Sony Ericsson W880
- a
- amethyst
- pqY
- 24 Mar 2007
some esato "good sources" admit SE will anounce this with radio in 4 months approx. and put it ou to be sold in 5 months or so.Autumn I guess.
By the way, Does anybody know the maximu card capacity for this w880?and if there is/will be any radio accesory?
- M
- ManyManySEfone user
- 24 Mar 2007
I used many SE phones, overall this phone is great as an mp3 player, the only downside is the speaker, really really bad, the sound came is more like noise rather than music
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2CD
- 24 Mar 2007
i want this it so good
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibf
- 24 Mar 2007
new model with radio? are u serious? how do u know? exactly the same model plus radio?
- L
- Leeds lass
- my}
- 24 Mar 2007
I've had the w880i for a few weeks now and totally impressed with it, disappointed no radio and no light but i'll survive. I'm also impressed with the picture quality of the 2mp camera after printing photos. Not bad at all. Love it
- m
- mg
- 23 Mar 2007
just got da fone 2day, hve to say its a great little genius!!!only bad fing is the video camera is a little fuuzy and lacks a radio (not v.important) and a flash!!!! apart from dat the fone is amazin!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- prM
- 23 Mar 2007
Great phone, got it today, am very pleased with design, fast charging battery, graphic themes and fast software response. Much faster software than N73 I previously had.
- a
- amethyst
- pqY
- 23 Mar 2007
yeah, you are 100% correct.I am going to miss the rds radio , and I have the plan to buy it for its slimmness and wiegh.But I am sure a new model is coming soon -in about 5 months - with radio.I will exchange the mobile by then.
SE has played with walkman logos this time.and the price!!!! I have bought it in USA for 330 euros, because in Spain it costs more than 450 euros!!!!and only in black---that fades.
- k
- kemal
- npc
- 23 Mar 2007
in a word disgusting, awful key pad,awful screen design,awful shape ı would frame better...
- ?
- Anonymous
- S9R
- 23 Mar 2007
No RADIO??? A Walkman without a radio isn't a Walkman..
- B
- Bulgarian girl
- miR
- 22 Mar 2007
I think, that this phone is great, and above all else it's just so,so thin:)and with a lot of options in it,so I'm going to buy it soon!Greetings from Bulgaria!
- d
- diskman
- mcG
- 22 Mar 2007
move over nokia,samsung,don't push your nose with giants ;sony means music and music meant to be heard with sony.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 22 Mar 2007
have been using this nice looking phone for 2 weeks already.. 1 major prob--> it switches off 2 or 3 times a day.. is this a common thing?
- Z
- Zi
- PMb
- 22 Mar 2007
Nokia's going down!!! Hoo hhhooo:) Viva sony ericsson.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pYy
- 22 Mar 2007
This phone is really great. Its not expensive and with a 1gb memory card for free, you can't complain. The design and wieght is wicked - slim and light.
- C
- Chris
- pwc
- 22 Mar 2007
This phone is perfect, it does exactly what it is intended for. Its a full featured phone the same as the k800i just without the camera. It does however store 20+ albums of music and it means i dont need a seperate ipod and phone. If you want an ipod buy one, if you want a camera buy one, if you want a tiny phone that is completely unintrusive and doesnt crash every 2 minutes get a W880i and stop posting crap on this forum.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mpG
- 22 Mar 2007
needs a camera light!!!
- G
- G
- phE
- 22 Mar 2007
What do you believe about the SAR? its 1.45
its very high!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- F4p
- 21 Mar 2007
Anyone knows how or if its possible to use the front vga cam for self portraits?
Just got this phone today in Singapore. I have to say the battey life is awesome for such a slim phone. Samsung could learn a thing or two from SE. Fast interface, great high res and high contrast screen, keypad will be hard to use if you have long finger nails though.
- d
- dinaz
- TS$
- 21 Mar 2007
can any one tell me either this phone is good or worse.