Sony Ericsson W800

Sony Ericsson W800

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • mandeep
  • 2S@
  • 10 May 2006

hey guys i have bought the phone its great and recently awarded the best phone nd technologically sound phone of the year by digit magazine can do almost everything nd with the sound that rocks bt i have one prob i m not able connect it with windows xp the songs get mixed up and wen i copy the snaps the snaps in the phone get currupt

any one know any thing to fix this problem plz mail me

    • k
    • karan
    • 2@e
    • 10 May 2006

    the earfone sound quality is better than the i pod....bass is troooooly questions.....dont hesitate to ask-mail fone rox!

      • m
      • mubeen
      • C{x
      • 09 May 2006

      i need help with my disk2phone.some songs dont get put thru an some songs are mixed into each other when it does appear on my phone so now i jus copy an paste the songs on to the using windows xp an a farely good computer.please help me to sort out this problem...the phone is brilliant by the way.thanx

        • R
        • Ricky300
        • TKb
        • 09 May 2006

        To kur....
        W550i speaker is much better & louder than w800i.
        Myself owned a W800i & i compared with my friend w550i. W550i build in 2 speaker while w800i only one speaker......that's y there is a big diff!

          • k
          • kur
          • TC}
          • 09 May 2006

          Which one has a better sound thru speaker phone between w800 n w550? I hope some1 can tell me cause this factor will help me to choose my right choice.

            • a
            • avg
            • M5Z
            • 09 May 2006

            What operating system does W800 has???IS it possible to synchronize contacts, emails, calendar etc (mainly Outlook) with this phone??????Is it possible to transfer contacts in outlook. Please answer to me since im thinking to buy it one of these days.

              • i
              • incognito
              • TKb
              • 09 May 2006

              for all u peeps out there...don think twice...just get it

                • R
                • Rivfe
                • G2G
                • 09 May 2006

                i tested SE W800 and K750 and i found very rare that k750 sounded better in speaker mode then with the earphones both of them sounded the same it is supposed that w800 was designed to be more friendly with musical stuff but i didnt found it..the only good thing on w800 is the camera but it seems that nobody put attention to it 2 Megapixels is a good stuff...i suggest to buy K750 it has better details..and on memory is described on SE webpage that both models supports up to 2GB

                  • j
                  • j d
                  • 4XV
                  • 09 May 2006

                  hello peeps, well i'm looking for my first fone, 1 that i would have forever (not really) lols... so yeah.. im thinking between w900 and w800. well i've been weighing down the ups and downs.. and yeah just wanting to know about the w8..(it kindof does look like the rokr ~which i HATE)

                  the keys look kindof stiff, are they easy to press down? and also the "joystick" thingy.. is that easy to move around or stiff? ..cuz speaking of that... is this game suitable to play games on?.. like there's this final fantasy game coming out soon "before crisis" and its a mobile game.. just wondering if it would work, or it would definitely work on the w900 cuz of the java game thingy?

                  so yep.. just wanting to know that.. thanks!

                    • M
                    • Max
                    • kxa
                    • 09 May 2006

                    Is there any way to install ICQ on w800i?


                      • b
                      • baz
                      • MSR
                      • 08 May 2006

                      can this phone take 2gb memory sticks?

                        • M
                        • Marib
                        • Pxp
                        • 08 May 2006

                        Got this phone a day ago.The best thing i ever had.I had Nokia 7610 Before this.The sound is superb.Camera awesome and the whole phone is pretty damn Gud.The only thing this mobile lacks is EDGE.Thats it..

                          • t
                          • tornado77
                          • PUq
                          • 08 May 2006

                          just got my phone 3 days ago... the phone is fanstatic and it's sync with my outlook well without any problem... the clarity is good compare to other brand of phones

                            • e
                            • eyemole
                            • NH$
                            • 08 May 2006

                            I found the connectivity of W800i with PC suite very poor on Windows XP. Not sure exactly whose fault is this? I also did not find the the software in PC suite where I can type my SMS and send it through my PC. But acessing Memory Stich is very easy and work with. I just downloaded the songs in the phone in Linux as standard memory access drivers works ( No additional driver need to install) . Overall phone is good but I am not happy with PC suite that came with phone. I am trying new PC suite available on net.

                              • L
                              • Lokman
                              • ibc
                              • 08 May 2006

                              if you want themes,wallpaper or screensavers for free....just go to or
                              hope that help..

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • PI2
                                • 08 May 2006

                                can we attach external speaker in it

                                  • l
                                  • leonine
                                  • PSv
                                  • 08 May 2006

                                  What is the initial charging of this phone(1st charge)? Mine I charge it for 1hr only because when I buy it there is a charge on the battery. The battery doesnt last to long. Why? Hope you can help. Thanks in advance.

                                    • l
                                    • leonine
                                    • PSv
                                    • 08 May 2006

                                    Hi guys I have a question. How can I turn off the sound of the camera? Is it possible to do? How long is the charging time of this phone? Mine I charge it for about 1 hour because after 1 hour the phone is fully charge. But the battery doesnt last long. Thanks.

                                      • l
                                      • leonine
                                      • PSv
                                      • 08 May 2006

                                      Yeah! I already got this phone. I love it. Lots of feature. Best sound, camera, everthing. Fast response. Best phone ever. Sony Ericsson rules. ^_^

                                        • r
                                        • raju
                                        • mjM
                                        • 08 May 2006

                                        hi im raju ,im using this phone for nearly 2 months its yhe god of the mobiles.they say its joystick is weak,no it isnt it depens on how u use it.its a bit more fragile than nokia but notthat fragile that some say.
                                        those who say its fragile plz tell everyone how u use it ppl!its a masterpiece and everone should buy 1.
                                        any one knows where to find the software version in the phone and where to get new software in internet