Sony Ericsson W900

Sony Ericsson W900

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • DPM
  • yKB
  • 18 Nov 2005

btw, is this phone a slide or a swivel? sorry stupid question just couldn't find it.

    • D
    • DPM
    • yKB
    • 18 Nov 2005

    phones good from what i can see, if you can forgive the size, i cant see why this is a bad thing, anyway, im more interested in the w800, the design and such, but i dunno why every1 has to pick on the size, if you dont like the size, dont get it! simple.

      • A
      • AMH
      • mfu
      • 18 Nov 2005

      Actually chill there was no meaning in your post.
      You just wrote something to prove me wrong.
      Anyways P series is not mine, i don´t own it, and i don´t like it, but i was correcting your info, im not an SE fanatic, neither a nokia hitter, i respect both, and it´s my money which im paying, so it doesn´t matter to me if the text on the mobile phone which i carry says Nokia, or SE, what matters to me is the quality i need.

        • c
        • chill
        • iwX
        • 18 Nov 2005

        AMH..or woteva ur name is....

        well now u r admitting dat nokia r EXPERTS.....n FYI there shudn't be much diff between 6230 n 6230i coz it was jus an update...duh..if they had made more updates then they wud have named it somthng else....NOW i wanna remind u bout ur "only smartfone" P series.....can u point out any drastic difference between p800,p900,p910i(keyboard).....
        also 6230 is way old now...dont feel like digging out old celphones...also cam from vga to 1.3mpx was kindof huge back then...u only mention bout the 65k color scrm..but not bout the difference in resolutionfrom (128*128) to (208*208)...scrn of 6230i is crisp n clear...more pixels then k700i or k750i for that matter...

        now bout..3250...ditto..3230 n 3250 belong to same series..infact 3250 is an update of 3230(mid range smartfone)..wot do u expect more from a mid range fone....actually 3250 is kinda innovative in design only....

        now bout w600 n w550(which i really like,it looks cool).....i've written in my earlier post dat they support different frequeny.....n other than dat there is no difference....n u justproved my point in ur post...ha.. not a nokia fanboy or se fanatic.....i like both...but..AMH ur post was so immature.....hope some mature replies from u...

          • A
          • AMH
          • mfu
          • 18 Nov 2005

          This post is aimed for two
          Chill & Invincible

          ( READ IT MATURE )

          Chill for the first. No one denied that nokia is the oldest in the market, and has experiences non like. There is a say, which says, When the experts make a mistake, their mistake is measured as a thousand, not as one. And Nokia recently has done many, For instance, their phone 6230i, the only difference with is old twin 6230, is the 1.3 megapixel equiped with, and still they left a 65k color screen, no big difference, and the price of the phone fell down fast, Nokia 3250, another copy of another old product of nokia, with a twistable body part which holds the keys, good phone, but shouldn´t have been a copycat of an old bulky one. And the list goes on.
          About W600i and W550, the W550 was meant for europe, middeleast and asia, the W600 is only meant for USA. just like the S710a.

          To Invincible, For the start dont load your feelings in the post your typing, analyse and think of your point of view, and what the facts show, then start writing. You said SE is falling down in the drain, and recycling old plastic materials and loading it to their products, Well that´s good, recycling helps the nature from polution, that´s the first lesson you should have been tought in the science hours you´ve had back at school.
          For the second, Striker mentioned before that Ericsson was the first who invented the Bluetooth wireless technology and made bluetooth implementation possible on mobile phones, and they were the first who releases color screen, MMS, 2 mega pixel camera, AutoFocus, and the best in audio systems when it comes to music mobiles, on the other hand if you refere to EDGE technology , they have EDGE on their S710a, because USA dont use 3G or UMTS networks, so they gave them EDGE to solve the problems but in europe and other places in the world, UMTS is available and cheaper and faster than EDGE technolody, Edge gives you 284 kbps and UMTS 384, something around these numbers.
          Refereing to WLAN, SE P990, has WLAN, and the only phone with a symbian v9.1 OS, and the first phone which will introduce the UIQ 3.0 system. And the List goes on.
          And to all who mention SE is not stable, SE is the only Mobile Phone in the world that has a dedicated Websites as ESATO, and Davinci work team, and the Only Firm which always keeps on providing new software versions for their New and OLD mobile phones to loose any encountered problem, and that´s what i proudly say, a customer care service.
          Nothing more to add.

            • D
            • Dreadnought
            • MLL
            • 17 Nov 2005

            Oh come on kids!
            I have been following these conversations which are mostly filled with crap like: "All Nokia phones suck!", "Yeah, they are totally behind and all their phones are made of junk", "They delay their products and lie to the customers!"
            I dont understand this, what has Nokia ever done to you? I dont have anything against Nokia nor SE. Both the companies make incredible phones which are getting better every passing month.
            I seriously think that these forums were made so that people could discuss the phones, not for writing shit about the companies worst rival (in this case Nokia).
            So grow up, you cant seriously say that either Nokia or SE sucks in any way.

              • c
              • chill
              • iwX
              • 17 Nov 2005

     calm...SE is a developing company...n it is still learning..n were confused wid their marketing strategy untill recently..(remember how s600 was announced..n then promote walkman brand they announced w600...but then got even more desperate n announced w550(wid practically no diff. other than frequency))

              now they seem pretty much stable...n im sure they r going to continue improving themselves...

              NOKIA has been the world leader in celphone industry for last ten yrs n still is(accept it or go on bashing nokia,but they r still no. 1)...n is more here u d best SE..

                • I
                • Invincible
                • ms6
                • 17 Nov 2005

                man this phone should of been released 3 years ago, Nokia dont make these kind of phones anymore, they are way ahead of sony ericsson, Nokia have edge which sony ericsson still do not have, nokia have 3 megapixel camera, SE still only have 2mp, Nokia have Wlan, SE still have gprs, Nokia have UPnP technology which SE cant afford and Nokia also have Tv, SE will have it in 4 years time, Nokia is the future of Mobile Phones, SE are going out of business

                  • c
                  • chill
                  • iwX
                  • 17 Nov 2005

                  well first of all the link bout new nokia fone dat i posted r jus the spy pics...n if u remember..there has been alot of debate..n discussion of sakura(w900) n hormoine(p990)[now dont start telling me bout hormine spelling...k]..for bout a year...n i saw pics of p990 way b4 its official announcement... ITS NOT ONLY NOKIA...BUT ALL OTHER COMPANIES DELAY THERE PRODUCTS while others mostly cancel there cells...except nokia(leaving 7700)....

                  i dont favour any brand as such...but i dont like the fact that guys here r always bashing bout nokia...i've not even heard any1 saying thins bout comparing se wid other brands....

                  AND BTW have u guys seen nokia section on gsmarena...noone's bashing SE..there everythings jus clean discussion.....

                  n..kan n striker..can u tell me wn's w900 releasing..coz im planning to buy 1....thanx

                    • k
                    • ken2.5
                    • Nxs
                    • 17 Nov 2005

                    guys it is not purely ust about release dates. we need to look at what these companies/phones offer the user in their packages. in 6 months time the w900 might be a old phone.but it will be an old phone that was released ASAP after the press release, and was a very worthwhile phone. but those phones you guys are squabbling about will be ust another set [of phones, as nokia would have released more phones. everyone else would do the same just to keep market shares.

                    oh and chill ust by the way: EVRYONE HAS HAD A POST DELETED BEFORE. GET OVER IT!

                      • S
                      • Striker
                      • MSN
                      • 17 Nov 2005

                      Chill.....What option did SE have? They HAD to release the pics or risk losing the entire P Series market share to Nokia cos they'd already announced their N&E series and got everyone dreamin and drooling. Common Sense really - They'll only do it if they have to.

                        • c
                        • chill
                        • iwq
                        • 17 Nov 2005

                        u all guys r fones r released so late after..their announcement...well i shud remind u guys dat p990 was announced in oct 2005. n is goin to release in may 2006 or maybe later...its all bout 7-8 dats pretty early for u...isnt it????????????

                          • S
                          • Striker
                          • MSN
                          • 17 Nov 2005

                          Have we all seen the pics of the new 3mp Carl Zeiss NSeries on the homepage of GSMarena???? Gotta be said, 3mp, 3 x optical zoom - it looks like a little beauty.

                          But it backs up what I've been saying over and over again on this forum - yet another product of the Nokia Marketing Machine. We'll not see that phone for a long long time but I guess it gives the Nokia fans something else to dream about and unjustifiable compare with other phones that are technologically 6-12 months behind it.

                          Message to Nokia - how about releasing some kit before flooding the market with any more pics, you're not being fair to your customers or your competitors.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 2Zu
                            • 17 Nov 2005

                            i felt like nokia is trying to show off lately... but actually they just announce the fone!!! they will only release the fone next year (which time SE will be coming up with also of equal quality.. quick announcement are just for showing off.. nokia nokia... they realise that they are loosing customer) poor nokia..

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • mh%
                              • 17 Nov 2005

                              Yep, you are 100% right.

                                • A
                                • AMH
                                • mfa
                                • 17 Nov 2005

                                What you said is 100% true about the E70
                                and also about consumers buying a phone that complies to their needs and their budget.

                                Take me as an example, im an IT engineer, i have my laptop most of the time, and also a PDA, so i dont need a smartphone that can read Office packs as word, excel, and so on.
                                and i import pictures to my laptop in the need of designing webpages and adds also, and im a music lover.
                                So i dont want to carry a phone and a camera and a MP3 player.

                                On the Other hand, SE provided me with a phone such as the Walkman series, that has the best camera in the market, and the best Mp3 player, with a USB caple and system in the phone in which where ever i am, i just plug the USB cable, or use the stable Bluetooth connection, and this new System that SE developed, wont force you to use any installation driver so the PC can read the files in your phone, and do file transfer.
                                Nokia did provide a phone with a good camera and a good MP3 player, well not so far with the MP3 player, because i tried the N70 and the 6230i, and the conclusion was the SE Z800 which i have, has a better sound quality.
                                SE gave you everything what nokia gives except for the symbian system in the Walkman series, but also gave you a better MP3 player, and a better autofocus function, and the ability to charge your phone while it is connected to a PC through the USB cable.
                                I respect nokia, and SE.
                                But at the END, am a consumer, and it´s my money im paying, if Nokia provide me a phone with the same battery life or better, and a better MP3 player and camera, at a cheaper price, i´ll buy it. I wont stick to SE, as i said it´s my money im burning, so far SE is the only Provider that can give me what i need.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mh%
                                  • 17 Nov 2005

                                  Striker, I am afraid that I am not blindly defending Nokia here. And in the long run, it doesnt count who invented what, I mean SE didnt come up first with mobile phone itself, they just mounted different features on them. And so does Nokia. And thats what the competition today is about - features...

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • mh%
                                    • 17 Nov 2005

                                    Yes, but their main competitor is not the Communicators, their main competitors are the newer phones. The E-series for example, the new E70 has quite much the very same features plus larger screen resolution, "hotswap", "push-to-talk, EDGE, VoIP and a far more attractive design.
                                    But honestly, ordinary people dont purchase expensive smartphones such as the E70 or P990. They want cheaper, more stylish phones with as much useful features as possible. We are talking about middle-class smartphones ment to more casual people. These are for example the 3230 or 3250 (same OS as in P990). Some people might also apreciate durability in their mobiles, for example the 5140. I have understood that SE doesnt have much of these phones, correct me if I am wrong. I mean, I dont think a hunter or wakeboarder wants to take his K750 to the wet woods or out to the sea...

                                      • A
                                      • AMH
                                      • mfa
                                      • 17 Nov 2005

                                      Striker, i hope the W900 wont be reliesed only to Three networks in Dk
                                      I wont buy it then, I hate three man. You feel like you are a walking advertising Three guy with a three phone in your hand.
                                      And three started now decustomization to the sub menus of all phones, including the SE phones, so basically it´s more like Vodafone now, all phones have the same submenu icon.

                                        • A
                                        • AMH
                                        • mfa
                                        • 17 Nov 2005

                                        Nice saying striker.
                                        I forgot those parts.