Soheil
- St}
- 08 Sep 2005
Can anyone tell me which one is better? SE k750 or SE w800 or Nokia N90?
I'm getting confused!
- k
- kerz
- 2Zu
- 08 Sep 2005
can anyone tell me whether this phone has a stereo speaker?
- J
- Jayden
- F4p
- 08 Sep 2005
I totally love the colour and features and design and evrything of this phone! But i think i will wait for the price to drop by S$100 before i buy's too expensive for me... :(
- r
- razyel_dark_angel
- mYY
- 08 Sep 2005
Sound quality: 6680vsW800i
There is no dout !!!!
I had the 6680 and belive me there is no contest!!
The sound quality of the w800i is much much better then the 6680!!!!
Louder, clearer!!! much more better on the handsfree as well!!!
It sounds better the the k700i too!!
- m
- max
- 2Wd
- 08 Sep 2005
can any one tell me does this phone has a better sound quality than s, k 700i , and n90 which one is better
6680 or w800 regarding soundquality and camera which one is better
- w
- wegdan12345
- iDf
- 07 Sep 2005
it record mp4 vhs
- S
- SE Supporter
- 07 Sep 2005
i totally dont get wat u mean lol.. u didnt say any importance about video recording.. so wat if n90 got better video recording? lol how much u can record with a handphone dude? might as well buy a video camera better? and btw we think mostly about pictures bcuz we use handphone to take happy moments.. eg. u go out with your friends n u dun wanna take a HUGE camera out so handphones will be a subsitute to it got it? dont email me cuz i didnt put email...
thank you!
- p
- paris
- mZx
- 07 Sep 2005
what kind of video does this fone support?
- w
- wegdan12345
- iDf
- 07 Sep 2005
in my openion it is good phone but its vedio quilty is not good n90 have the best vedio quilty in the market and the vedio quilty is very important thing all people think about the pictures of the phone and leave the vedio recording and yhe recording vedio is important than the pictures thankssssssssss any quistions email me